Homicides soar in states with 'Stand Your Ground' laws?!!


Verified User

Even the article says "justifiable homicides". Stop being such a drama queen.

Yea, stop being a drama queen. It's almost like you posted something like people will find a reason to shoot if law allows them. What does this have to do with stand your ground?
Are you trying to claim that people who wear a gun daily ready for a "stir" will shoot first and ask questions later? It's almost like that is the topic.
Community, state and national activism and agitation for responsible and comprehensive firearm legislation. What else would you expect or propose?

I suggest you educate yourself about the homicide stats in SYG states and in how the negative effects of SYG stifle the constitutionally guaranteed freedoms of so many so often. In a perfect world SYG is a perfectly understandable concept. On the other hand, we don't live in a perfect world.

Community, state and national activism and agitation for responsible and comprehensive firearm legislation. What else would you expect or propose?


You and other liberals throw out the phrase of "responsible and comprehensive", without ever really defining it.
Would you care to state your definition?
Whenever I run into someone like you that insists on going back to the a, b, c's and 2 plus 2 I simply consider the source of it and move on. Just what confuses you about "responsible and comprehensive"?

Whenever I run into someone like you that insists on going back to the a, b, c's and 2 plus 2 I simply consider the source of it and move on. Just what confuses you about "responsible and comprehensive"?


So basically you have no definition and it's just a nice "talking point" for those who don't truly understand , to throw out in conversation; just so they can appear to be knowledgeable.
Do you need a little cheese to go with that whine? Do some goggling, dictionary research, anything you can. I'm not going to stoop to your level of stupidity. The words, responsible and comprehensive, have clear definitions that any elementary student can understand. Your ignorance is NOT my problem.

Do you need a little cheese to go with that whine? Do some goggling, dictionary research, anything you can. I'm not going to stoop to your level of stupidity. The words, responsible and comprehensive, have clear definitions that any elementary student can understand. Your ignorance is NOT my problem.


So now you have no definitions of your own; but instead are unable to think for yourself and must choose what others decide; because I asked you:
"Would you care to state your definition?"
I use the commonly accepted and universally recognized definitions of ALL words that I have in my vocabulary. I do, however, get creative from time to time and purposely use double entendre', satire, irony, etc. in my use of wording but in this case it's as simple as "responsible and comprehensive". It's sad that you're still confused. Eat me, bitch. Do you understand that?

I suggest you educate yourself about the homicide stats in SYG states and in how the negative effects of SYG stifle the constitutionally guaranteed freedoms of so many so often. In a perfect world SYG is a perfectly understandable concept. On the other hand, we don't live in a perfect world.


why not cite your source?
Hnit: You can't claim your asshole is the source
I suggest you educate yourself about the homicide stats in SYG states and in how the negative effects of SYG stifle the constitutionally guaranteed freedoms of so many so often. In a perfect world SYG is a perfectly understandable concept. On the other hand, we don't live in a perfect world.


It was a simple question, surely you can answer it.
I use the commonly accepted and universally recognized definitions of ALL words that I have in my vocabulary. I do, however, get creative from time to time and purposely use double entendre', satire, irony, etc. in my use of wording but in this case it's as simple as "responsible and comprehensive". It's sad that you're still confused. Eat me, bitch. Do you understand that?


"...Eat me, bitch..."

Why would I want to eat your bitch? :)

If you don't have a definition yourself, why didn't you just say that you're a lemming?
It was a simple question, surely you can answer it.

It doesn't matter what the proposal is. The instant anyone proposes anything, gun owners with no ability to recognize the power of guns run directly to the 2A point at it and say "We can't even discuss this. Look at the 2A. It tells us not to think, only go ensure anyone and everyone can get a gun under any condition"

You don't even allow yourself the ability to recognize the power of guns. You are a true uneducated gun owner and the reason my bullet prices are so high.