Hillary Questions Obama's Faith?


Staff member

Are the American people ready for an elected president who was educated in a Madrassa as a young boy and has not been forthcoming about his Muslim heritage?

This is the question Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton’s camp is asking about Sen. Barack Obama.

An investigation of Mr. Obama by political opponents within the Democratic Party has discovered that Mr. Obama was raised as a Muslim by his stepfather in Indonesia. Sources close to the background check, which has not yet been released, said Mr. Obama, 45, spent at least four years in a so-called Madrassa, or Muslim seminary, in Indonesia.

"He was a Muslim, but he concealed it," the source said. "His opponents within the Democrats hope this will become a major issue in the campaign."

More at link...
Islam isn't merely a 'faith', it's a totalitarian ideology, just like noahidism. QUit being such a damn mason. Hillary's doing the right thing. This is why totalitarians will never fully succeed in their global takeover; they will not compromise.
This "report" is from Insight Magazine: a publication of Reverend Sun Yung Moon's loony-moony Washington Times. Sounds like a righwing smear piece. I seriously doubt the loony-moony Times has good unamed "sources" inside the Clinton campaign -- a woman they've spent the last 15 years trashing.
I only had to read the first paragraph to see how dishonest this smear piece was:

Washington Times Insight Magazine: "Are the American people ready for an elected president who was educated in a Madrassa as a young boy and has not been forthcoming about his Muslim heritage?

Not "forthcoming"???? From Obama's book Dreams of my Father:

"In Indonesia, I’d spent 2 years at a Muslim school, 2 years at a Catholic school. In the Muslim school, the teacher wrote to tell mother I made faces during Koranic studies. In the Catholic school, when it came time to pray, I’d pretend to close my eyes, then peek around the room. Nothing happened. No angels descended."

And in Obama's second book, Audacity of Hope:

Without the money to go to the international school that most expatriate children attended, I went to local Indonesian schools and ran the streets with the children of farmers, servants, tailors, and clerks.
Yeah, looks like a smear campaign all right. By the right ?

I can't imagine the loony-moony Washington Times doing a smear piece. ;)

What are the odds, the loony-moony Times has credible "unnamed sources" in the Clinton campaign?

Nil, would be my guess.
Makes me like Obama more for two reasons.

1) I am discusted by Senator Clinton's use of this issue.
2) I think it would tend to make Obama understand more about the Muslam Extreemists who have become our enemy!
Yup, Senator Clinton and the Republicans will both Swiftboat Obama.

I keep hoping the American people will grow smart enough to see past a swiftboating... so far we are not!
Besides the "Charisma" factor ... how much do we really know about Barak Hussein Obama? Before we annoint Mr. Personality the next savior .. I think a thorough back ground check is in order, ...and if anything quetionable does come up..it doesnt automatically mean it is the work of the big bad republican machine ..., cuz lets face it ... the Clinton Machine is pretty darn potent as well.

Personally ..Im tired of reading the local editorials praising his wonderful dynamic charasmatic JFK like personality ... enough with the frosting ... lets get to the meat of the situation.
Besides the "Charisma" factor ... how much do we really know about Barak Hussein Obama? Before we annoint Mr. Personality the next savior .. I think a thorough back ground check is in order, ...and if anything quetionable does come up..it doesnt automatically mean it is the work of the big bad republican machine ..., cuz lets face it ... the Clinton Machine is pretty darn potent as well.

Personally ..Im tired of reading the local editorials praising his wonderful dynamic charasmatic JFK like personality ... enough with the frosting ... lets get to the meat of the situation.


have you taken the time to read his book?

and Jarod.... there is NOTHING credible that links Hillary to this thing...this is from a moonie rag.... and cites an unnamed source..... are you really going to take that as gospel?

have you taken the time to read his book?

and Jarod.... there is NOTHING credible that links Hillary to this thing...this is from a moonie rag.... and cites an unnamed source..... are you really going to take that as gospel?

No... I havent read his book..., but then again every candidate has a book and it would be awlful tough (and expensive) to read through all of them.

What little I have gathered ...through print and Tv... concerning his political stance..he's seems to be where Dennis Kucinich is ... and that worries me..., not that Kucinich is a bad guy..or for that matter..stupid ..., its extreme left.

Actually.. as democrats go...Im liking what I hear from Bill Richardson ...
LOL, and I have yet to hear anyone talking about the Demo turned independent Republican's chances :)

Talkin about Richardson? He's a Democrat...and he is pretty much sitting where Clinton was when he first announced. Dont forget... Governers do much better than Senators. Dnt undersestimate Richardson... he iis a very successful Governer...and very well liked.

have you taken the time to read his book?

and Jarod.... there is NOTHING credible that links Hillary to this thing...this is from a moonie rag.... and cites an unnamed source..... are you really going to take that as gospel?

I did not say Senator Clinton "is" swiftboating Obama, I said she will.
I did not say Senator Clinton "is" swiftboating Obama, I said she will.
I fully agree with that.

And BTW (just a caveat, not any answer to the quoted post) - I just posted a story, do not assume I agree with the sentiment of the story...

Besides the "Charisma" factor ... how much do we really know about Barak Hussein Obama? Before we annoint Mr. Personality the next savior .. I think a thorough back ground check is in order, ...and if anything quetionable does come up..it doesnt automatically mean it is the work of the big bad republican machine ..., cuz lets face it ... the Clinton Machine is pretty darn potent as well.

Personally ..Im tired of reading the local editorials praising his wonderful dynamic charasmatic JFK like personality ... enough with the frosting ... lets get to the meat of the situation."

Show some meat