Ted Haggard
Verified User
How's everyone doing?
Is there a forum for massages, on this site?
Is there a forum for massages, on this site?
Talk to Darla. Oh wait I don't think you'd be interested in that. Talk to Dixie.
I have explained to you the history behind your comments and behind your apparent thinking.
First of all, I had no idea of the 'history' you mentioned, and have never heard that story. Secondly, you can't speak for what was behind my thinking, you don't have the slightest clue. Thirdly, you and Prissy were the ones who took exception with my comment, which was presented as a joke, a little light-hearted ribbing between me and Tiana, who I consider a 'friend' in spite of our differences. Nothing about the comment was "racist" and it certainly was no worse that Hillary's 'Aunt Jemimah' routine recently. You are just a hypersensitive bitch who wants to infer her own racism and prejudice on others, so you can feel good about yourself. It pisses me off because I think it's just that kind of hypersensitivity and hypocrisy which prevents us from moving on and learning to love each other for who we are, and not hate each other for the stereotypical myths propped up by utter hypocrites and bigots.
We were having a humorous exchange, joking with each other, and anyone who reads it will understand that was the context. For you to get all morally outraged and indignant, and turn it into some out-of-context abomination of what was intended, is pathetic pandering of the worst kind. Neither me or Tiana were being serious in that thread, and you know that, you were being cute yourself, and in fact, started the whole episode with your comments back to me. I can think of MANY things I COULD have said, had I wanted to be racially insensitive, offensive or insulting toward Tiana. Actually, what I said was somewhat 'complimentary' toward her, and black women in general.
I encourage you to go listen to the lyrics of the Rolling Stones song, 'Brown Sugar', and tell us how Mick Jager is a 'racist' for putting it to music. I think we can all agree, Mick is not a card-carrying Klansman, or anything of the sort! He did a song, it made a dramatic social statement, and became an all-time classic Stones song. I told a joke, I thought it was funny, you got tight-assed and decided to infer your bigoted and stereotypical opinion on us... just like the bigoted and racist 'rednecks' did with ol' Mick, when he put his song out. I can live with that, you are in the company of the ones you belong with, as far as I'm concerned.
Darla, dixie stands a 50% chance of his father having been a member of the KKK if he was raised in Bama. In the 60's over 50% of adult white males in Birmingham were KKK members.
Darla, dixie stands a 50% chance of his father having been a member of the KKK if he was raised in Bama. In the 60's over 50% of adult white males in Birmingham were KKK members.
"Ted" apparently couldn't comprehend this part of what I stated:
...they are wrong about it, and interracial marriage should be as legal as any other kind of marriage, I never assumed their position or defended it.
This is the trouble with most ass wipe liberal pinheads, they simply gloss over what is said and continue in their ignorant hatred and stereotypical bigotry for others. It's a shame, but that is the kind of country we now live in. Full of low life scumbags who have nothing better to do than trying to trash others on a message board. And rather crudely at that.