Truck Fump / h1b
Verified User
Sup, peoples.
My life sucks again. I might be here more often...
You all suck.
My life sucks again. I might be here more often...
You all suck.
racism will not be swept under the rug for your comfort
racism will not be swept under the rug for your comfort
I wish this site would let me change mine to truthmatters
I wish this site would let me change mine to truthmatters
Asshat! Asshat! Asshat!
Asshat rules when you dont have the tools.
As far as the Zimmerman distraction, it's just to distract us from anything relevant or important. It's something to take up air while the important issues go unmentioned.
Im pro gun rights. We should all be allowed the force necessary to repel any entity which attempts to uslurp us.
hey no slurping
hey no slurping