heros on two wheels



A couple of teen-age boys are being hailed as heroes on Friday, after chasing a down a car on their bikes and rescuing a girl, 5, who had been reported as missing and abducted just a couple hours earlier.

Pennsylvania police say the girl, Jocelyn Rojas, was abducted from her yard on Thursday about 4:30 p.m. in Lancaster Township, The Huffington Post reported.

Emergency responders and about 100 members of the community took to the streets to find her. Among the searchers: Temar Boggs, 15, and his friend, unnamed in the report.

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The high school student said the little girl ran towards him when she got out of the car.

'If he wasn't going to stop, I was probably going to like, jump on the car,' Boggs told ABC6.

Boggs said the suspect would turn around to see if they were still following him after they began to give chase.

'As soon as the guy started noticing that we were chasing him, he stopped at the end of the hill and let her out, and she ran to me and said that she needed her mom,' he said.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...asing-kidnappers-car-BIKES.html#ixzz2YrXQHiD0
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why is no one jumping in here to praise this kid
I think the world needs more people like those kids. Heroes indeed! Very brave and selfless act. I would contribute to a reward for those kids. Is there a site for donations? If not, you should start one.
man do you guys not see how telling it is you refuse to give this boy any respect for this awesome deed.

when will you develop an ounce of shame?

A couple of teen-age boys are being hailed as heroes on Friday, after chasing a down a car on their bikes and rescuing a girl, 5, who had been reported as missing and abducted just a couple hours earlier.

Pennsylvania police say the girl, Jocelyn Rojas, was abducted from her yard on Thursday about 4:30 p.m. in Lancaster Township, The Huffington Post reported.

Emergency responders and about 100 members of the community took to the streets to find her. Among the searchers: Temar Boggs, 15, and his friend, unnamed in the report.

Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news..._source=RSS_Feed&utm_medium=RSS#ixzz2YrRxggHZ
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

You have said in the past that the Washington Times isn't an acceptable news source.
I don't think anyone "dislikes" this thread. This is old news and I would dare say that most of us here really appreciate and are really proud of what these boys did. I am anyway. Anytime a teen or pre-teen of any race steps up and does the right thing and/or something heroic it makes me, a guy who works with teenagers daily, proud. It's just not something that one would continue to talk about unless there is another motive. Hence, people don't comment on the thread.
people don't seem very interested in this story.

I thought it was pure bravery on these kids part

So in your world everyone has to comment on your thread or they are a racist?

OK lets play that game

I notice the following people didn't comment on your thread

BAC Panther
Anti Party

According to you, they are all racists.
It was brand new when I posted it

and look at your second post in this thread desh... again, if you want to discuss a great story like this, perhaps you shouldn't immediately put your hate filled BS into it. You immediately turned it into another thread about Zimmerman. You also ignore the fact that most people were focused on the Zimmerman trial at the time. So yes, there were many threads that were missed. Take a look back and see how many threads have no responses or just a few.