Health Care Reform

Mott the Hoople

Sweet Jane
An excellent article that debunks the rightwing of the GOP's attack on the ACA.

Whatever the GOP may thinks, even though a majority of Americans may oppose the ACA, a large majority of Americans support health care reform.

I'm one of those who would poll as being opposed to the ACA on the basis that it does not go far enough. To truly work it must also provide for a single payer system and implement cost controls.

The rightwing of the GOP is mistaken in thinking that 2014 will be a replay of the 2010 elections. The American public spoke clearly in the 2012 election in which Democratic house candidates received over a million more votes than Republican candidates. They are mistaking that from the echo chambers of their politically safe gerrymandered districts that they have broad support to repeal and/or defund the ACA. The fact is that the are divorced from reality and are courting electoral disaster.

I have already heard Democrat partisans and political operatives about current machinations in the house to defund the ACA with the threat of shutting down the Government. They're saying "Sure, go ahead...make my day!"
Single payer is nothing short of total government run health care. there is zero innovation from countries that already have this. Without the old system, my daughter may not be alive because the latest surgical techniques would never have happened.
a friend of mine was working basically for health insurance. He got laid off. His company was paying 800+ per month for his insurance. He has a similar policy now for under 300 a month and his insurance company has told him it will probably be less come Jan due to the ACA.

He's in his 50s.
a friend of mine was working basically for health insurance. He got laid off. His company was paying 800+ per month for his insurance. He has a similar policy now for under 300 a month and his insurance company has told him it will probably be less come Jan due to the ACA.

He's in his 50s.

he can thank all the young people subsidizing him.

as usual, the baby boomers continue to fuck the millennials. all you guys do is take take and take and fuck the rest of us over. worst generation ever.
An excellent article that debunks the rightwing of the GOP's attack on the ACA.

Whatever the GOP may thinks, even though a majority of Americans may oppose the ACA, a large majority of Americans support health care reform.

i support "reform"

saying it like that doesn't mean a whole lot mott.

as always, the devil is in the details.
a friend of mine was working basically for health insurance. He got laid off. His company was paying 800+ per month for his insurance. He has a similar policy now for under 300 a month and his insurance company has told him it will probably be less come Jan due to the ACA. He's in his 50s.

So you say.

I call bullshit.
If Obamacare is as bad as Republicans say it will be, they should be eager to let it go into effect.

Once everyone sees how horrible it is Republicans can then say "See? See how awful this Obamacare is? We told you this would be the worst thing ever and we were right!!"

They'd be able to campaign on this for the next 20 years, win the Presidency, control both Houses of Congress and appoint the next 5 Supreme Court justices.

This ought to be their dream come true.

But of course, if it turns out that Obamacare actually works and improves the lives of millions of Americans -- well, maybe that's what the Republicans fear the most.

Maybe that's why they are so desperate to stop it. Maybe that's why they're holding our nation's economy hostage and threatening another recession.

Maybe they know that once Obamacare goes into effect it won't be the end of the world that they've been predicting.

Maybe they know they'll be shown up for the liars and opportunists that they really are.
Unfortunately, the ACA is not health care reform, and therein lies the problem. Why should Americans fight for something that isn't what they demanded?

I should preface this by saying that republicans are INSANE for threatening to shut down the government if the ACA is not defunded. That's typical republican ignorance, and it eliminates any advantage they may have on the issue.

Most Americans don't like the ACA, but they don't want the government shut down either.

Voters sent Obama and democrats to office to produce health care reform. But, they didn't do it, and never even fought for real health care reform. Now, both sides are at each others throats over legislation the American people don't even support.

Republicans have nothing to offer as health care reform as a viable alternative to the ACA, and democrats continue to push a corporatist non-reform bill that is completely dependent on already stressed-out youth to keep premiums from going through the roof for even the most basic plans.

Why Americans think a corporate-owned government is a good idea is mindboggling.
Single payer is nothing short of total government run health care. there is zero innovation from countries that already have this. Without the old system, my daughter may not be alive because the latest surgical techniques would never have happened.
Boris I've told you a million times to stop exaggerating. That's complete and total nonsense. All a single payer system is, is a central standardized clearinghouse which provides a single standard of fiscal administration for the payment of health care fees. Currently over 25% of all the money spent on health care is wasted on administering the zillion and one administrative systems from jillion different insurance companies and HMO's. It's what ALL the industrialized nations in the world do including those great bastions of socialism like Japan, Switzerland, Germany and South Korea (irony intended).

I mean use your head, I know conservatives have this problem with math but this one is simple. We currently pay 18% of GDP on heath care. The most on any industrialized nation in the planet. 25% of that is wasted in redundant, inefficient and wasteful administration of health care fees. By just the single measure of implementing a single payer system alone we could cut health care cost in this nation from 18% of GDP to 13.5% of GDP. That's over $700 billion dollars annually in savings!

So spare me your "socialism" bogeyman.
he can thank all the young people subsidizing him.

as usual, the baby boomers continue to fuck the millennials. all you guys do is take take and take and fuck the rest of us over. worst generation ever.
Well no fucking shit Mr. Invincible. How the hell do you think insurance works? Who do you thinks been subsidizing your insurance for years when one of you insuranceless Invincibles gets sick or hurt? Who do you thinks been footing the bill all these years?
i support "reform"

saying it like that doesn't mean a whole lot mott.

as always, the devil is in the details.
You're absolutely right and that's why the ACA with out a single payer system or cost control measures will fall far short of the reforms that need to be made. I oppose repealing the ACA cause at least it sets a precedent that's heading us in the right direction. Have you even read the ACA? About half of it is about standardizing the reporting of outcomes so that rational decisions can be made about what works and what doesn't. Right now we waste a lot of money in our health care system paying for procedures that have no proven medical efficacy. So yea...the devil is in the details.
If Obamacare is as bad as Republicans say it will be, they should be eager to let it go into effect.

Once everyone sees how horrible it is Republicans can then say "See? See how awful this Obamacare is? We told you this would be the worst thing ever and we were right!!"

They'd be able to campaign on this for the next 20 years, win the Presidency, control both Houses of Congress and appoint the next 5 Supreme Court justices.

This ought to be their dream come true.

But of course, if it turns out that Obamacare actually works and improves the lives of millions of Americans -- well, maybe that's what the Republicans fear the most.

Maybe that's why they are so desperate to stop it. Maybe that's why they're holding our nation's economy hostage and threatening another recession.

Maybe they know that once Obamacare goes into effect it won't be the end of the world that they've been predicting.

Maybe they know they'll be shown up for the liars and opportunists that they really are.

If only that were true. The reality is the ACA is a gift to the insurance companies. It's one last opportunity to get whay they think they can before the single payer plan cuts them out of the deal. Single payer is the goal. They had to make it so bad with the insurance middle man plan that people will be begging for single payer plan. Harry Reid pretty much admitted this is true.

Yahoo isn't a right wing media outlet, is it? I don't check the lists you guys use.
If only that were true. The reality is the ACA is a gift to the insurance companies. It's one last opportunity to get whay they think they can before the single payer plan cuts them out of the deal. Single payer is the goal. They had to make it so bad with the insurance middle man plan that people will be begging for single payer plan. Harry Reid pretty much admitted this is true.

Yahoo isn't a right wing media outlet, is it? I don't check the lists you guys use.

Had democrats actually fought for single-payer, we wouldn't be doing this dance today.
Unfortunately, the ACA is not health care reform, and therein lies the problem. Why should Americans fight for something that isn't what they demanded?
That's not true. The ACA provides quite a few health care reforms. Particularly in standardizing the reporting of outcomes, which is critical in analyzing what works and therefor should be paid for and what doesn't work, and therefor should not be paid for as well as the universal mandate, permitting parents to carry adult children on their policies, ending exceptions for pre-existing conditions, creating insurance exchanges, etc. These are very real reforms. So to say that the ACA is not health care reform is grossly inaccurate. Does the ACA reform all that will required to be reformed? Of course it doesn't.

You have to be careful to not throw the baby out with the bathwater cause you didn't get all that you wanted in this legislation the first go around. The most important aspect of the ACA is that it creates a legal precedent from which other health care reforms will be legislated in the future.

Most Americans realize this and that is why most Americans oppose the repeal of the ACA.