'He invited us': Accused Capitol rioters blame Trump in novel legal defense


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Emanuel Jackson, a 20-year-old Washington area man, was caught on video using a metal bat to strike the protective shields wielded by police officers as they tried to fend off rioters storming the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.

Jackson, awaiting trial in federal court on assault charges, is now adopting a novel legal defense: seeking to pin the blame on Donald Trump, citing the former president's remarks at a "Stop the Steal" rally shortly before the Capitol siege.

Trump told the crowd to "fight like hell," said "we will not take it anymore" and repeated his false claims that the election was stolen from him through widespread voting fraud. Trump exhorted his followers to go to the Capitol. The ensuing rampage interrupted the congressional certification of President Joe Biden's election victory, sent lawmakers into hiding and left five people dead including a police officer.


Get the popcorn ready.

It's fun and giggles until you get caught, and when someone gets caught, there is no such thing as friends or submissive loyalty; the one who gets caught deflects the blame to avoid responsibility.
It's fun and giggles until you get caught, and when someone gets caught, there is no such thing as friends or submissive loyalty; the one who gets caught deflects the blame to avoid responsibility.

Well their cult leader did indeed abandon them and the most hilarious part of that is that they believed a grifter who has told more lies than anyone on earth was being straight with them. I always knew we had some really dumbed down people in the USA but I never imagined there were this many.
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No court will accept that as a defense. You are responsible for your actions. However, that will be valuable in Trump's impeachment trial.

Trump told the crowd to "fight like hell," said "we will not take it anymore" and repeated his false claims that the election was stolen from him through widespread voting fraud. Trump exhorted his followers to go to the Capitol.
Trump also said the very fate of the Republic was at stake, and he promised to march with his hillbilly army to the Capitol.
Well their cult leader did indeed abandon them and the most hilarious part of that is that they believed a grifter who has told more lies than anyone on earth was being straight with them. I always knew we had some really dumbed down people in the USA but I never imagined there were this many.

You nailed it.