Have always said it was an issue of good Christian people against evil abortionists


Watch: Abortion Supporters Chant ‘Hail Satan!’ While Pro-Life Activists Sing ‘Amazing Grace’ Outside Texas Capitol
Jul. 2, 2013 11:44pm Jason Howerton

The abortion battle in Texas was still raging Tuesday as both abortion supporters and pro-life activists flooded the State Capitol to make their voices heard. The Texas House and Senate reconvened briefly for a special session called by Gov. Rick Perry.

One of the more bizarre tactics used by pro-abortion activists involved chanting “Hail Satan!” to harass a pro-life crowd as they sang “Amazing Grace.”

Texas blogger Adam Cahm was able to capture the “Hail Satan” chant on video. Watch it here:

“It’s been a very interesting day at the Texas State Capitol. Cahnman’s Musings hasn’t been following the hearing. Instead, we’ve been participating in the surrounding events,” he writes. “LetTexasSpeak has been doing a live broadcast from the rotunda where women have been sharing their abortion related testimonies. The pro-abortion crowd has responded with repeated chants of ‘hail Satan.’ It’s taken us all day to get a video recording…”

Obviously, it is much more likely that the abortion supporters were chanting “Hail Satan!” to mock pro-lifers rather than actually hailing Lucifer, but anything is possible.

And there was plenty of discussion about “Hail Satan” on Twitter. Twitchy has the details.

The pro-abortion crowd also brought some really interesting signs to the rally (Some are offensive):
Watch: Abortion Supporters Chant Hail Satan While Pro Life Activists Sing Amazing Grace

Watch: Abortion Supporters Chant Hail Satan While Pro Life Activists Sing Amazing Grace

Pro-abortion rights supporters chant at the state Capitol in Austin, Texas, on Tuesday July 2, 2013. Gov. Rick Perry has called lawmakers back for another special session with abortion on the top of the agenda. Credit: AP
Watch: Abortion Supporters Chant Hail Satan While Pro Life Activists Sing Amazing Grace

Opponents and supporters of an abortion bill gather in a courtyard outside a hearing for the bill at the state capitol, Tuesday, July 2, 2013, in Austin, Texas. Credit: AP
Watch: Abortion Supporters Chant Hail Satan While Pro Life Activists Sing Amazing Grace

Opponents of an abortion bill, including a woman who gave her name as Wendy, center, and Jessica Deleskey, right, yell chants outside a hearing for the bill at the state capitol, Tuesday, July 2, 2013, in Austin, Texas. Credit: AP
Watch: Abortion Supporters Chant Hail Satan While Pro Life Activists Sing Amazing Grace

Watch: Abortion Supporters Chant Hail Satan While Pro Life Activists Sing Amazing Grace


A recess was called for the Texas Legislature until July 9.

The proposed bill would ban abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy, require that the procedure be performed at ambulatory surgical centers, mandate that doctors who perform abortions obtain admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles and that even nonsurgical abortions take place in a surgical center.

Only five out of 42 clinics in Texas qualify as ambulatory surgical centers and they are in major metropolitan areas. Many clinics would need to relocate to meet ventilation requirements and to have the space required for operating rooms and hallways.

Similar measures have passed in other states, but many are tied up in court. Mississippi’s only abortion clinic remains open pending a federal lawsuit over the requirement for doctors to have admitting privileges.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.
I can't wait for these states to reap the rewards of these anti abortion measures. More people on social services, and more people dying in back alley abortion centers.

I wish these Americans would stop being so freedom hating.

If they used their efforts to actually help children maybe someone would believe they care about children.

They prefer to spew hate on people who don't believe the same as them.

It shows what their REAL priorities are.

Its controlling women and NOT caring for kids
The whole point about all this holy blather is to reintroduce slavery and lynching. They can't quite manage to set up plantations for blacks, and the KKK is old hat, so they want to enslave women and murder doctors who do abortions. You're going to have to have another Civil War in the finish, I'm afraid. The nutters are out of hand entirely.
I can't wait for these states to reap the rewards of these anti abortion measures. More people on social services, and more people dying in back alley abortion centers.

Its the corporate plan.

people who are desperate work for pennies on the dollar.

they want the population poor and desperate.
I can't wait for these states to reap the rewards of these anti abortion measures. More people on social services, and more people dying in back alley abortion centers.

And hundreds of thousands of babies rotting away in group homes, never to be adopted. Other than the lucky few given loving homes by the gays.
And hundreds of thousands of babies rotting away in group homes, never to be adopted. Other than the lucky few given loving homes by the gays.
Probably right. Instead of shutting down clinics, why not open adoption centers? Create competition if they really give a crap.
Give a good, careful read to John Irving's Owen Meany. I continually have the feeling that people in America care more about their pets than children. I guess that is ok, but nobody's pet is going to invent us out of our problems. If you aren't willing to fund food stamps, so children can eat, Headstart, to make some effort at equalizing the educational playing field, supporting public education so everyone gets a reasonable shot, what hope do you have other than building higher walls around your houses?

I wish these Americans would stop being so freedom hating.

If they used their efforts to actually help children maybe someone would believe they care about children.

They prefer to spew hate on people who don't believe the same as them.

It shows what their REAL priorities are.

Its controlling women and NOT caring for kids

You have successfully spouted out every rationalisation for the pro-abort crowd. See, you care more about murdering babies than you do about finding common ground with pro-lifers. Your talking points will never change, because all that matters to you is dead babies. Better dead than bred.
You have successfully spouted out every rationalisation for the pro-abort crowd. See, you care more about murdering babies than you do about finding common ground with pro-lifers. Your talking points will never change, because all that matters to you is dead babies. Better dead than bred.
Complete, and utter nonsense. How do you find common ground with those who call for the decimation of social programs, while demanding that all zygotes come to term?
perhaps you could start by learning that slowing the rate of growth is not decimation..........

The rich never talk about class war because they are too busy waging it - so half-wittedly that they destroy their own ludicrous system by stealing so much that people have no money to buy their useless muck and we get the usual slump. As to abortion, they want unwanted people to be born so that they can bully and imprison them. Spite is their only real emotion.
Complete, and utter nonsense. How do you find common ground with those who call for the decimation of social programs, while demanding that all zygotes come to term?

Brava, Brava, Brava!

There also is no way to compromise with people who think birth control and the morning after pill are abortifacients, which many on the anti-choice side do say they believe.

We've tried - we push free or cheap access to birth control; we push REAL sex education classes in schools, including how to use birth control; we want birth control covered in health care plans. All this will reduce abortions. And all we get is "NO NO NO NO NO"
Probably right. Instead of shutting down clinics, why not open adoption centers? Create competition if they really give a crap.

Because the pro-lifers, for the most part, don't give a shit about the baby once it is born.

They seem to think a fetus is everyone's responsibility, but a child is solely the responsibility of the parents.
Brava, Brava, Brava!

There also is no way to compromise with people who think birth control and the morning after pill are abortifacients, which many on the anti-choice side do say they believe.

We've tried - we push free or cheap access to birth control; we push REAL sex education classes in schools, including how to use birth control; we want birth control covered in health care plans. All this will reduce abortions. And all we get is "NO NO NO NO NO"

A thousand times this. The forced birther crowd, and their authoritarian buddies in congress want NOTHING to do with prevention. You look at backwards states that teach abstinence only, or have no sex ed police and you discover they lead the nation in teen births. You tell the "every sperm is sacred" crowd we should fund comprehensive sex ed, include birth control in insurance coverage, FULLY fund head start increase the amounts women receive through WIC and across the board you get right wing resistance. The right only gives a fuck about "the churlden" until they are born. But they will point out that they threw some crumbs at welfare when the farm subsidy bill was up for a vote. Make the rise in WIC and food stamps on par with the money you are giving away to farmers and then maybe you would be doing something, but the right would never do that either. Abortion drums are beat more to keep a wedge between us than out of concern for the unborn. Fucking Bob Barr was a vociferous forced birther, until his mistress turned up pregnant and then he sent her to have that little political liability scraped out most rikki tikk.
Probably right. Instead of shutting down clinics, why not open adoption centers? Create competition if they really give a crap.

What a great idea! A place where women and their partner, even poor women and their partner, can go to and get advice and counseling on the available options to them, including adoption, when an unplanned pregnancy occurs. A place to provide them with free or low cost contraception if now isn't the time to bring a child into this world. A place to listen to the woman's concerns, with her own well-being and that of the child at the forefront.

Oh. Wait. There already is such a place.

Who We Are
Planned Parenthood is one of the nation's leading providers of high-quality, affordable health care for women, men, and young people, and the nation's largest provider of sex education. Planned Parenthood also works with partner organizations worldwide to improve the sexual health and well-being of individuals and families everywhere.

Planned Parenthood has 71 independent local affiliates that operate nearly 750 health centers throughout the United States, providing high-quality services to women, men, and teens.

Planned Parenthood often is the only source of family planning for a large proportion of the women we serve.

Our Clients
Planned Parenthood provides sexual and reproductive health care, education, and information to nearly five million women, men, and adolescents worldwide each year.

Nearly three million women and men in the United States annually visit Planned Parenthood affiliate health centers for trusted health care services and information.

Eighty-two percent of Planned Parenthood health care clients in the U.S. are age 20 and older.

One in five women in the U.S. has visited a Planned Parenthood health center at least once in her life.

Our Work
Planned Parenthood health centers focus on prevention: 71 percent of our clients receive services to prevent unintended pregnancy.

Planned Parenthood services help prevent more than 684,000 unintended pregnancies each year.

Planned Parenthood provides 585,000 Pap tests and nearly 640,000 breast exams each year, critical services in detecting cancer.

Planned Parenthood provides nearly 4.5 million tests and treatments for sexually transmitted infections, including HIV.

Three percent of all Planned Parenthood health services are abortion services.

Planned Parenthood affiliates provide educational programs to more than one million young people and adults each year.

Planned Parenthood has more than seven million activists, supporters, and donors working for women's health and safety and our fundamental reproductive rights.

Join us in the fight for commonsense policies that foster the sexual and reproductive health and rights of individuals, families, and communities.
The rich never talk about class war because they are too busy waging it - so half-wittedly that they destroy their own ludicrous system by stealing so much that people have no money to buy their useless muck and we get the usual slump. As to abortion, they want unwanted people to be born so that they can bully and imprison them. Spite is their only real emotion.

so we have spite and you have ignorance....which of us will last longer.....
Because the pro-lifers, for the most part, don't give a shit about the baby once it is born.

and you have evidence somewhere that you give more of a shit about birthed children than the average conservative?.....why?....because you're willing to take more of a conservative's money from them and spend it on children?.........