Has science explained why liberals don't fear getting caught when they lie?

Big Money

New member

Scientists have known for years that the Toxoplasma parasite caused changes in the brains of mice that made them lose fear of cats and thus become easy prey.

Now, however, new research by graduate student Wendy Ingram at the University of California, Berkeley, has found that the parasite causes a permanent loss of fear.

Has the parasite crossed over from the mouse to the human type that most resembles it? Or is the rat the actual rodent counterpart of the American Liberal?

why do you keep making links not clickable?

So you can cover up your lies?

You must really not want me to see the facts huh

Scientists have known for years that the Toxoplasma parasite caused changes in the brains of mice that made them lose fear of cats and thus become easy prey.

Now, however, new research by graduate student Wendy Ingram at the University of California, Berkeley, has found that the parasite causes a permanent loss of fear.

Has the parasite crossed over from the mouse to the human type that most resembles it? Or is the rat the actual rodent counterpart of the American Liberal?


Liberals are like cats. They feast upon the poor mice who want nothing more than to work hard and raise a family. They are hardly self aware and wholly self centered. They have a mutated sense of fair, and are usually okay with hissing at a problem until it goes away. The claws they have are communism, capable of bringing pain upon millions, but typically inept in other regards; like getting food. Liberals are the curious, lazy cats that would rather sleep half the day.
They feast upon the poor mice who want nothing more than to work hard and raise a family.

I once had some mice. Eventually, I declared war on them, and within two weeks their seed was not. I refused to grant them the honor of being feasted upon, I left them to rot in the in the landfill, laughing maniacally (for one thing, my strategy relied upon partially upon chemical warfare, and their bodies would be contaminated). There is no better way to disrespect your enemy than to throw his heart away, essentially stating that they were so weak that it's not even worth the time to eat it and gain their strength, much like how I wouldn't bother to pick up a penny on the street. If cats do always pay proper respects, they have a level of nobility I do not. I have no tolerance for the raiders of my own pantry, much like I have little tolerance for the Bourgeois capitalist vermin who raid the pantry's of the workers.
No, liberals are like mice, normally they are frightened of any and everything, and produce nothing of value. They just steal what they need from others and squeak incessantly.