Hannity History?

The guy is a silly buffoon, but he is more honest than Rush Linberger.
Somehow it looks like the guy still gets decent ratings but I can't take him. It's just mind numbing listening to him. Whether on the right or left anyone whose belief system is whatever my party is doing right now I support is over the top.
Somehow it looks like the guy still gets decent ratings but I can't take him. It's just mind numbing listening to him. Whether on the right or left anyone whose belief system is whatever my party is doing right now I support is over the top.
Maybe Hannity is moving up an hour or two?
If he's not history he ought to be. That show he was on with that skinny dude who was left....a lot of times I'd agree with Hannity's position but I found myself rooting for the skinny dude because Hannity is just obnoxious.
If he's not history he ought to be. That show he was on with that skinny dude who was left....a lot of times I'd agree with Hannity's position but I found myself rooting for the skinny dude because Hannity is just obnoxious.
I just lost a lot of faith in you LR....I've known tree stumps with higher IQ's than Shawn Hannity. I've never, ever known a public figure as ideologically driven, as ill informed and as consistently wrong on just about any issue he ever discussed. That's putting aside his smarmy, condescending, holier than thou persona.

I've never gotten it about Sean Hannity. How could a person as dumb as he is have any credibility with anyone with the wit to be able to rub two sticks together? How could anyone listen to him and reasonably, rationally using just a meager measure of critical thought pay him a moments notice? How could anyone listen to the man for even the smallest amount of time and not draw the conclusion that "This guy is a moron."? I don't say that with ill will or partisan rancor towards him. I mean it as an easy and obvious an observation to make as water is wet. I mean Bill Buckley I could listen to and agree or disagree there's no questioning the mans formidable intelligence and ability to convey an informed and lucid thought.....but Hannity is just garden variety, set the bar low, stupid.

Then again, if I was telegenic and could make as much money as Hannity by passionately parroting partisan talking points, I'd consider having a frontal lobotomy and 3/4th of my brain removed......though I suspect that I'd still be over qualified to replace him.
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If he's not history he ought to be. That show he was on with that skinny dude who was left....a lot of times I'd agree with Hannity's position but I found myself rooting for the skinny dude because Hannity is just obnoxious.
The skinny guy.....Fox News idea of a liberal.....was Colmes. I reffered to the show as Hannity and Colmes
If he's not history he ought to be. That show he was on with that skinny dude who was left....a lot of times I'd agree with Hannity's position but I found myself rooting for the skinny dude because Hannity is just obnoxious.
. I like you!