Hannity calls out liar congressmen!



You’re Lying!’: A Fired-Up Sean Hannity Offers Dem Congressman a $10K Obamacare Bet for Charity – Here’s His Response
Oct. 3, 2013 9:50pm Jason Howerton

Sean Hannity,

Sean Hannity got into a heated exchange with Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-N.J.) over the Obamacare “subsidy exemption” available to members of Congress. The debate hit its peak when Hannity offered the congressman a $10,000 bet to benefit charity if he could prove that members of Congress will not receive a “special subsidy” that the American people don’t have access to.
A Screaming Sean Hannity Offers Dem Congressman a $10K Obamacare Bet for Charity

(Fox News)

“If big business gets a special exemption, do you think it’s fair that individuals did not get the same exemption? And similarly, you and Congress are getting the subsidy exemption that the rest of us are not getting with Obamacare. Is that fair?” Hannity began.

Pascrell claimed that members of Congress are not technically getting an Obamacare subsidy.

“It’s the employers contribution to health care like any company or any federal agency. We’re not getting anything more than anybody else,” Pascrell said.

Hannity countered by pointing out that the federal government’s “contribution” is a whopping 72 percent.

“Can I get the 72 percent?” Hannity asked. “I can’t.”

Pascrell defending himself by claiming that Republicans will be fighting to make sure they have coverage too once the current budget battle “blows over.”

Later in the segment, Hannity offered Pascrell a $10,000 bet, “you’re charity against mine,” that Congress has a “special subsidy that the American people don’t have.”

“You gonna take the bet, congressman?” the Fox News host asked, his volume getting louder. “Are you gonna take the bet?!”

“No,” Pascrell replied.

“That’s because you’re lying! That’s why,” Hannity shot back.

The Washington Free Beacon has the video:

The New Jersey Democrat told his host that he only talks to people that are “straight” and said he was just afraid of how successful Obamacare is going to be.

“Yeah, OK. So you’re full of crap,” Hannity concluded before abruptly shutting down the interview.


You’re Lying!’: A Fired-Up Sean Hannity Offers Dem Congressman a $10K Obamacare Bet for Charity – Here’s His Response
Oct. 3, 2013 9:50pm Jason Howerton.

Sean Hannity,

Sean Hannity got into a heated exchange with Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-N.J.) over the Obamacare “subsidy exemption” available to members of Congress. The debate hit its peak when Hannity offered the congressman a $10,000 bet to benefit charity if he could prove that members of Congress will not receive a “special subsidy” that the American people don’t have access to.
A Screaming Sean Hannity Offers Dem Congressman a $10K Obamacare Bet for Charity

(Fox News)

“If big business gets a special exemption, do you think it’s fair that individuals did not get the same exemption? And similarly, you and Congress are getting the subsidy exemption that the rest of us are not getting with Obamacare. Is that fair?” Hannity began.

Pascrell claimed that members of Congress are not technically getting an Obamacare subsidy.

“It’s the employers contribution to health care like any company or any federal agency. We’re not getting anything more than anybody else,” Pascrell said.

Hannity countered by pointing out that the federal government’s “contribution” is a whopping 72 percent.

“Can I get the 72 percent?” Hannity asked. “I can’t.”

Pascrell defending himself by claiming that Republicans will be fighting to make sure they have coverage too once the current budget battle “blows over.”

Later in the segment, Hannity offered Pascrell a $10,000 bet, “you’re charity against mine,” that Congress has a “special subsidy that the American people don’t have.”

“You gonna take the bet, congressman?” the Fox News host asked, his volume getting louder. “Are you gonna take the bet?!”

“No,” Pascrell replied.

“That’s because you’re lying! That’s why,” Hannity shot back.

The Washington Free Beacon has the video:

The New Jersey Democrat told his host that he only talks to people that are “straight” and said he was just afraid of how successful Obamacare is going to be.

“Yeah, OK. So you’re full of crap,” Hannity concluded before abruptly shutting down the interview.

Like nearly every single one of the Fukx news regulars, Hannity is nothing but a fucking liar and a fraud. I'm still waiting for this bloviating POS to subject himself to waterboarding. Until he does that anything else he says or dares or bets is just more of the same garden fertilizing bullshit!
Like nearly every single one of the Fukx news regulars, Hannity is nothing but a fucking liar and a fraud. I'm still waiting for this bloviating POS to subject himself to waterboarding. Until he does that anything else he says or dares or bets is just more of the same garden fertilizing bullshit!

He taught the leftist he couldn't lie on his show that lib was no match for Sean and his facts, kind of like you.
He taught the leftist he couldn't lie on his show that lib was no match for Sean and his facts, kind of like you.

:rolleyes: Hannity, the dolt who pretended he was above birtherism, all the while avidly promoting every birther conspiracy theory that came down the pike.

You’re Lying!’: A Fired-Up Sean Hannity Offers Dem Congressman a $10K Obamacare Bet for Charity – Here’s His Response
Oct. 3, 2013 9:50pm Jason Howerton

Sean Hannity,

Sean Hannity got into a heated exchange with Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-N.J.) over the Obamacare “subsidy exemption” available to members of Congress. The debate hit its peak when Hannity offered the congressman a $10,000 bet to benefit charity if he could prove that members of Congress will not receive a “special subsidy” that the American people don’t have access to.
A Screaming Sean Hannity Offers Dem Congressman a $10K Obamacare Bet for Charity

(Fox News)

“If big business gets a special exemption, do you think it’s fair that individuals did not get the same exemption? And similarly, you and Congress are getting the subsidy exemption that the rest of us are not getting with Obamacare. Is that fair?” Hannity began.

Pascrell claimed that members of Congress are not technically getting an Obamacare subsidy.

“It’s the employers contribution to health care like any company or any federal agency. We’re not getting anything more than anybody else,” Pascrell said.

Hannity countered by pointing out that the federal government’s “contribution” is a whopping 72 percent.

“Can I get the 72 percent?” Hannity asked. “I can’t.”

Pascrell defending himself by claiming that Republicans will be fighting to make sure they have coverage too once the current budget battle “blows over.”

Later in the segment, Hannity offered Pascrell a $10,000 bet, “you’re charity against mine,” that Congress has a “special subsidy that the American people don’t have.”

“You gonna take the bet, congressman?” the Fox News host asked, his volume getting louder. “Are you gonna take the bet?!”

“No,” Pascrell replied.

“That’s because you’re lying! That’s why,” Hannity shot back.

The Washington Free Beacon has the video:

The New Jersey Democrat told his host that he only talks to people that are “straight” and said he was just afraid of how successful Obamacare is going to be.

“Yeah, OK. So you’re full of crap,” Hannity concluded before abruptly shutting down the interview.

WOW...another whiny Rightie gets his ass handed to him and is reduced to petty ad homs by the facts.

It's no wonder Liberals can't get a decent debate on this topic here on JPP.
Like nearly every single one of the Fukx news regulars, Hannity is nothing but a fucking liar and a fraud. I'm still waiting for this bloviating POS to subject himself to waterboarding. Until he does that anything else he says or dares or bets is just more of the same garden fertilizing bullshit!

He did indeed say it.
Op you proved only one thing

where is the proof that what Hannity claims is true?

You did prove you don't know what proof is
he also didn't prove what he said was true.

he just screamed it and cited nothing to prove his side of the crap was real
The idiot Op doesn't seem to know that the employer can chose to pay the entire healthcare bill if they want to and have their employee pay nothing.

why does he pretend its part of the affordable healthcare act?

because he is stupid and dishonest
:rolleyes: Hannity, the dolt who pretended he was above birtherism, all the while avidly promoting every birther conspiracy theory that came down the pike.

Yeah....I know just what you're talking about....pretending to be above the birthers.....

In December, MSNBC’s pro-Obama host Chris Matthews called on the president to release his long-form birth certificate to settle the controversy surrounding his birthplace once and for all, saying, “If it exists, why not put it out?”

“I am not a birther,” Matthews declared. “I am an enemy of the birthers.”

But he held up the long-form birth certificate of someone who was born the day before Obama, and compared it with the shorter version Obama has released, which to the birthers, he said, “is evidence that he really ain’t one of us.

“Why has the president himself not demanded that they put out the official document?” Matthews said.

Nice to have your very own "Hannity" on your team, huh ? lmao....
Yeah....I know just what you're talking about....pretending to be above the birthers.....

In December, MSNBC’s pro-Obama host Chris Matthews called on the president to release his long-form birth certificate to settle the controversy surrounding his birthplace once and for all, saying, “If it exists, why not put it out?”

“I am not a birther,” Matthews declared. “I am an enemy of the birthers.”

But he held up the long-form birth certificate of someone who was born the day before Obama, and compared it with the shorter version Obama has released, which to the birthers, he said, “is evidence that he really ain’t one of us.

“Why has the president himself not demanded that they put out the official document?” Matthews said.

Nice to have your very own "Hannity" on your team, huh ? lmao....

I don't get MSNBC and only know Chris Matthews from reading about him. If what you're saying is true, he's as big an idiot as Hannity.
Only uneducated teabaggers listen to hannity.
You white trashers might start trying college
Fear mongering is not better than education