H.R. McMaster:Biden remarks Uighurs is 'bigotry masquerading as cultural sensitivity


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Biden: 'Culturally, there are different norms in each country and their leaders are expected to follow'

President Biden on the town hall, I mean he made a big mistake," McMaster said during a virtual Republican Study Committee Thursday, reported The Washington Post. "He’s like, ‘Well, they have different cultural norms.’ You could call that bigotry masquerading as cultural sensitivity."

Biden sought to assure that "there will be repercussions for China" and he will continue to "reassert our role as spokespersons for human rights," but several Republicans took issue with Biden’s attitude toward China.

The committee, a group comprised of 150 Republicans and the largest conservative caucus in the House, praised Donald Trump as "the first president to take on Communist China in a generation."

"The Biden administration has already taken a number of disastrous steps to undo President Trump's success in countering China," the Republican Study Committee charged in memo earlier this week. "The Biden team so far has exhibited a pattern of weakness and a return to Obama's failed approach of engaging rather than holding China accountable for its bad behavior."
Like a $5 whore America will now put up with anything the Chinese want to do, and everyone in the room knows it.