Gunmen kidnap 7 Red Cross workers in Syria


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Gunmen abducted six Red Cross workers and a Syrian Red Crescent volunteer after stopping their convoy early Sunday in northwestern Syria, a spokesman said, in the latest high-profile kidnapping in the country's civil war.

Simon Schorno, a spokesman for the International Committee of the Red Cross in Damascus, said the assailants snatched the seven aid workers from their convoy near the town of Saraqeb in Idlib province around 11:30 a.m. local time as the team was returning to Damascus. He declined to provide the nationalities of the six ICRC employees, and said it was not clear who was behind the attack

Syria's state news agency, quoting an anonymous official, said the gunmen opened fire on the ICRC team's four vehicles before seizing the Red Cross workers. The news agency blamed "terrorists," a term the government uses to refer to those opposed to President Bashar Assad.

Schorno said the team of seven had been in the field since Oct. 10 to assess the medical situation in the area and to look at how to provide medical aid. He said the part of northern Syria where they were seized "by definition is a difficult area to go in," and the team was traveling with armed guards.

Much of the countryside in Idlib province, as well as the rest of northern Syria, has fallen over the past year into the hands of rebels, many of them Islamic extremists, and kidnappings have become rife, particularly of aid workers and foreign journalists.
hands of rebels, many of them Islamic extremists, and kidnappings have become rife, particularly of aid workers and foreign journalists.
translation: Sunni jihadi, foreign fighters, 'AQ affiliate" groups.
Sergei Lavrov said the training of the militants to be deployed to Syria has recently started in areas of Afghanistan which are not under the control of the Afghan government.

Mr. Lavrov further added that the militants are also trained on how to carry out chemical attacks. “Based on our information, the Al-Nusra front is looking to illegally transport chemical and poisonous materials to Iraq,” Lavrov told reporters.

Wasn't it only a few weeks ago we almost went to war over this? At the time, didn't we have a "slam dunk" case that it was Assad that used the chemical weapons? Didn't Obama say Assad's use of chemical weapons "can not be allowed to stand"?

Russia continues to build their case. Where's Obama's case?
aren't you glad the chem weapons wont be in Syria for them to steal and use?

You people are unbelievable
I prefer obama to be more concerned with the default of the entire United States right now. We are in a major breakdown situation right here that alot of people seem to be taking lightly.
Having said that maybe its time american volunteers that are trying to help people start helping themselves and staying home.
If the republican refuse to open our government I think Obama will.

He doesn't want to say he will because then the Rs will just allow us to go over.
aren't you glad the chem weapons wont be in Syria for them to steal and use?

You people are unbelievable

So your theory is what? That Assad is giving these chemical weapons to Syrian rebels to train with in Afghanistan?
Al-Nusra front are being trained in the use of chemical weapons in areas of Afghanistan not controlled by the(Afgan) government
al-Nusra is a Syrian based Sunni jihadi (Islamic religion motivated - not the moderate rebels) group that are combining the use of chem weapons training, with religious fervor.

About the most dangerous combination possible . Bad enough Assad had the chems -he's working with inspectors to remove them.

If the RADICAL ISLAMISTS (not the "moderate" rebels motivated by creating a coalition Syria by ousting the Assad regime) get control, they would be a state terrorist group able and willing to use WMD's not just in Syria, but the ME region.

Lavov (Russian foreign minister) is warning that Afganistan can be a training ground for terrorism - kinna like it was for 9-11