Gulf Stream itself in danger of disruption.


Satire for Sanity
Atlantic Ocean circulation at weakest in a millennium, say scientists
Decline in system underpinning Gulf Stream could lead to more extreme weather in Europe and higher sea levels on US east coast

The Atlantic Ocean circulation that underpins the Gulf Stream, the weather system that brings warm and mild weather to Europe, is at its weakest in more than a millennium, and climate breakdown is the probable cause, according to new data.

Further weakening of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) could result in more storms battering the UK, more intense winters and an increase in damaging heatwaves and droughts across Europe.

Scientists predict that the AMOC will weaken further if global heating continues, and could reduce by about 34% to 45% by the end of this century, which could bring us close to a “tipping point” at which the system could become irrevocably unstable. A weakened Gulf Stream would also raise sea levels on the Atlantic coast of the US, with potentially disastrous consequences.

You'd better worry.
When they say ' by the end of the century ' they mean that our century may be ending prematurely.
The shutting off of the Gulf Stream will be a catastrophic climatic event. Here's what would happen;

Arctic ice melt will produce massive quantities of cold water which will sink and flow south .
These masses of cold water will encounter the warm Gulf Stream currents flowing north and , literally, block their northern progress.
The far denser cold water will firstly flow beneath the warm stream until it just ain't warm no more, girls and boys.

We've been warned about this for over fifty years- and now it appears imminent.

Ebay has some good deals on Norwegian thermal socks.
There are, probably, plenty of people who think that global warming means that it's going to get warmer everywhere.
These are the same people that think that sea level rises will be globally uniform.

Haw, haw..........................haw.
There are, probably, plenty of people who think that global warming means that it's going to get warmer everywhere.
These are the same people that think that sea level rises will be globally uniform.

Haw, haw..........................haw.

Can you comment on this? LOL you wouldn't even know what a correlation is if it bit you in the ass
Sure - that's the first four bars of Hendrix's 'Purple Haze' experiment as viewed on a quad trace oscilloscope.

Bought your socks yet, monkey bollox ?

You know you're outmatched. LOL
You can't even attempt because you know I know my shit so wqell you wouldn't stand a chance

But I'll ask again. Please debunk my post so I can be as learned in climate science as you are
You've clearly got the 'Pearson's Correlation Coefficient ' blues . Serves you right for being a tone-deaf, vainglorious asshole .

Haw, haw...........................haw.
Incidentally- your correlations are not large enough to pass the threshold for significance. Socks on.

Haw, haw...................................haw.
You've clearly got the 'Pearson's Correlation Coefficient ' blues . Serves you right for being a tone-deaf, vainglorious asshole .

Haw, haw...........................haw.

LOL Scary CO2!!! We're all gonna die because the CO2 made gulf stream disrupt
LOL Scary CO2!!! We're all gonna die because the CO2 made gulf stream disrupt

Why lie ? The underlying causes of Gulf Stream disruption are obvious to laymen. Your attention-seeking embellishments impress nobody.
You climate believers are the lamest people. Your theory says that CO2 correlates with temps, yet you laugh at a variable that correlates 5 times better than CO2. LOL
Why lie ? The underlying causes of Gulf Stream disruption are obvious to laymen. Your attention-seeking embellishments impress nobody.

What? I cited a study, youm moron. That is the title of the study.

LOL You hate me so much you are blinded. I am that powerful. Think about it. You are scared to be outwitted by76 the losaer floorguy so you don't bother to read the links
What theory would that be ? Have you found a simplified generalization that you think you can poke fun at ?
What a weak response. You got owned, climate dweeb.
The skeptic knows more about your theory than you do

LOL I'd be embarrassed if I were you
What a weak response. You got owned, climate dweeb.
The skeptic knows more about your theory than you do

LOL I'd be embarrassed if I were you

I'm only embarrassed for you, a Denier Choir egotist lost in his illusion of self-importance .
The danger of Gulf Stream disruption is real. Your links do not dispel that fact at all. Global warming is real. Your posturing doesn't dispel that either.
“We risk triggering [a tipping point] in this century, and the circulation would spin down within the next century. It is extremely unlikely that we have already triggered it, but if we do not stop global warming, it is increasingly likely that we will trigger it.

“The consequences of this are so massive that even a 10% chance of triggering a breakdown would be an unacceptable risk.”

Denier dullards are, clearly, a threat to our planet.
why is global warming ( caused mainly by the sun) causing a Gulf Stream disruption?
where are the ocean thermodynamics/currents on this? (source)

The planet is warming. CO2 is only 1 factor. environmental degradation is a much larger factor
why do we never hear about literally saving the eco-systems?

all the CO2 capture is meaningless with a dying planet