I knew it. For the record, I think Justin Timbrelake is gay too.
I knew it. For the record, I think Justin Timbrelake is gay too.
LadyT said:
I knew it. For the record, I think Justin Timbrelake is gay too.
OrnotBitwise said:I was going to say "Robdawg" but I guess that's an external reference unfair to any newbies.
LadyT said:Wendy Williams was on howard stern yesterday and they were tlaking about how she outed a lot of rappers in the hip hop community and why she thought it was okay. I didn't hear it but my boyfriend told me about it. I think its good when people come out of the closet publicly. It begins to wear thin the veil of shame that's associated with being gay. Good for him.
LadyT said:You're saying if it were out in the open more, people could get called out on discriminatory practices more often? I buy that.
LadyT said:
I knew it. For the record, I think Justin Timbrelake is gay too.
LadyT said:I knooooowwwww, That's definitely juicy gossip. I can't wait to see all the E! shows this weekend.
brent its always best to come out right after someone else does so that it minimizes the now would probably be the best time for you to tell people.Brent said:I knew it, too. LOL