Great Article by Steve Spurrier

Mott the Hoople

Sweet Jane
I agree with Spurrier on at lest two counts. Student Athletes should be compensated and ND is over rated.

College amatuerism dates back to antiquated ideas that only the upper classes could participate in sport as gentlemen and not contaminate it with grubby money like a tradesman would. (meaning we are better than everyone else cause we have money). It's asinine, it's antiquated and it's unfair.

NCAA college football is the perfect example of a sport that is in many ways un-American. It is Un-American in that it exploits athletes for billions of dollars yet denies them entrepranueral opportunities. It's also Un-American in that it exploits them as laborers with little regulation or regard for either the physical, educational or financial well being of these talented young people.

I think that college football needs to go beyond what Spurrier is suggesting here. I think they need to pay these kids a salary on top of their educational benefits. Give them some money to live a decent standard of living and put the rest in an educational trust fund to be used when their college careers are over and they can complete their academic career that time on the field and in trainig has impeded.
I'm currently shelling out $283/month for my student loans. Do you know why, Mott? Because I didn't play fucking collegiate sports! (also, I got tripped up by the bureucracy and squandered $20,000 in military benefits that suddenly expired on me)

If you insist on paying foosball players, I will insist on paying runners, chess players, cheerleaders, etc.
I'm currently shelling out $283/month for my student loans. Do you know why, Mott? Because I didn't play fucking collegiate sports! (also, I got tripped up by the bureucracy and squandered $20,000 in military benefits that suddenly expired on me)

If you insist on paying foosball players, I will insist on paying runners, chess players, cheerleaders, etc.

How about we give them all a share of the profits their abilities generate? That will save us having to pay chess players and cheerleaders.
I agree with Bob rather than Steve on this topic...and 3D as well ...

"“You know what school would cost here for non-state guy? Over $200,000 for room, board and everything else,” Stoops said. “That’s a lot of money. Ask the kids who have to pay it back over 10-15 years with student loans. You get room and board, and we’ll give you the best nutritionist, the best strength coach to develop you, the best tutors to help you academically, and coaches to teach you and help you develop. How much do you think it would cost to hire a personal trainer and tutor for 4-5 years?

“I don’t get why people say these guys don’t get paid. It’s simple, they are paid quite often, quite a bit and quite handsomely.”"


The writer of the araticle doesn't agree with Bob...but then not many folks from NBC agree with us Okies...even some of the transplanted ones.