Goya Foods CEO falsely says election was illegitimate, Trump is 'the real, the legiti


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Goya Foods CEO falsely says election was illegitimate, Trump is 'the real, the legitimate, and the still actual president'

Washington (CNN)The chief executive officer of Goya Foods, Robert Unanue, made a series of false claims about the 2020 election at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Sunday -- a little more than a month after the company board took action to limit his polarizing public political remarks.

In 2020, Unanue's compliments of then-President Donald Trump generated controversy and calls for a boycott of Goya, which markets itself as "the premier source for authentic Latino cuisine."

After Unanue in a Fox Business interview in January 2021, Goya's board voted to prevent Unanue from speaking to the media without board permission, according to a source familiar with the board's action.


Trump is my president too!



Furthermore,....everyone knows it. Even those on the left. Repeating claims that this was the most open and fair election in history does not make the claims true. Neither does courts not willing to take up the matter. They are simply scared of what they think would happen to the country if the election were to be overturned. Fact is,....what will happen to the country if this obvious fraud is allowed to stand is actually a much scarier prospect. To anyone honest that is....
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Goya Foods CEO falsely says election was illegitimate, Trump is 'the real, the legitimate, and the still actual president'

Washington (CNN)The chief executive officer of Goya Foods, Robert Unanue, made a series of false claims about the 2020 election at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Sunday -- a little more than a month after the company board took action to limit his polarizing public political remarks.

In 2020, Unanue's compliments of then-President Donald Trump generated controversy and calls for a boycott of Goya, which markets itself as "the premier source for authentic Latino cuisine."

After Unanue in a Fox Business interview in January 2021, Goya's board voted to prevent Unanue from speaking to the media without board permission, according to a source familiar with the board's action.


Trump is my president too!



Sounds like he is a fan of Infowars since most of his BS directly comes from there. Looks like he might want to update his resume, when a board says STFU they usually only give that warning Once.
Wasn't coronavirus was used for ushering in the dawn of a new world order, this Great Reset, with an unverified election?

You are a fucking cult minion

That is what you have done to a once proud Republican Party

You people will be treated like cult members

Get ready for a great big trip to shame idiot
Wasn't coronavirus was used for ushering in the dawn of a new world order, this Great Reset, with an unverified election?

Pretty much so. Only one little problem with it though. There were over 80 million Americans that knew what was what before hand. And those numbers grow by the day,...now to include quite a few from the left that have woken up. The great majority of us are from a little different era,.... we still have the sand to not just roll over unlike so many of the youngers who were reared from birth to be beta type soy boys. Big difference.

They should have waited another 10/12 years. It would have been much easier then,....but they got greedy and wanted it NOW. They still may get their way,....but it will be at a heavy toll.
You are a fucking cult minion That is what you have done to a once proud Republican Party You people will be treated like cult members Get ready for a great big trip to shame idiot

I didn't think you could answer the question, and I was correct.
Goya Foods CEO falsely says election was illegitimate, Trump is 'the real, the legitimate, and the still actual president'

Washington (CNN)The chief executive officer of Goya Foods, Robert Unanue, made a series of false claims about the 2020 election at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Sunday -- a little more than a month after the company board took action to limit his polarizing public political remarks.

In 2020, Unanue's compliments of then-President Donald Trump generated controversy and calls for a boycott of Goya, which markets itself as "the premier source for authentic Latino cuisine."

After Unanue in a Fox Business interview in January 2021, Goya's board voted to prevent Unanue from speaking to the media without board permission, according to a source familiar with the board's action.


Trump is my president too!



He was censored by his board and told he could not speak in public without their approval. His sister saved him once, I wonder if he will retain his position now.
He was censored by his board and told he could not speak in public without their approval. His sister saved him once, I wonder if he will retain his position now.

It sounds like he is a courageous man who is willing to risk his job to speak out against what he believes in a gross injustice, like the men who founded America did.
If you mean what I suspect you mean, you are wrong. To even express such an opinion is now sedition and incitement to insurrection. #RESIST is reserved for the others.

Yes it is

Because it’s fucking lies design to spurn people on to harm this nation

Fuck you for embracing those lies ass boil
All of our courts and police systems have said it’s lies

You hate America if you believe these lies

NO. I actually LOVE AMERICA. The real version,...not this twisted alternate reality bullshit version that you and others like you seek to bring about. LOSERS couldnt hack the real and true America so instead of sacking up and doing what is needed to succeed they want to bring it crashing down in order to install the twisted version. Everything you talk about is based on LIES and you will be judged harshly for those lies. The truth will not be erased as long as there are people still breathing who know the truth.
So, coronavirus wasn't used for ushering in the dawn of a new world order, this Great Reset, with an unverified election?

You are a traitor for espousing lies bent on distroying America

You are about to ruin your life
If you mean what I suspect you mean, you are wrong. To even express such an opinion is now sedition and incitement to insurrection. #RESIST is reserved for the others.

There are other, smarter ways to resist. Legal ways. Starve the beast and it dies.

Who is John Galt?