GOP threatening debt ceiling debacle II



GOP threatens debt limit showdown as deficit continues to fall

By Greg Sargent, Published: July 8, 2013 at 5:06 pmE-mail the writer

The Associated Press reports on the latest piece of evidence showing that the deficit is falling, even as ongoing spending cuts from sequestration may be putting a damper on the economic recovery:

The White House said Monday that the federal budget deficit for the current fiscal year will shrink to $759 billion. That’s more than $200 billion less than the administration predicted just three months ago.

The new figures reflect additional revenues generated by the improving economy and take into account automatic, across-the-board spending cuts that the White House had hoped to avert.

The White House projected that economic growth would be slightly slower in the coming years than it forecast in April. The report said the automatic spending cuts that kicked in during March will slow down economic growth this year from the 2.6 percent increase it forecast for the fourth quarter of this year to a 2.4 percent increase.

The report is here. Now obviously this is coming from the White House but it mirrors the findings of the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, which also recently determined the deficit is shrinking.
They don't care about debt or this country.

They want our government small enough so its easier to kill
have we cut domestic spending yet?......I know we took a half trillion off defense spending....and we did cancel tours of the White House......and we even increased taxes.....yet it seems like every time we turn around Obama needs permission to borrow more.....
and take into account automatic, across-the-board spending cuts that the White House had hoped to avert.

those were the cuts they got in return for the ceiling increase in 2011.....they gave him another in 2012 for free......the problem is, he hasn't done any real cutting yet.....

GOP threatens debt limit showdown as deficit continues to fall

By Greg Sargent, Published: July 8, 2013 at 5:06 pmE-mail the writer

The Associated Press reports on the latest piece of evidence showing that the deficit is falling, even as ongoing spending cuts from sequestration may be putting a damper on the economic recovery:

The White House said Monday that the federal budget deficit for the current fiscal year will shrink to $759 billion. That’s more than $200 billion less than the administration predicted just three months ago.

The new figures reflect additional revenues generated by the improving economy and take into account automatic, across-the-board spending cuts that the White House had hoped to avert.

The White House projected that economic growth would be slightly slower in the coming years than it forecast in April. The report said the automatic spending cuts that kicked in during March will slow down economic growth this year from the 2.6 percent increase it forecast for the fourth quarter of this year to a 2.4 percent increase.

The report is here. Now obviously this is coming from the White House but it mirrors the findings of the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, which also recently determined the deficit is shrinking.

Just curious. If the deficit is decreasing as you claim, then why should we need an increase in the debt limit?
so they just deny the facts yet again.

Who is denying facts? The claim is that the deficit is shrinking. If that is true, and I will for the sake of argument, accept your claim, then why would we need an increase in the debt limit? Please elaborate. If you can't just say so and spare me the indignity of reading your trite, nonsensical responses
How small is small enough for you people?

like Grover said (whom you still think is God) small enough when you can kill it outright.

I don't want you to kill this government
How small is small enough for you people?

like Grover said (whom you still think is God) small enough when you can kill it outright.

I don't want you to kill this government
dear idiot, this government was created to be small and limited by the founders and framers of the constituiton. that's not killing the government, it's forcing it to work within the confines of it's creating document. why do you want to disregard the constitution?
then why do you doubt the CBO numbers on it?

Dear lovable, sweet, misguided Desh,

I didn't say I doubted anything. I simply asked a very simple question. If the deficit is going down and GDP is going up (all good things), then why do we need a rise in the debt limit? Seems to me we would only need a rise in the debt limit if deficits are going up and we expect debt to increase right?
How small is small enough for you people?

like Grover said (whom you still think is God) small enough when you can kill it outright.

I don't want you to kill this government

For me? Small enough to comport 100% with the exact words of the US Constitution. Pretty simple. That means 96% of it has to go because it is unconstitutional.
Dear lovable, sweet, misguided Desh,

I didn't say I doubted anything. I simply asked a very simple question. If the deficit is going down and GDP is going up (all good things), then why do we need a rise in the debt limit? Seems to me we would only need a rise in the debt limit if deficits are going up and we expect debt to increase right?

to remain solvent
only in your lie filled mind

Well since you are such an expert on the US Constitution maybe you can point out for me line by line those portions of the US Constitution that supports all of our social welfare spending? And please spare me the "welfare clause". Thanks

Have a blessed day :)