GOP rep headlines conference where organizers push white nationalist rhetoric

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
GOP Rep. Paul Gosar of Arizona was the surprise keynote speaker at a conference Friday night in Orlando, Florida, where speakers spread white nationalist rhetoric, organizers railed about the U.S. losing its "white demographic core," and some called for further engagement like the ire that drove the Capitol attack on Jan. 6.

On Friday night, Gosar's keynote was followed by a speech by Fuentes that was filled with white grievance and far-right anti-immigration rhetoric. "If [America] loses its white demographic core … then this is not America anymore," the AFPAC founder told the crowd.
Fuentes went on to praise the Capitol attack, boasting about it leading to a delay in the certification of the election results.

"While I was there in D.C., outside of the building, and I saw hundreds of thousands of patriots surrounding the U.S. Capitol building and I saw the police retreating ... I said to myself: 'This is awesome,'" Fuentes said to the applause of the crowd.
And amid security concerns over threats to disrupt President Joe Biden's expected speech to a joint session of Congress, Fuentes encouraged more of the kind of commitment shown by rioters on Jan. 6.

"To see that Capitol under siege, to see the people of this country rise up and mobilize to D.C. with the pitchforks and the torches -- we need a little bit more of that energy in the future," he said.

Gosar, who was elected to Congress in 2011, has emerged as one of the most far-right Republicans in Washington. In January, The New York Times first reported that a leading member of an Oath Keepers chapter in Arizona, Jim Arroyo, posted a video on YouTube claiming Gosar attended one of their meetings and supported the group's calls for a war in the country.
Fuentes, who has denied involvement in the storming of the Capitol itself, has been spotted in videos and photos rallying outside the Capitol on Jan. 6. In one video, Fuentes can be seen on a megaphone telling the crowd not to "leave this Capitol until Donald Trump is inaugurated president."

Fuentes, who attended the 2017 "Unite the Right" rally at Charlottesville, has a long history of making racist and anti-Semitic comments.

This IS the republican party of 2021
They know they are the dying demographic and are becoming more desperate and will become more violent

"If [America] loses its white demographic core … then this is not America anymore," the AFPAC founder told the crowd.

At lest they are admitting what drives them