GOP Is Now Like Authoritarian Parties in Hungary & Turkey


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The Republican party has become dramatically more illiberal in the past two decades and now more closely resembles ruling parties in autocratic societies than its former center-right equivalents in Europe, according to a new international study.

In a significant shift since 2000, the GOP has taken to demonizing and encouraging violence against its opponents, adopting attitudes and tactics comparable to ruling nationalist parties in Hungary, India, Poland and Turkey.

The shift has both led to and been driven by the rise of Donald Trump.

By contrast the Democratic party has changed little in its attachment to democratic norms, and in that regard has remained similar to center-right and center-left parties in western Europe.

And this is from October before Trump's murderous insurrection which brought us that much closer to authoritarianism. They have to be legally eradicated as they are the enemies of the people and are censuring the ones who had the integrity to stand up and vote the right way.

THE REPUBLICAN PARTY IS DEAD. This is the autocratic party of Trump and they must go!
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