GOP babies

I'll preface by saying that I'm not a big fan of Obamacare. I would have preferred more gradual steps and less of a "rush", and think that pharma & industry had too much of a say in the final bill.

However, that fight is over. Opponents lost; the bill passed. For idiots on the right to think THIS is the time & opportunity to try to get a "do over" on the results just shows how morally corrupt & out of touch they are with average Americans. It's classic "inside the beltway" politicking.

You lost, get over it. Now, it's time to do what's right for the country - and not hold millions of Americans hostage because you decided to be children instead of statesmen.
To be fair the American people did not want it when it was put in place. But polls today show people actually want to see how it will work.

Congress needs to follow the people, not lead them.
To be fair the American people did not want it when it was put in place. But polls today show people actually want to see how it will work.

Congress needs to follow the people, not lead them.

I don't get it. Obama's 2008 platform on HC was that he fully supported universal healthcare and he was elected. He was re-elected four years later after signing ACA into law. How could people say they didn't want it when they elected him twice after knowing his position?
I don't get it. Obama's 2008 platform on HC was that he fully supported universal healthcare and he was elected. He was re-elected four years later after signing ACA into law. How could people say they didn't want it when they elected him twice after knowing his position?

The polls at the time on that individual topic.

This is a flaw of the party system. It's assumed that everything the party stands for is what the people want. But if it was Romney vs Hitler I would vote Romney and our Country would suffer greatly from a complete Corporate takeover because "the people wanted it". Understand my perspective? An extreme perspective to clarify.

But to my knowledge, all the polls showed the American people didn't want it.

I think it's a great idea but fear what might happen when the Corporate Right gets a majority and starts to use American funds for Corporate Healthcare profits. Possibly even the Left now days.
I'll preface by saying that I'm not a big fan of Obamacare. I would have preferred more gradual steps and less of a "rush", and think that pharma & industry had too much of a say in the final bill.

However, that fight is over. Opponents lost; the bill passed. For idiots on the right to think THIS is the time & opportunity to try to get a "do over" on the results just shows how morally corrupt & out of touch they are with average Americans. It's classic "inside the beltway" politicking.

You lost, get over it. Now, it's time to do what's right for the country - and not hold millions of Americans hostage because you decided to be children instead of statesmen.

So what you are arguing is that if a partisan congress passes a law along straight party lines, you can't rescind it? Where is that expressed in our Constitution.

We used to have laws against Women voting; they were rescinded. Are you saying that was wrong? Or can we only rescind laws that you disagree with and have to keep laws you agree with?
To be fair the American people did not want it when it was put in place. But polls today show people actually want to see how it will work.

Congress needs to follow the people, not lead them.
Links to those polls please? Every poll I've seen(not many, I admit)puts it at about 60-40 against. Absolutely NOBODY I know, dem or gop, wants it in it's present form. Interesting thought on the people leading congress. Where is congress supposed to exercise leadership?
I'll preface by saying that I'm not a big fan of Obamacare. I would have preferred more gradual steps and less of a "rush", and think that pharma & industry had too much of a say in the final bill.

However, that fight is over. Opponents lost; the bill passed. For idiots on the right to think THIS is the time & opportunity to try to get a "do over" on the results just shows how morally corrupt & out of touch they are with average Americans. It's classic "inside the beltway" politicking.

You lost, get over it. Now, it's time to do what's right for the country - and not hold millions of Americans hostage because you decided to be children instead of statesmen.

WOW.....while reading the first sentence I actually thought you were gonna post something civil and thoughtful and dare I say, unbiased....
You sure shot that down fast enough....maybe you forget...there was no fight....Republicans had absolutely nothing to say about the bill.....
it was written, passed, and shoved down the throats of all of us without anyone having read it, understand it, what it would cost, or had a clue as to how it was going to effect our care and choices.....

THAT is something you should know by now....the only people being held 'hostage' are the entire population that has to swallow this flawed bill without any
representation .....NOW is the only time we'll get a chance for a 'do over'....once this horse is our of the corral, its gone....we'll spend the next 50 years trying
to change whats wrong with it and everyone under its power is gonna suffer because of it....half the people in the country are scrambbling for exemptions and the rest of
are in the dark and gonna get shit on big time
If you ask people do they want "Obamacare" the majority probably still says no.

If you ask them if they want all the provisions that are IN the bill - they say yes.

Propaganda, and people bought it.
Links to those polls please? Every poll I've seen(not many, I admit)puts it at about 60-40 against. Absolutely NOBODY I know, dem or gop, wants it in it's present form. Interesting thought on the people leading congress. Where is congress supposed to exercise leadership?

Spoken like a true Communist. "If the people control the Government then how are they supposed to exercise leadership?" REALLY! LOL!

Congress is paid little because they are supposed to represent the people kid! They aren't supposed to exercise leadership and oppose the people lol.

If you ask people do they want "Obamacare" the majority probably still says no.

If you ask them if they want all the provisions that are IN the bill - they say yes.

Propaganda, and people bought it.

Nope. As I stated before the people want to see how it works out now. The majority want it now. So it's a double edged sword. When the people knew nothing about it, they were against it. Now that the people have information about it, they want to see how it will work out.

My stance was that it's never ok to push a bill through without America wanting it. If people had more information on it (and other things) we are smart people and can decide. Congress are just our yes/no puppets. Today they are Corporations yes/no puppets, but that is a different thread.
If you ask people do they want "Obamacare" the majority probably still says no.

If you ask them if they want all the provisions that are IN the bill - they say yes.

Propaganda, and people bought it.

YOU don't even know what the hell is in it except in the most general and basic body read the bill before it was passed...the ink on it was barely dry
when it was rammed through.....dear Nancy said "if you want to know whats in it, you have to pass it first"....that isn't a funny line....its insane.

Its only now that people are starting to study what it will and will not do.....10,000 union workers quit the AFLCIO because of it....organized labor
want exemptions, business is cutting employees and the their hours, Congress and their staffs are bitching and wanting exemptions or a little extra of
the taxpayers money to help them pay their share......some can't keep their doctors or their previous coverage that they were satisfied with.....doctors are
bitching about how little they get from medicare now and we know they will get paid even less under Obamacare.
If you ask people do they want "Obamacare" the majority probably still says no.

If you ask them if they want all the provisions that are IN the bill - they say yes.

Propaganda, and people bought it.

But don't try and tell Chuck Todd it's his job to correct the record:

Liberal media my ass.
I don't get it. Obama's 2008 platform on HC was that he fully supported universal healthcare and he was elected. He was re-elected four years later after signing ACA into law. How could people say they didn't want it when they elected him twice after knowing his position?

I'm going to save this quote, because the other applications of it are utterly hilarious.

As for teh ACA, the largest problem (especially for those who aren't BOOMERS) is the mandate. Do you know how much they want to raise my premiums for my wife and I? 112%. I said fuck it, I'll just use the VA (which will likely kill me).
The problem I have is the chickenshit way they sent the bill up. They couldn't get it done the other few dozen times, so they attached it to the bill allowing the gov't to keep operating after the October deadline for teh budget,
The problem I have is the chickenshit way they sent the bill up. They couldn't get it done the other few dozen times, so they attached it to the bill allowing the gov't to keep operating after the October deadline for teh budget,

The irony of the last battle of Obamacare is coming. They are using that same strategy to end it right?
This is how America works. If we all paid into a system and policed it for price gouging we would all have insurance and no problem.

But our focus is Corporate monetary gains and not the gains of people in need of healthcare. Idea's are twisted and turned by opposite parties to make them ugly until they state, "Yep, let that one in, see how the people like that crap" basic sabotage.

This is a Christian Nation. Universal Healthcare is EXTREMELY Christian. *this just in, what........did I hear you (R)ight.........Obama wants it?............BAIL OUT, END UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE!*
This is how America works. If we all paid into a system and policed it for price gouging we would all have insurance and no problem.

But our focus is Corporate monetary gains and not the gains of people in need of healthcare. Idea's are twisted and turned by opposite parties to make them ugly until they state, "Yep, let that one in, see how the people like that crap" basic sabotage.

This is a Christian Nation. Universal Healthcare is EXTREMELY Christian. *this just in, what........did I hear you (R)ight.........Obama wants it?............BAIL OUT, END UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE!*

Don't the rest of the liberal pinheads get on your ass when you say "This is a Christian Nation" ?.....being one of them must be the reason they let
you get away with that......that typical of liberals....its the reason they worship Obama and believe he can do no deshlike.
I'm going to save this quote, because the other applications of it are utterly hilarious.

As for teh ACA, the largest problem (especially for those who aren't BOOMERS) is the mandate. Do you know how much they want to raise my premiums for my wife and I? 112%. I said fuck it, I'll just use the VA (which will likely kill me).

I don't say this to be disrespectful to christifan but Billy I know 100% what you are saying here and it's a great call.
WOW.....while reading the first sentence I actually thought you were gonna post something civil and thoughtful and dare I say, unbiased....
You sure shot that down fast enough....maybe you forget...there was no fight....Republicans had absolutely nothing to say about the bill.....
it was written, passed, and shoved down the throats of all of us without anyone having read it, understand it, what it would cost, or had a clue as to how it was going to effect our care and choices.....

THAT is something you should know by now....the only people being held 'hostage' are the entire population that has to swallow this flawed bill without any
representation .....NOW is the only time we'll get a chance for a 'do over'....once this horse is our of the corral, its gone....we'll spend the next 50 years trying
to change whats wrong with it and everyone under its power is gonna suffer because of it....half the people in the country are scrambbling for exemptions and the rest of
are in the dark and gonna get shit on big time

Wrong. Republicans had enough say that single payer, the actual goal, was shelved before the discussion even started.
As usual, wrong again.