

caught lying in testimony to Congress again.

When is Congress going to impeach this liar?

Gonzales was told of FBI violations
After getting report, attorney general said he knew of no wrongdoing
By John Solomon
The Washington Post
Updated: 7:08 a.m. ET July 10, 2007
As he sought to renew the USA Patriot Act two years ago, Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales assured lawmakers that the FBI had not abused its potent new terrorism-fighting powers. "There has not been one verified case of civil liberties abuse," Gonzales told senators on April 27, 2005.

Six days earlier, the FBI sent Gonzales a copy of a report that said its agents had obtained personal information that they were not entitled to have. It was one of at least half a dozen reports of legal or procedural violations that Gonzales received in the three months before he made his statement to the Senate intelligence committee, according to internal FBI documents released under the Freedom of Information Act.

The acts recounted in the FBI reports included unauthorized surveillance, an illegal property search and a case in which an Internet firm improperly turned over a compact disc with data that the FBI was not entitled to collect, the documents show. Gonzales was copied on each report that said administrative rules or laws protecting civil liberties and privacy had been violated.

The reports also alerted Gonzales in 2005 to problems with the FBI's use of an anti-terrorism tool known as national security letters (NSLs), well before the Justice Department's inspector general brought widespread abuse of the letters in 2004 and 2005 to light in a stinging report this past March.
Naturally, formal criminal or impeachment charges haven't been filed.

But, there is substantial evidence that Gonzo lied and mislead, and that GOP political operatives tried to turn the Justice Department into a political arm of the republican party.

Which brings me to this:

Superfreak, May 2007: "This whole justice department thing is much ado about nothing!"
Naturally, formal criminal or impeachment charges haven't been filed.

But, there is substantial evidence that Gonzo lied and mislead, and that GOP political operatives tried to turn the Justice Department into a political arm of the republican party.

Which brings me to this:

Superfreak, May 2007: "This whole justice department thing is much ado about nothing!"

ok... I'll bite... show me the thread you are referrencing....

Somehow I think it is going to relate to the firing of the attorneys, but let's see what ya got. Which IS much ado about nothing. Which does NOT translate into... the justice department can do no wrong.

Obviously the story today regarding the death claims for police and firefighters shows just how pathetic the justice department can be.
ok... I'll bite... show me the thread you are referrencing....

Somehow I think it is going to relate to the firing of the attorneys, but let's see what ya got. Which IS much ado about nothing. Which does NOT translate into... the justice department can do no wrong.

Obviously the story today regarding the death claims for police and firefighters shows just how pathetic the justice department can be.

What story is this?

The above is what I was referring to. Complete bullshit. These men and women are willing to put their lives on the line every day for us and in turn they are treated like this.

This is on par with the VA treatment of our vets.

Justice Department officials have sought 10 years of medical records that enabled them to cite pre-existing conditions to deny claims and sometimes insisted the stress that killed public servants was merely routine, he said.

That's nice. I'm glad to find out this is what the Justice Department is using my tax dollars to look for.
Goonzales is a very close associate of Bush's and has been for many years.

Anyone who would believe he would act in this manner without Bush's full support is an idiot.

This will go down as the most corrupt admin in history.

Some day the vote fraud that put them in office will be welcome news to most americans so the can rest assured that they were NOT elected twice by the American people.

Sure am glad I got out when I did...this is akin to the treatment Johnny Sutton gave the BP agents and the two SO Deputies in Texas...GW betta wake up and smell the coffee..or he will see a major exodus from Federal LE...The GD is considering this as she progresses in her chosen field of study/work...!
Sure am glad I got out when I did...this is akin to the treatment Johnny Sutton gave the BP agents and the two SO Deputies in Texas...GW betta wake up and smell the coffee..or he will see a major exodus from Federal LE...The GD is considering this as she progresses in her chosen field of study/work...!

I thought she was only "considering" the, now majority of American "pervs" who are against the Iraqi war?
Sorry ya lost me on this comment...please elaborate...:confused:

"on all of the above liberal arguments...well my Grandaughter had made plans to attend one of the Military Academies after graduating from HS next year...after all of the liberal banter about the war...she told me...Hey Gramps I don't want to go through what you did as a kid..back in the day...called all those names and such...the pervs can fight their own war...not me...I said are you talking about those who support the war or those against it...she said those against the way will I risk my life for she now is going to attend college locally (UNR) while working for the local SO..then she hopes to be accepted to the FBI academy after College Graduation..this will be her contribution to society as a whole..can't say I blame her for her decision!"

Your grandaughter now considers the majority of Americans to be "pervs".
Okay I see where you are...

"on all of the above liberal arguments...well my Grandaughter had made plans to attend one of the Military Academies after graduating from HS next year...after all of the liberal banter about the war...she told me...Hey Gramps I don't want to go through what you did as a kid..back in the day...called all those names and such...the pervs can fight their own war...not me...I said are you talking about those who support the war or those against it...she said those against the way will I risk my life for she now is going to attend college locally (UNR) while working for the local SO..then she hopes to be accepted to the FBI academy after College Graduation..this will be her contribution to society as a whole..can't say I blame her for her decision!"

Your grandaughter now considers the majority of Americans to be "pervs".

coming from...and the answer is No! She is a 'conservative' and sees not the "majority" as "pervs" just the 'minority' and will do her best to protect them from self destruction! She just wants to do her best given the circumstances of the world we now live in...end of story...Lady T or darla or whoever you really are!

addendum: and you read my comment wrong ...she supports the Troops and the war...she does not want to give her life for the ilk of the ungratefuls...being the lib whiners and draft dodgers..."Thats all Folks"
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coming from...and the answer is No! She is a 'conservative' and sees not the "majority" as "pervs" just the 'minority' and will do her best to protect them from self destruction! She just wants to do her best given the circumstances of the world we now live in...end of story...Lady T or darla or whoever you really are!

LMAO. Yeah, I'm tianna, you caught me.

"I said are you talking about those who support the war or those against it...she said those against the war"

You better read the polls. She sure is talking about the majority of Americans now.

LMAO. Yeah, I'm tianna, you caught me.

"I said are you talking about those who support the war or those against it...she said those against the war"

You better read the polls. She sure is talking about the majority of Americans now.

I was on to you long ago...just wanted y'all to fess I come in as me all the fraud here!
No I am LadyT!

Or was it Darla ? oops maybe I am turning into a full fledged republican, will have to check with Bush's ex religious advisor and see.

Yes I am, and he has finally outsmarted me!

You know what else this means don't you?

That was really me you had sex with this morning. It's really disgusting that you couldn't be bothered to call me by my right name!

The plot gets darla/Lady T is really Damos love of his life...this is getting really funny...:corn: must admit I love a good :snow: job!