Diversity Makes Greatness
Miami Heat to use coronavirus-sniffing dogs to screen fans at games
"If you think about it, detection dogs are not new," said Matthew Jafarian, the Heat's executive vice president for business strategy. "You've seen them in airports, they've been used in mission critical situations by the police and the military. We've used them at the arena for years to detect explosives."
"The coronavirus-sniffing dog idea has been put into place at airports in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and Helsinki, Finland, in recent months. "
"At Heat games, fans arriving for the game will be brought to a screening area and the detection dogs will walk past. If the dog keeps going, the fan is cleared; if the dog sits, that's a sign it detects the virus and the fan will be denied entry."
"Dogs have a superior sense of smell, which is why they're often used by law enforcement to find everything from drugs to bombs to missing people. Medical researchers have long reaped the benefit of canine sniffing, training some dogs to detect when a human is dealing with things like too much stress, too little blood sugar and even certain cancers.
"Researchers are finding that specially trained dogs can detect COVID on humans quickly and accurately," Jafarian said.
A study released last July showed dogs in Germany were able to sniff out the coronavirus with incredible accuracy. According to the study, eight dogs from Germany's armed forces sniffed the saliva of more than 1,000 people, both healthy and infected, identifying the coronavirus with a 94% success rate. "
I say Bring 'em ON!
Train more!
"If you think about it, detection dogs are not new," said Matthew Jafarian, the Heat's executive vice president for business strategy. "You've seen them in airports, they've been used in mission critical situations by the police and the military. We've used them at the arena for years to detect explosives."
"The coronavirus-sniffing dog idea has been put into place at airports in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and Helsinki, Finland, in recent months. "
"At Heat games, fans arriving for the game will be brought to a screening area and the detection dogs will walk past. If the dog keeps going, the fan is cleared; if the dog sits, that's a sign it detects the virus and the fan will be denied entry."
"Dogs have a superior sense of smell, which is why they're often used by law enforcement to find everything from drugs to bombs to missing people. Medical researchers have long reaped the benefit of canine sniffing, training some dogs to detect when a human is dealing with things like too much stress, too little blood sugar and even certain cancers.
"Researchers are finding that specially trained dogs can detect COVID on humans quickly and accurately," Jafarian said.
A study released last July showed dogs in Germany were able to sniff out the coronavirus with incredible accuracy. According to the study, eight dogs from Germany's armed forces sniffed the saliva of more than 1,000 people, both healthy and infected, identifying the coronavirus with a 94% success rate. "
I say Bring 'em ON!
Train more!