God Loves Uganda... and the Ukraine


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Mainstream conservatives being frustrated at home support criminalizing homosexual activity and even punishing it with the death penalty abroad. They are exporting their terror campaigns. They will often hide their real views and pretend they're position is more reasonable. But they would do the same here if it were not for our principles of secular government.


Four years ago, a bill was introduced in Uganda's parliament that would criminalize same-sex relations. The Anti-Homosexuality Bill has not yet become law, but it has drawn international attention to the animosity against gays in the African nation.

In the documentary God Loves Uganda, director Roger Ross Williams traces the bill's origins to the American evangelical missions in Uganda.


Earlier this month, Ukraine’s parliament took the first step toward passing a law, similar to one recently passed in Russia, that would ban the “promotion of homosexuality” – essentially a gag rule on any LGBT rights advocacy.

The Rockford, Illinois-based World Congress of Families provided support for both laws: In May, the group’s two representatives in Russia, Alekey Komov and Pavel Parfentiev, sent a detailed memo defending the laws to the Council of Europe’s human rights commission. World Congress of Families has also joined an international coalition of groups defending Russia’s law.

In addition, it was representatives of the World Congress of Families who arranged for National Organization for Marriage president Brian Brown to testify before a committee of Russia’s parliament in support of a law banning gay couples and single people in countries that allow marriage equality to adopt Russian orphans.
