Global warming ..... BS.


U. S. NAVY Veteran

Paper features Danish solar physicist Henrik Svensmark on the subject of the UN IPCC: '…many of the climate models used by IPCC and others overestimate the influence of CO2 and underestimate the influence of the sun. … The IPCC is very one-sided, so I don’t think there will be anything reasonable in the next report.'

Also see: Report: Earth undergoing global COOLING since 2002! – Round Up of Current Global Cooling predictions – Climate Depot Exclusive Report
A window-caster could tell you there has been major climate change. You can only debate the reason. Is it global warming from co2? Is it natural fluctuation of temperature? Is it HHARP?

To say global warming is bs is just ignorance.
Global warming is happening each day as we speak, how can you just put it aside? I really send my condolences to the people who believe that global warming is a falsified worldwide issue just so agencies and companies can profit. I really advise waking up and smelling the fresh coffee already. Many more RARE weather events in the LEAST expected places are happening. One example is NYC: They have had 2 hurricanes in a row so far; Sandy, and Irene. This isn't normal at all. I won't even get started with the polar, over 30% of the ice has melted, but thankfully during the winter it re-freezes, however winters are becoming shorter and shorter now because of climate change. Having a great interest in climatology and arctic climatology primarily -- it is quite visible that it is a a worry. It is not like there are no reasons on **WHY** this could be happening, because of course there are. Worldwide we are using so much gas per every second, many insects are being killed away especially bees -- which mean less produce such as vegetables and fruits. It's the car fumes which are destroying this planet environmentally. I would get into animal conservation - but that is a totally different problem with no correlation to this. It is rather peculiar though how people could just disregard such a severe event like this, out of all things. I would think that Obama being an alleged Muslim is of less importance.
Global warming is happening each day as we speak, how can you just put it aside? I really send my condolences to the people who believe that global warming is a falsified worldwide issue just so agencies and companies can profit. I really advise waking up and smelling the fresh coffee already. Many more RARE weather events in the LEAST expected places are happening. One example is NYC: They have had 2 hurricanes in a row so far; Sandy, and Irene. This isn't normal at all. I won't even get started with the polar, over 30% of the ice has melted, but thankfully during the winter it re-freezes, however winters are becoming shorter and shorter now because of climate change. Having a great interest in climatology and arctic climatology primarily -- it is quite visible that it is a a worry. It is not like there are no reasons on **WHY** this could be happening, because of course there are. Worldwide we are using so much gas per every second, many insects are being killed away especially bees -- which mean less produce such as vegetables and fruits. It's the car fumes which are destroying this planet environmentally. I would get into animal conservation - but that is a totally different problem with no correlation to this. It is rather peculiar though how people could just disregard such a severe event like this, out of all things. I would think that Obama being an alleged Muslim is of less importance.

Most of those people have never even looked into the Science behind it. They just know that Democrats think there is global warming so they have to take the opposite. It's the third grade style, "Nuh uh stupid" If Fox News tells them it isn't real they follow like sheeple.
At this point, it isn't "an opinion" to believe in global warming, well it is.
The matter is, it really is happening; which means it isn't an "opinion" anymore, it is 100% a fact.
At this point, it isn't "an opinion" to believe in global warming, well it is.
The matter is, it really is happening; which means it isn't an "opinion" anymore, it is 100% a fact.

NOVA would rather keep coal and kill his grandchildren than accept the Left is correct about something.
Isn't that the dimwit who thought galactic cosmic rays created global warming instead and went nut after he was disproven by Mike Lockwood?

Here's his silly film that the whole world but a couple of his Danish buddies laughed at. (Just like we're all laughing at you Bravo :))

He's the guy who had his theory bolstered by the CERN CLOUD experiment where they proved the interaction of cosmic rays and water vapor which is that there is indeed condensation seeding by the energetic particles.

You suck at science
howey is so stupid he doesn't even understand the topic. Cosmic rays basically cause water vapor to form clouds. Clouds are crucial to climate. Too bad you're only superficially educated on the subject. Sunspots affect the amount of cosmic rays reaching the earth. This is not in dispute.
A window-caster could tell you there has been major climate change. You can only debate the reason. Is it global warming from co2? Is it natural fluctuation of temperature? Is it HHARP?

To say global warming is bs is just ignorance.

What happened to the global cooling, from the 1960's, that everyone thought was going to cause another ice age?

Global warming is not happening, and it's caused by the sun!
What happened to the global cooling, from the 1960's, that everyone thought was going to cause another ice age?

That was a single article in a Newsweek. To my knowledge, there weren't even any academic articles on the subject. Global warming, in contrast, has been the subject of thousands, perhaps tens of thousands of academic articles, and more than that in popular media such as Newsweek. The two are absolutely incomparable, and you are total idiot for even mentioning them.

A mere 50% increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide since 1960 from historic levels? Clearly it's the sun that's causing this non-existant global warming.

The sun has always been here
Co2 levels are about two times normal historic levels
Temperatures are higher than they used to be

Clearly it's the sun!
BTW, temperatures aren't any higher than they used to be, they're actually way colder. But if they were any higher, it would be the sun. Stupid LIBRULZ, and COMMIE-CRATS!
That was a single article in a Newsweek. To my knowledge, there weren't even any academic articles on the subject. Global warming, in contrast, has been the subject of thousands, perhaps tens of thousands of academic articles, and more than that in popular media such as Newsweek. The two are absolutely incomparable, and you are total idiot for even mentioning them.

You could have stopped at "To my knowledge..." and no one would have thought any less of you; but you had to go on make sure that they do think less of you. :)
By the way; stopping wouldn't have meant that they would have thought more of you either.

The sun has always been here
Co2 levels are about two times normal historic levels
Temperatures are higher than they used to be

Clearly it's the sun!

Then how do you explain the extremely higher levels, during the late Palaeocene and earliest Eocene periods?
Then how do you explain the extremely higher levels, during the late Palaeocene and earliest Eocene periods?

Stupid is as stupid does......"How do you explain these fluctuations I'm pointing out in the past and think that today's fluctuation is different when looking at that chart......." Brainy stuff.

The people that were stating today's spike is natural "fluctuation" is now trying to ask why climate fluctuated in the past? What a tool.
The last I heard, Scientists said global warming was 90% absolute. Yet some are focused on the 10% which Fox News interviews often.

Get money! Kill our grandkids! Don't worry about it, it's a political thing!........These Fox News Zombies still think global warming is a lie made up by the Left because their media source told them so. And they wonder why they lose debates and elections.....:awesome: