Glen Beck is scum

If it were a coup in the US, I would be angry at Kerry, but this wasn't/isn't our rodeo!

I would agree with Desh on Beck's comments being completely inappropriate regarding Kerry's wife. That said, as Sec State, a coup in Egypt should have his undivided attention. The Suez Canal is vital to oil flow. Egypt's young democracy is a key building block.
Well, nobody ever suffers from "symptoms of a seizure". You either have a seizure or you don't have a seizure. Just saying.

It is one big coinky dink that is for sure
I would agree with Desh on Beck's comments being completely inappropriate regarding Kerry's wife. That said, as Sec State, a coup in Egypt should have his undivided attention. The Suez Canal is vital to oil flow. Egypt's young democracy is a key building block.

And it can have his undivided attention even on a boat. Faxes, cellphones, etc work on boats.

But thanks for agreeing Beck shouldn't have gone after Kerry's wife.
I would agree with Desh on Beck's comments being completely inappropriate regarding Kerry's wife. That said, as Sec State, a coup in Egypt should have his undivided attention. The Suez Canal is vital to oil flow. Egypt's young democracy is a key building block.

Just out of curiosity, what is the Secretary of State's undivided attention supposed to accomplish with respect to the Suez Canal? Is it, like, a Jedi thing?
And it can have his undivided attention even on a boat. Faxes, cellphones, etc work on boats.

But thanks for agreeing Beck shouldn't have gone after Kerry's wife.

Not according to liberals... remember all the chants of Bush being on vacation because he was in TX instead of DC? Sorry, but Kerry had to be suited up and sitting in his office. That is the only way he can get work done if he is in the US.
Not according to liberals... remember all the chants of Bush being on vacation because he was in TX instead of DC? Sorry, but Kerry had to be suited up and sitting in his office. That is the only way he can get work done if he is in the US.

Kerry was only back in the US for literally hours when the coup occurred. The same couldn't be said for bush. Furthermore, Kerry's not the President.

"Kerry had just returned from a two-week, 22,500-mile trip to Asia and the Middle East, his fifth to the region since taking his post in February."


“While he was briefly on his boat on Wednesday,” State Department spokeswoman Jennifer Psaki said Friday, “Secretary Kerry worked around the clock all day, including participating in the president’s meeting with his National Security Council and calls with Norwegian Foreign Minister Eade, Qatari Foreign Minister al-Attiyah, Turkish Foreign Minister Davutoglu, Egyptian Constitution Party President ElBaradei and five calls to Ambassador Patterson on that day alone.”
Just out of curiosity, what is the Secretary of State's undivided attention supposed to accomplish with respect to the Suez Canal? Is it, like, a Jedi thing?

Kerry is SO AWESOME that if he just stares at Egypt on a map, it will all get fixed... I guess.

He has a lot of things to pay attention to; probably has fewer interruptions on the boat.

In these days of technology, one can be anywhere.

as for Bush, he was incapable of working even when at the office....
Kerry was only back in the US for literally hours when the coup occurred. The same couldn't be said for bush. Furthermore, Kerry's not the President.

"Kerry had just returned from a two-week, 22,500-mile trip to Asia and the Middle East, his fifth to the region since taking his post in February."


“While he was briefly on his boat on Wednesday,” State Department spokeswoman Jennifer Psaki said Friday, “Secretary Kerry worked around the clock all day, including participating in the president’s meeting with his National Security Council and calls with Norwegian Foreign Minister Eade, Qatari Foreign Minister al-Attiyah, Turkish Foreign Minister Davutoglu, Egyptian Constitution Party President ElBaradei and five calls to Ambassador Patterson on that day alone.”

Doesn't sound like he's slacking....
Not according to liberals... remember all the chants of Bush being on vacation because he was in TX instead of DC? Sorry, but Kerry had to be suited up and sitting in his office. That is the only way he can get work done if he is in the US.

Oh get over it already you whiny little tit-for-tat bitch!
while young people were dying in Iraq and people were drowning in NO

that is why we complained.

he set some records for vacation time