Georgia prepping to secede, MTG leading militias in neo confederate effort

Most Federally Dependent States

Rank (1 = Most Dependent)

1 New Mexico 85.80 1 5
2 Kentucky 78.18 3 7
3 Mississippi 77.02 6 4
4 West Virginia 73.86 5 9
5 Montana 70.78 14 2
6 Alaska 68.61 7 8
7 South Carolina 67.58 4 16
8 Indiana 64.37 8 11
9 Arizona 62.71 13 6
10 Wyoming 62.26 24 1
11 Alabama 58.89 9 14
12 Louisiana 54.89 31 3
13 Maine 52.11 10 21
14 North Dakota 51.63 2 44
15 Tennessee 47.73 22 10 about all these MOOCHERS hit the highway, elect Trump as their leader and get the fuck outta here
Militia alliance in Georgia signals new phase for extremist paramilitaries

Let me tell y'all something about GA militias, since I live in this state and are forced to subsidize them...

They are all -I REPEAT ALL- welfare dependent cowards.

They are also vastly outnumbered by the residents of Atlanta, almost 2:1.

They will never achieve secession for GA because they are too fucking afraid to come to Atlanta.

All of them. Every single one. Even MTG. She's a big old pussy. Won't step outside of her isolated pocket in NW GA because the rest of the state has a lot of Black people, and Black people scare her and her Conservative friends.
Militia alliance in Georgia signals new phase for extremist paramilitaries

here's an idea, how about ALL the confederate states secede, again. fuck em, they've been a cancer on the America since even before the Civil War

and look it up, currently the 10 poorest states in the US are confederate shit holes

This is a wonderful educational opportunity for you! You're might get to see how a GOP governor handles blm and antifa style behavior! Personally, I'd like to hear him say sarcastically "these are peaceful protests! These patriots have a constitutional right to do this! I am ordering the police to stand down!". I'd laugh my ass off at that. I'd also like to see some kinda "autonomous zone" erected, with confederate flags out front.

But don't worry. Pretty sure Kemp will have the national guard called up as soon as someone whistles the first few notes of Dixie Land.
Most Federally Dependent States

Rank (1 = Most Dependent)

1 New Mexico 85.80 1 5
2 Kentucky 78.18 3 7
3 Mississippi 77.02 6 4
4 West Virginia 73.86 5 9
5 Montana 70.78 14 2
6 Alaska 68.61 7 8
7 South Carolina 67.58 4 16
8 Indiana 64.37 8 11
9 Arizona 62.71 13 6
10 Wyoming 62.26 24 1
11 Alabama 58.89 9 14
12 Louisiana 54.89 31 3
13 Maine 52.11 10 21
14 North Dakota 51.63 2 44
15 Tennessee 47.73 22 10 about all these MOOCHERS hit the highway, elect Trump as their leader and get the fuck outta here

Gotta say Maine is doing a helluva job bringing home the bacon to be lumped in with all those basket-case shithole states. :)
It saddens me that California pays so much to support probably 10 of them all by itself. The ingratitude. :palm: They don't have to fight to leave,
just fucking leave already. Call yourselves "the confederation of poor ass nonproductive uneducated losers" CPANUL Your flag can
feature a hat in hand or a soup line. Your state bird can be the dodo. And your flower the dutchman's pipe because you love to suck giant cock.
Gotta say Maine is doing a helluva job bringing home the bacon to be lumped in with all those basket-case shithole states. :)
It saddens me that California pays so much to support probably 10 of them all by itself. The ingratitude. :palm: They don't have to fight to leave,
just fucking leave already. Call yourselves "the confederation of poor ass nonproductive uneducated losers" CPANUL Your flag can
feature a hat in hand or a soup line. Your state bird can be the dodo. And your flower the dutchman's pipe because you love to suck giant cock.

It is the other way around asshole. And you know that. CA is nothing but a welfare state.
even with CA's various major problems it's paradise compared to the Confederacy..........mooching losers and just plain lazy assholes