George Zimmerman’s Icarus complex Op-Ed by Jonathan Capehart for WP



By Jonathan Capehart, Updated: November 19 at 10:58 am

“He knows how to do this. He knows how to play this game,” said Samantha Scheibe in her 911 call yesterday. Indeed, he does. And it finally might have gotten the better of him.

George Zimmerman's latest mugshot. (handout from Seminole County Sheriff's Office/Getty Images)

“He” is George Zimmerman, a latter-day O.J. Simpson, who found himself once again the subject of police and public attention. Scheibe is his girlfriend, who called the police after an altercation that got physical and resulted in her being pushed out of her own house and Zimmerman being arrested. Yesterday’s events fit a pattern employed by Zimmerman long before he killed Trayvon Martin last year in Sanford, Fla.

An encounter with law enforcement is a given. A woman Zimmerman is involved with at the time takes action against him. He takes similar action. And he ultimately walks away free. But the former neighborhood watch volunteer’s luck might have run out.

In July 2005, Zimmerman was arrested for “resisting officer with violence” after he got into a scuffle with cops questioning a friend for alleged underage drinking. The charges were reduced and then waived after he entered an alcohol education program. In August 2005, Zimmerman’s former fiance sought a restraining order against him because of domestic violence. Zimmerman sought a restraining order against her in return. Both were granted. Yesterday, the history of violence, police action and 911 calls repeated itself in Sanford.

“You just broke my glass table, you just broke my sunglasses and you put your gun in my friggin’ face and told me to get the f— out!” Scheibe yelled at Zimmerman while she was on the line with 911. She later told the dispatcher, “He just pushed me out of my house and locked me out!”

In a tit-for-tat move reminiscent of the 2005 protection order, Zimmerman called 911 himself, telling the dispatcher, “My girlfriend has, for lack of a better word, gone crazy on me.” What was interesting was why Zimmerman said he made the call. “The police is already there, so why are you calling? What happened?” the dispatcher asked. “I just want everyone to know the truth.” When the dispatcher again asked Zimmerman why he didn’t want to talk to police, Zimmerman said, “I don’t have anything to say.” But he had plenty to say on the phone.

Zimmerman revealed he was moving out and that Scheibe is pregnant with their child that she wants to raise on her own. By the way, the police said yesterday that Sheibe told them that she is not pregnant. Zimmerman claims it was Scheibe who broke the glass table. And he says that he never brandished a gun at her.

She’s got a 9 millimeter. I have my firearms. She was throwing my stuff out. And in one of the bags was one of my firearms. I never pulled a firearm. I never displayed it. When I was packing it, I’m sure she saw it.

George and Shellie Zimmerman during the second-degree murder trial. (Joe Burbank/AP)

His call sounded as cold and calculated as the infamous one he made to the non-emergency line at the Sanford Police Department on Feb. 26, 2012. An unarmed 17-year-old ended up dead with a single shot to the heart. Zimmerman was found not guilty of second-degree murder in July. And he’s been in our faces for one reason or another ever since. Only two months ago, Shellie Zimmerman told a 911 dispatcher that her now-ex-husband was “just threatening all of us with his firearm” and had punched her father in the nose. But Zimmerman wasn’t arrested because neither Shellie nor her father pressed charges against him.

Shellie Zimmerman told ABC News three days before she called the cops on George that his July acquittal left him feeling “invincible.” Icarus also felt invincible until his feather-and-wax wings that allowed him to soar freely melted when he flew too close to the sun. His latest run-in with an ex and the police ought to disabuse Zimmerman of that feeling."

So all you naysayers out there that think that Zimmerman isn't a time bomb or a disaster is the proof. He is a coward, a misogynist who beats and threatens his women, and he murdered Trayvon Martin...and everybody now knows it. Sooner or later, karma will work itself out. It's already started. - poet

By Jonathan Capehart, Updated: November 19 at 10:58 am

“He knows how to do this. He knows how to play this game,” said Samantha Scheibe in her 911 call yesterday. Indeed, he does. And it finally might have gotten the better of him.

George Zimmerman's latest mugshot. (handout from Seminole County Sheriff's Office/Getty Images)

“He” is George Zimmerman, a latter-day O.J. Simpson, who found himself once again the subject of police and public attention. Scheibe is his girlfriend, who called the police after an altercation that got physical and resulted in her being pushed out of her own house and Zimmerman being arrested. Yesterday’s events fit a pattern employed by Zimmerman long before he killed Trayvon Martin last year in Sanford, Fla.

An encounter with law enforcement is a given. A woman Zimmerman is involved with at the time takes action against him. He takes similar action. And he ultimately walks away free. But the former neighborhood watch volunteer’s luck might have run out.

In July 2005, Zimmerman was arrested for “resisting officer with violence” after he got into a scuffle with cops questioning a friend for alleged underage drinking. The charges were reduced and then waived after he entered an alcohol education program. In August 2005, Zimmerman’s former fiance sought a restraining order against him because of domestic violence. Zimmerman sought a restraining order against her in return. Both were granted. Yesterday, the history of violence, police action and 911 calls repeated itself in Sanford.

“You just broke my glass table, you just broke my sunglasses and you put your gun in my friggin’ face and told me to get the f— out!” Scheibe yelled at Zimmerman while she was on the line with 911. She later told the dispatcher, “He just pushed me out of my house and locked me out!”

In a tit-for-tat move reminiscent of the 2005 protection order, Zimmerman called 911 himself, telling the dispatcher, “My girlfriend has, for lack of a better word, gone crazy on me.” What was interesting was why Zimmerman said he made the call. “The police is already there, so why are you calling? What happened?” the dispatcher asked. “I just want everyone to know the truth.” When the dispatcher again asked Zimmerman why he didn’t want to talk to police, Zimmerman said, “I don’t have anything to say.” But he had plenty to say on the phone.

Zimmerman revealed he was moving out and that Scheibe is pregnant with their child that she wants to raise on her own. By the way, the police said yesterday that Sheibe told them that she is not pregnant. Zimmerman claims it was Scheibe who broke the glass table. And he says that he never brandished a gun at her.

She’s got a 9 millimeter. I have my firearms. She was throwing my stuff out. And in one of the bags was one of my firearms. I never pulled a firearm. I never displayed it. When I was packing it, I’m sure she saw it.

George and Shellie Zimmerman during the second-degree murder trial. (Joe Burbank/AP)

His call sounded as cold and calculated as the infamous one he made to the non-emergency line at the Sanford Police Department on Feb. 26, 2012. An unarmed 17-year-old ended up dead with a single shot to the heart. Zimmerman was found not guilty of second-degree murder in July. And he’s been in our faces for one reason or another ever since. Only two months ago, Shellie Zimmerman told a 911 dispatcher that her now-ex-husband was “just threatening all of us with his firearm” and had punched her father in the nose. But Zimmerman wasn’t arrested because neither Shellie nor her father pressed charges against him.

Shellie Zimmerman told ABC News three days before she called the cops on George that his July acquittal left him feeling “invincible.” Icarus also felt invincible until his feather-and-wax wings that allowed him to soar freely melted when he flew too close to the sun. His latest run-in with an ex and the police ought to disabuse Zimmerman of that feeling."

So all you naysayers out there that think that Zimmerman isn't a time bomb or a disaster is the proof. He is a coward, a misogynist who beats and threatens his women, and he murdered Trayvon Martin...and everybody now knows it. Sooner or later, karma will work itself out. It's already started. - poet
