George Soros made billions from financial crises

Big Money

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Economist Paul Krugman is critical of Soros' effect on financial markets.

"Nobody who has read a business magazine in the last few years can be unaware that these days there really are investors who not only move money in anticipation of a currency crisis, but actually do their best to trigger that crisis for fun and profit. These new actors on the scene do not yet have a standard name; my proposed term is 'Soroi'."
Economist Paul Krugman is critical of Soros' effect on financial markets.

"Nobody who has read a business magazine in the last few years can be unaware that these days there really are investors who not only move money in anticipation of a currency crisis, but actually do their best to trigger that crisis for fun and profit. These new actors on the scene do not yet have a standard name; my proposed term is 'Soroi'."
I stated this many times in the past that, in my opinion, Georgi Soros is behind this entire economic mess. I believe that Georgi Soros is a border line Commie who is out to destroy the regular US Business person, by regular I mean not part of the Leftist Commie/Hollywood Cabal that is trying to run/ruin this Country as we know it. After Russia basically dissolved, because of the strength of the great President Ronald Reagan, the released Russian records showed that there were actually more Commies in Hollywood than even Senator Joseph McCarthy's investigations thought back in the late 1940's. Naturally all this is only my opinion and opinions are like A-"bombs", everyone has one thanks to the commie spies, the Rosenburgs.
I stated this many times in the past that, in my opinion, Georgi Soros is behind this entire economic mess. I believe that Georgi Soros is a border line Commie who is out to destroy the regular US Business person, by regular I mean not part of the Leftist Commie/Hollywood Cabal that is trying to run/ruin this Country as we know it. After Russia basically dissolved, because of the strength of the great President Ronald Reagan, the released Russian records showed that there were actually more Commies in Hollywood than even Senator Joseph McCarthy's investigations thought back in the late 1940's. Naturally all this is only my opinion and opinions are like A-"bombs", everyone has one thanks to the commie spies, the Rosenburgs.

From Democracy Incorporated: Managed Democracy and the Specter of Inverted Totalitarianism (2008) by Sidney Wolin:

"McCarthy was remarkable for a simple but matchless talent: he lied endlessly and spectacularly. No matter how often the lies were brought to light, he plunged on, exposing one after another alleged spy, traitor, red, or pinko, and in the process recklessly damaging or ending careers. His sheer destructiveness did not stop with the charges thrown at obscure officials or hapless academics or Senate colleagues. His accusations of communist or Soviet sympathies extended to cabinet officers and some of the countries revered icons, including General (later Secretary of State) George Marshall, President Dwight Eisenhower and the U. S. Army itself. With very few exceptions the media caved in or kowtowed.
That a political figure as bizarre, crude, and unscrupulous as McCarthy could generate the tidal wave of McCarthyism was no doubt due to the support he received from respectable politicians such as Senator Taft [of Ohio], and from influential intellectuals, such as William Buckley, but it was the Cold War itself that lent resonance to his antics."

And of course this lying, unscrupulous fool is one of your chosen heros. Good for you imbecile. You have proven you are a complete and total idiot!
From Democracy Incorporated: Managed Democracy and the Specter of Inverted Totalitarianism (2008) by Sidney Wolin:

"McCarthy was remarkable for a simple but matchless talent: he lied endlessly and spectacularly. No matter how often the lies were brought to light, he plunged on, exposing one after another alleged spy, traitor, red, or pinko, and in the process recklessly damaging or ending careers. His sheer destructiveness did not stop with the charges thrown at obscure officials or hapless academics or Senate colleagues. His accusations of communist or Soviet sympathies extended to cabinet officers and some of the countries revered icons, including General (later Secretary of State) George Marshall, President Dwight Eisenhower and the U. S. Army itself. With very few exceptions the media caved in or kowtowed.
That a political figure as bizarre, crude, and unscrupulous as McCarthy could generate the tidal wave of McCarthyism was no doubt due to the support he received from respectable politicians such as Senator Taft [of Ohio], and from influential intellectuals, such as William Buckley, but it was the Cold War itself that lent resonance to his antics."

And of course this lying, unscrupulous fool is one of your chosen heros. Good for you imbecile. You have proven you are a complete and total idiot!
Yelling at me will not help you. You know that I knows and that is your problem. I mentally pinned you to the wall, so you lash out like a wild animal(Jackass), what else is new....Changing the subject is Right out of the Commie Manifesto.....TOUCHE', fool
What a left winger profiting off of other peoples misery?

Surely the left wingers will be here to DENOUNCE with vigor these transgressions against humankind


Maybe not