Genocide Joe's Jews murder another 109, men, women and children

Wrong Dutch

They were basically prisoners of these evil power mongers

It’s a fucking war crime
I get that you hate the Jews too. Most pro-Hamas people do.

What do you consider 75 years of constant attacks against Israeli citizens?
They are the very people I mentioned oom

The innocent people of all these evil leaders
The evil leaders are those funding this war in Tehran. No funding, no terrorism.

What do you think should be done about this?
If you give your neighbor ten bucks and he goes and buys bullets

Comes home

And shoots you in the head

Did you kill your self?
Israel doesn't want to eradicate Palestine. Hamas wants to eradicate Israel though. So does Iran (which funds Hamas).
I know that. I'm making the point that in order to produce a winner and end wars between Israel and Palestine, the Israelis might have to eradicate Palestine in its entirety to make that happen because of Palestinian intransigence.
I don’t favor any of the leaders involved in this

They are all evil

It’s all of their innocent civilians that I care about
Your fucking lying about what my side is saying

You do that because you in fact can’t defend your side with facts

So you distort reality

That makes you a fucking LOSER
I said from my first post I hated them Dick muncher

How does you lying prove your stance?

It trashes your own point with dishonesty and stupidity
And you saying I should suck Putin's cock and that I'm a racist has absolutely nothing to do with the truth of my stance of supporting the Israeli leader, and the fact that you think the Israeli leader is evil. You are the anti Semite Hamas traitor cock sucking anti American piece of dog doo.
And you saying I should suck Putin's cock and that I'm a racist has absolutely nothing to do with the truth of my stance of supporting the Israeli leader, and the fact that you think the Israeli leader is evil. You are the anti Semite Hamas traitor cock sucking anti American piece of dog doo.
Your title is libhater you fucking lame assed Russian foreign disinformation bot hole computer program
All the leaders involved are evil

The people are not all evil

It’s you ass dicks saying babies that got blown up were evil because they were trapped in this nation

Fucking idiots who put politics over human life