General Politics


Does anybody have a good recipe for Risotto? I’m a big fan of Risotto. I’m still looking for the perfect wild mushroom risotto recipe. Anyone?

Is this a good topic for the General Politics section, or should I just go ask Nancy Pelosi?

Did anyone see American Idol last night? I didn’t, but I guess I could google it and get enough info to fake it. My manicure is already chipped, does anyone know how women get their manicures to last all week? I’m starting to think that they get two manicures a week. It’s cheap enough, but I just don’t have the patience for it.

Last night I went to my nephew’s wrestling match. He’s 6 so it was kind of cute, but a little violent. My 8 and ½ year old niece got bored so I took her for a walk around the high school. She was very interested in all of the art on the walls. And in the lockers. She couldn’t wait to get her own locker. So I said, you know, when you’re here, you’ll probably have a boyfriend, it’s a sweet time of life. And she looked at me like I was crazy and said “NO’ And I said, why not, don’t you like boys? And she said “NO”. So I asked why, and she said “Because they’re gross.”

It was very funny. I told her, well, I can’t lie and say that they get any less gross, but they grow on you eventually. She just said “NO”. So she was having none of it.
Does anybody have a good recipe for Risotto? I’m a big fan of Risotto. I’m still looking for the perfect wild mushroom risotto recipe. Anyone?

Is this a good topic for the General Politics section, or should I just go ask Nancy Pelosi?

Did anyone see American Idol last night? I didn’t, but I guess I could google it and get enough info to fake it. My manicure is already chipped, does anyone know how women get their manicures to last all week? I’m starting to think that they get two manicures a week. It’s cheap enough, but I just don’t have the patience for it.

Last night I went to my nephew’s wrestling match. He’s 6 so it was kind of cute, but a little violent. My 8 and ½ year old niece got bored so I took her for a walk around the high school. She was very interested in all of the art on the walls. And in the lockers. She couldn’t wait to get her own locker. So I said, you know, when you’re here, you’ll probably have a boyfriend, it’s a sweet time of life. And she looked at me like I was crazy and said “NO’ And I said, why not, don’t you like boys? And she said “NO”. So I asked why, and she said “Because they’re gross.”

It was very funny. I told her, well, I can’t lie and say that they get any less gross, but they grow on you eventually. She just said “NO”. So she was having none of it.
Uh oh. Next thing you know she'll be buying Melissa Etheridge CDs, watching The L-Word and hanging out with girls on the track team.

Come to think of it, I buy Melissa Etheridge CDs, watch the L-Word and used to hang out with girls on the track team. :(
LOL. I thought of that, but figured she’s probably too young for that yet. And really, boys are gross, so it’s not like she’s wrong. I mean, she can go into details on the ways they gross her out. It’s very funny.

I only posted this because Damo annoyed me this morning. It’s just babble anyway.
LOL. I thought of that, but figured she’s probably too young for that yet. And really, boys are gross, so it’s not like she’s wrong. I mean, she can go into details on the ways they gross her out. It’s very funny.

I only posted this because Damo annoyed me this morning. It’s just babble anyway.
It's nice to know we have a replacement for when 'dawg isn't posting.
Whats the L-Word?
A very stylish and hip TV show about a group of unbelievably stylish and hip lesbian women living in Los Angeles, mostly with no visible means of financial support. Sort of lesbian fantasy wish fullfillment but with pretty good writing and snappy dialogue. And lots of very pretty women.
Darla, I admit I must be an uncultured rube - because I don't even really know what rissoto is. Yes, I've heard of it. But don't have the foggiest what it it. I'll blame it on being a descendent from a long family line of pennsylvania union coal miners. I don't think rissoto was a real big item with the coal miners. ;)

Anyway, you shouldn't propagandize your neice about high school. High school was a prison! I couldn't wait to get out of there, and be a free adult! lol. Well, I did like playing football. And I liked the cheerleaders. But, I didn't fit in with the traditional jock crowd. For some reason, the stoners liked me. I can't imagine why ;)

Just kidding. Keep talking up school to your neice. Maybe she can be a doctor or something.....
Darla, I admit I must be an uncultured rube - because I don't even really know what rissoto is. Yes, I've heard of it. But don't have the foggiest what it it. I'll blame it on being a descendent from a long family line of pennsylvania union coal miners. I don't think rissoto was a real big item with the coal miners. ;)

Anyway, you shouldn't propagandize your neice about high school. High school was a prison! I couldn't wait to get out of there, and be a free adult! lol. Well, I did like playing football. And I liked the cheerleaders. But, I didn't fit in with the traditional jock crowd. For some reason, the stoners liked me. I can't imagine why ;)

Just kidding. Keep talking up school to your neice. Maybe she can be a doctor or something.....

Would you believe that I was a total stoner in high school? And ever since I got out of high school, from my first day of college, people assumed I was a cheerleader in high school. I have no idea what changed in that time. But it always makes me laugh, because I was the farthest thing from a cheerleader you could be. I was always smoking pot and ciggerettes too. Cutting classes. The only reason I even got into college was because I read something once, and it stayed. I didn’t have to study. If I did have to study, I would have failed.

Risotto is great, it’s an Italian rice dish. If you ever see it on a menu give it a try.
okay darla, this is the second time I am writing this...the first time the site gave me an error... :(

add two table spoons of butter or olive oil to a 10 inch skillet and add about a half cup or a little more of diced onion and squash a clove of garlic and add that too and saute them both until they are soft, but don't let them brown...then add about a cup of rice maybe a little more or less so that the arborio rice (really short fat rice) covers the onions or the entire pan so that it is about 1/4 of an inch high over the onion mixture and fry the rice for about 2 minutes until it starts to turn color...more of a white than clearish, then add about a quarter cup of white wine to the mixture and stir and cook until the rice has soaked up the wine... then add chicken stock to where it barely covers the rice and let it boil and soak up the chicken broth and keep adding broth to the rice while continually stirring making sure it is boiling the entire time... a large can of chicken broth should do.

stir, stir and stir the whole time, this will give it , its creaminess...taste it at around 20-25 minutes to see if the rice is tender to your liking and if the rice seems like it is still too hard when you have run out of chicken broth then continue to add some water to it while still stirring...maybe 5 more minutes, then turn the heat off and add 2 tblespoons of butter and about a half of a cup of parmigiano reggiano freshly grated and salt and pepper to can add some salt as you are cooking it but be careful because the chicken broth and the butter have salt in them already so make sure to taste before adding more at the end of the cooking period....

look for the garlic clump and remove it.

you can add the mushrooms to the onion mixture and saute them with that but this will make the rice brownish so you might want to saute the mushrooms separately in butter and add them to the rice when you add the parmigian cheese.
Darla, I admit I must be an uncultured rube - because I don't even really know what rissoto is. Yes, I've heard of it. But don't have the foggiest what it it. I'll blame it on being a descendent from a long family line of pennsylvania union coal miners. I don't think rissoto was a real big item with the coal miners. ;)

Anyway, you shouldn't propagandize your neice about high school. High school was a prison! I couldn't wait to get out of there, and be a free adult! lol. Well, I did like playing football. And I liked the cheerleaders. But, I didn't fit in with the traditional jock crowd. For some reason, the stoners liked me. I can't imagine why ;)

Just kidding. Keep talking up school to your neice. Maybe she can be a doctor or something.....

Rissoto is a starchy, short grained rice dish made by guinea wop bastards.
okay darla, this is the second time I am writing this...the first time the site gave me an error... :(

add two table spoons of butter or olive oil to a 10 inch skillet and add about a half cup or a little more of diced onion and squash a clove of garlic and add that too and saute them both until they are soft, but don't let them brown...then add about a cup of rice maybe a little more or less so that the arborio rice (really short fat rice) covers the onions or the entire pan so that it is about 1/4 of an inch high over the onion mixture and fry the rice for about 2 minutes until it starts to turn color...more of a white than clearish, then add about a quarter cup of white wine to the mixture and stir and cook until the rice has soaked up the wine... then add chicken stock to where it barely covers the rice and let it boil and soak up the chicken broth and keep adding broth to the rice while continually stirring making sure it is boiling the entire time... a large can of chicken broth should do.

stir, stir and stir the whole time, this will give it , its creaminess...taste it at around 20-25 minutes to see if the rice is tender to your liking and if the rice seems like it is still too hard when you have run out of chicken broth then continue to add some water to it while still stirring...maybe 5 more minutes, then turn the heat off and add 2 tblespoons of butter and about a half of a cup of parmigiano reggiano freshly grated and salt and pepper to can add some salt as you are cooking it but be careful because the chicken broth and the butter have salt in them already so make sure to taste before adding more at the end of the cooking period....

look for the garlic clump and remove it.

you can add the mushrooms to the onion mixture and saute them with that but this will make the rice brownish so you might want to saute the mushrooms separately in butter and add them to the rice when you add the parmigian cheese.

LOL. Thanks Care!