General Pace is Immoral


Well, he is. I don't usually make a big deal about it since labelling people "immoral" isn't often productive. Fun, perhaps, but not productive. Now that he's seen fit to attempt to impose his religious standards on everyone else, however, it's time to call a spade a spade.
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The top U.S. military officer, Marine Gen. Peter Pace, doesn't plan to apologize for telling a newspaper that homosexuality is immoral, his senior staff told CNN on Tuesday.

Pace, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told the Chicago Tribune on Monday that he supports the "don't ask, don't tell" policy banning openly gay people from serving in the U.S. armed forces.

The general also compared homosexuality to adultery -- behavior that is prosecuted in the military, he said.

"My upbringing is such that I believe that there are certain things, certain types of conduct that are immoral," Pace told the Tribune. "I believe that military members who sleep with other military members' wives are immoral in their conduct."

Pace also told the paper, "I believe that homosexual acts between individuals are immoral, and that we should not condone immoral acts.
"So the 'don't ask, don't tell' [policy] allows an individual to serve the country ... if we know about immoral acts, regardless of committed by who, then we have a responsibility.
I wish, now that the Dems have Congress back, that they would draft some legislation putting a stop to the don't ask don't tell bullshit, and just allow gays into the military, openly.

Just out of curiosity, are you saying he is immoral for stating his beliefs? Or that in some way his beliefs make him immoral?

While I don't necessarily agree with him on this issue, I don't think it is immoral for him to voice what he believes.

Just my thought on the matter
"Who died and made General Pace the moral abitrator?"

Are you suggesting he not be allowed to speak about what he believes? He has every right to say he thinks it is immoral. Just as you have the right to disagree with him.

This is a non-issue.
Sexual orientation is based on thought and thus homosexuality could never be immoral. However I will hold Pace to the same standard and say his statement of belief is not immoral either.

However actions are moral or immoral and the don't ask don't tell policy definitely is immoral.
This is classic.

Bush and Cheney's Chariman of the Joint Chiefs, just called Cheney's daughter "immoral".
When you are so fucked up as to think someones sexuality that they are born with can be immmoral, you run into situations where you are calling your bosses daughter immoral, even when she is a perfectly good person.

Just out of curiosity, are you saying he is immoral for stating his beliefs? Or that in some way his beliefs make him immoral?

While I don't necessarily agree with him on this issue, I don't think it is immoral for him to voice what he believes.

Just my thought on the matter
It is the belief that is immoral, not the expressing of it.
I find it ironic that people who have the job of figuring out the best way to kill others would be afraid of such "immorality" among them.
Give this republican his due...kudos, Senator Warner:

Senator John Warner (R-VA) says General Pace wrong to call gays "immoral"

too bad Warner is a dying breed, of old-line establishment republicans.
It is the belief that is immoral, not the expressing of it.

I thought you were all about results and not intentions.
Generally, yes. There are some beliefs that can't be justified, however. Emotions are just emotions: it's all in how you deal with them. An opinion is what comes later, and for those we are each responsible.
Immorality for one is morality for another. It is all subjective folks, keep that in mind.
That's what I was trying to get at. :)

Pace thinks that some of my friends are immoral and I think he's immoral. BFD. Absent some social consensus neither opinion means much. He is in a position of considerable responsibility, however, and freely expressing his opinions isn't always compatible with his responsibilities.

In other words, he's gagging on his toes, whether he realizes it or not. The cool thing is that few people seem willing to Heimlich him in public. This incident and the way Ann Coulter's tasteless joke blew up in her face last week lead me to think that attitudes toward homosexual people really are beginning to mature.

Not to worry: I'll be back to cynical pessimism next week, I'm sure.
Attitudes are changing, I was reading an article about the decay of traditional homosexual neighborhoods. Gays are moving out and hetros are moving in. Imagine that :)
Gays are no longer so restricted on where they can live and work. And the under 40 crowd understands this. It is just a matter of time...
Attitudes are changing, I was reading an article about the decay of traditional homosexual neighborhoods. Gays are moving out and hetros are moving in. Imagine that :)
Gays are no longer so restricted on where they can live and work. And the under 40 crowd understands this. It is just a matter of time...
Totally true. It's a big deal here, what with the border between the Castro District and Noe Valley becoming more and more blurred every day. Used to be that there were almost no hetero households west of Church Street. Today there's no demarcation line at all. Some of the longtime residents of the Castro miss the old days, naturally, but most people see it as a good thing.