Gay Rights and the Republican Primary.....


Well-known member
The majority of Americans have come around on the issue of Gay Rights in general...

However its an issue the lunatic fringe of the Republican Party are very passionate about and will choose a candidate over.

I am really going to enjoy the Texas Two step that the Republican primary candidates are going to have to do to get the nomination while still remaining a viable general election candidate.

You are going to hear a lot of non-answers, statements like "its an issue for the states", or "That issue has been decided"....

It will be fun to see questions about how the Fed should handle benefits for same sex partners and such.

I predict the winner of the Republican Nomination will be whoever can best perform the Texas Two Step!
The solution. Just cancel fed benefits for everyone. Problem solved. Then you can't be accused of discriminating against the abnormal queers.
The blacks are going to get a bit jealous that other "minority" groups are getting shown more love. Blacks vote for cigarettes, but the queers give money. Too bad for the blacks
Of course if Santorum is running, he'll put the issue front and center - no dancing for him.

Being President shouldn't come down to who supports Queers, it should be about protecting the people of these United States against enemies, foreign, and domestic.

1% of the population is gay, yet that is what liberals want to know when voting for a president, do they support the homo's

Being President shouldn't come down to who supports Queers, it should be about protecting the people of these United States against enemies, foreign, and domestic.

You just make sure you handle that when you get elected president there, mistah!


1% of the population is gay, yet that is what liberals want to know when voting for a president, do they support the homo's


Most likely the gay population of this country is closer to 20% when you include all the closet cases like you. Acceptance of gays is nearing 70%.

Which means you're fighting a losing battle there, twinkie lover.
The majority of Americans have come around on the issue of Gay Rights in general...

However its an issue the lunatic fringe of the Republican Party are very passionate about and will choose a candidate over.

I am really going to enjoy the Texas Two step that the Republican primary candidates are going to have to do to get the nomination while still remaining a viable general election candidate.

You are going to hear a lot of non-answers, statements like "its an issue for the states", or "That issue has been decided"....

It will be fun to see questions about how the Fed should handle benefits for same sex partners and such.

I predict the winner of the Republican Nomination will be whoever can best perform the Texas Two Step!

The California Two Step is going to be even more interesting.
Since California voters voted down gay marriage, it will be fun watching the Dem candidate running on a gay marriage platform and trying to convince them that he's their guy.
Being President shouldn't come down to who supports Queers, it should be about protecting the people of these United States against enemies, foreign, and domestic.

BRAINY response. It seems "domestic" people have taken the force of law to discourage the behavior of some, a minority. But I'm guessing you are new to politics and you think that this new controversy is about condoning gays..........You don't have to condone them..........just don't use law to judge them.

1% of the population is gay, yet that is what liberals want to know when voting for a president, do they support the homo's


Listen kid. ALL AMERICANS should focus on Liberty, not just the Libertarian extremist party. Great picture though. It shows you are intolerant of someone who was born/raised differently. Let me step out on an equally brave branch here and say, "YOUR PARENTS SHOULD HAVE TAUGHT YOU SMARTER"

I think all of us know that could have came out way more immature as it possibly should have.

1% of the population is gay, yet that is what liberals want to know when voting for a president, do they support the homo's


Maybe you can tell me what a gay person did to motivate you to hate gays. Did they do something or did your parents teach you to fight your true self?
You just make sure you handle that when you get elected president there, mistah!

likely the gay population of this country is closer to 20% when you include all the closet cases like you. Acceptance of gays is nearing 70%.

Which means you're fighting a losing battle there, twinkie lover.

Please. More than likely a solid 35%, not counting the so-called "heteros", who "freak", on occasion. I was with a white guy once, whose father was one of my patients when I was in cardiopulmonary. And I know that he wasn't gay, and that I was his first
time. I'll bet that was his once in a lifetime....and he'll never forget it. Some of us got it like that.
It's not like we search for them, they search us out. They know where the mo's are, they stalk and fantasize us until they get their own dose of tube steak. Then they crawl back home to wifey and the kids and their miserable lying existence. It's a weekly occurrence in the USF household.

These guys, of course, are the main transmitters of AIDS today with their unprotected sex with hustlers. USF's wife is in for a big surprise when those blood tests come back!
It's not like we search for them, they search us out. They know where the mo's are, they stalk and fantasize us until they get their own dose of tube steak. Then they crawl back home to wifey and the kids and their miserable lying existence. It's a weekly occurrence in the USF household.

These guys, of course, are the main transmitters of AIDS today with their unprotected sex with hustlers. USF's wife is in for a big surprise when those blood tests come back!

half of this I like; but not implying USF has AIDS.

But I agree -sex on the "down low" is often unprotected sex and can lead to consequences for one's official partner. As being gay becomes more accepted, hopefully there is less of this as people won't feel they have to lie about it.
half of this I like; but not implying USF has AIDS.

But I agree -sex on the "down low" is often unprotected sex and can lead to consequences for one's official partner. As being gay becomes more accepted, hopefully there is less of this as people won't feel they have to lie about it.

Looks like Howard is still upset that JB's AID's test cam back and the outlook isn't good.
Plus he now has to go to the VA, more then every 6 months, to get himself tested.
I wonder if JB had AID's before he packed Howards lunch, if Howard gave it to him, or was JB cheating on Howard; but Howard forgave him?
Maybe Howard was cheating on JB and brought home the gift that keeps on giving.
That would explain why Howard decided to throw a 4th of July party and left JB to deal with this, all by himself.