Gallop Poll Finds More Americans Blame Bush for Failure to Capture bin Laden!


Senior Member
It is official Bush is to Blame, at least athat is the cuirrent opinon of a majority of Americans according to this new Gallop Poll. Maybe Bush will not be able to keep running on the War on Terror. If the Republicans have to resort to running on domestic issues they are definitely screwed.

September 27, 2006
Bush Blamed More Than Clinton for Failure to Capture Bin Laden
Views are Predictably Partisan; Independents Mostly Blame Bush

by Lydia Saad


PRINCETON, NJ -- The recent firestorm over former President Bill Clinton's culpability for the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks was fueled on Tuesday when Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice contrasted President Bush's efforts to pursue al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden with Clinton's efforts. Clinton has strongly denied various suggestions that his administration missed key opportunities to kill bin Laden and left the Bush administration without a comprehensive anti-terrorism strategy. However, Bush -- whom Clinton says did nothing about al-Qaeda for the first eight months of his presidency -- has the bigger image problem with Americans on the issue.

According to a recent Gallup Panel survey, the American public puts the primary blame on Bush rather than Clinton for the fact that bin Laden has not been captured. A majority of Americans say Bush is more to blame (53%), compared with 36% blaming Clinton.

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No suprise since Bush has made a comment or two dissing catching OBL.
It was once a main goal of his. I guess since there were no WMD's or mushroom clouds Bush figured that OBL was a fantasy too.
Well bush sure did stay focused on catching OBL, and did not allow himself to get distracted with Iraq either....
ya... we americins sure like too point our fingers dont we

Other than the 19 people who committed suicide in perpetrating the attack on 9-11 what is Bush's score. Should we really let him off the hook for bin Laden because he said go kill Iraqis and so we killed over 130,000 of them while bin Laden runs free, dancing and prancing around the hills of Afghanistan and Pakistan making an occasional film or tape to demonstrate his longevity. Meanwhile hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars are being spent on a War in Iraq that is still being portrayed as a part of a War on either a strategy or an emotion, depending on how you define, Terror. Given all this and the free pass that Americans have been giving Bush for the past five years, I would offer that the problem is not that Americans like to point fingers, but that Americans have been all too willing in this particular instance to refrain from pointing fingers or placing blame.
This poll could be an indicator of people waking up. The pundits have been doing a blitz to blame as much of Iraq and 911 on Clowntoon as possible, it could be backfiring on them....
This poll could be an indicator of people waking up. The pundits have been doing a blitz to blame as much of Iraq and 911 on Clowntoon as possible, it could be backfiring on them....

polls are for dancers

i blame both bush and clintion for not getting the job done as far as OBL goes. but OBl dosnt have a monapoly on terror....

and i am sure there are many reasons why OBL hasnt been cought or killed, one may be iraq, but how many other factors are their, how long were we in afghan before we went too iraq ? just under 2 years, well it took us less then that too say that there were no wmd ins iraq, shouldnt we have cought OBL within that time frame ?
And how many troops did we put in Afganistan ?
But yes there are other reasons, like our friends in Pakistan ?