Gaetz Says He Won't Resign as Pressure Mounts.


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WASHINGTON—Rep. Matt Gaetz (R., Fla.) on Friday said he wouldn’t resign in the face of rising pressure over reports that the FBI has been investigating him since last summer, in part over whether he broke federal sex-trafficking laws."

Who in their right mind ever said it would be a easy task to get rid of another spawn of the devil of the un American repuke insurgency. Yet, the historical over 81 million voter of 2020, and of the U.S. and with the defense of federal courts and SCOTUS, which is a surprise, threw the lawlessly hacked in sewer rubbish tRump out of the White House with only one squalid and failed and fake term to show for himself. In that case, the slime ball and putrid disgrace upon Congress and society Gaetz should be a no brainer at giving his dirty hide the boot! Also screw him and his filthy money that apparently makes him so-called privileged but of the un American gutter.
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Cuomo won't resign as pressure mounts... What happened to that story? Swalwell didn't resign as pressure mounted...

In fact, in the last decade a whole raft of Democrats were found to be up to their eyeballs in corruption, shady deals, sex scandals, and the like yet most continued their political careers unabated. What's with that?
Cuomo won't resign as pressure mounts... What happened to that story? Swalwell didn't resign as pressure mounted...

In fact, in the last decade a whole raft of Democrats were found to be up to their eyeballs in corruption, shady deals, sex scandals, and the like yet most continued their political careers unabated. What's with that?

I bet you won't resign at projecting yourself as a gapped legged and trolling skank.
Gaetz is a liar...a bad liar. If you hitched your wagon to him you might want to unhitch now.

I agree with that because if someone hitches their wagon with the Mad Hatter and mad dog Gaetz, they may as well expect to burn in hell forever after having the law hitching its Judicial wagon against them.
Cuomo won't resign as pressure mounts... What happened to that story? Swalwell didn't resign as pressure mounted...

In fact, in the last decade a whole raft of Democrats were found to be up to their eyeballs in corruption, shady deals, sex scandals, and the like yet most continued their political careers unabated. What's with that?

the worst cuomo has been accused of is staring too much at a female intern or whatever. dickhead bitch gaetz is accused of paying a 17 year old girl to come have sex with him in another state. swallwell was in no way connected to that chinese spy after he found out she was a spy, in fact, when he did find out, he insisted on an investigation.
Cuomo won't resign as pressure mounts... What happened to that story? Swalwell didn't resign as pressure mounted...

In fact, in the last decade a whole raft of Democrats were found to be up to their eyeballs in corruption, shady deals, sex scandals, and the like yet most continued their political careers unabated. What's with that?

Why don't you start a thread about Cuomo, seeing that this thread is about Gaetz.
the worst cuomo has been accused of is staring too much at a female intern or whatever. dickhead bitch gaetz is accused of paying a 17 year old girl to come have sex with him in another state. swallwell was in no way connected to that chinese spy after he found out she was a spy, in fact, when he did find out, he insisted on an investigation.

actually Cuomo has been accused of much more than that.......what I find significant is that no women have come forward and accused Gaetz of anything yet.......