Gaddafi raped schoolgirls kidnapped to serve him as sex slaves

cancel2 2022

I wonder if BAC will come to Ghaddafi's defence?

Colonel Gaddafi beat and raped kidnapped schoolgirls he used as sex slaves in between checking his emails, according to a new book.
French reporter Annick Cojean gathered horrific accounts from the girls forced into the former Libyan dictator's harem for the account published last week.

One victim, named as Soraya, was 15 when she was abducted in 2004 by the late tyrant's 'talent scouts' after she was chosen to give him a bouquet when he visited her school.
Gaddafi had accepted the gift before placing his hand on her head, a sign she now realises meant 'I want this one'.

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[h=2]A French reporter has published a book of testimonies from women forced into former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi’s harem. France 24 interviewed the author about the ordeals the women endured and the problems they face in a post-Gaddafi Libya.[/h]By Marc DAOU (text)

Young and beautiful, they were kidnapped, beaten, humiliated and raped by former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi.

Annick Cojean, a reporter for French daily Le Monde, has gathered testimonies from the women forced into Gaddafi’s harem and published them in a book entitled "Les Proies: Dans le harem de Kadhafi" (or "Prey: In Gaddafi’s Harem”).

The book recounts the experiences of these women, whose lives became a living nightmare after they had the misfortune of catching Gaddafi’s eye. One example is Soraya*, who became the Libyan tyrant’s sex slave at age 15.
“It was one of my most painful investigations,” Cojean confided.

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Apparently Ghaddafi is now being portrayed as a Muslim, that must be news to millions of people. I just love the lengths that certain people will go to avoid criticising the despot for his insanities and excesses.

Oh, sorry - Yes, if true the story is horrible. I'm sure Darla agrees. Who wouldn't? If it's true.

I got distracted by Darla's insightful comment that conservatives only seem to care about the abuse of women when it happens in muslim countries, not when it happens here in the US or in other non-muslim countries.
Oh, sorry - Yes, if true the story is horrible. I'm sure Darla agrees. Who wouldn't? If it's true.

I got distracted by Darla's insightful comment that conservatives only seem to care about the abuse of women when it happens in muslim countries, not when it happens here in the US or in other non-muslim countries.

I have no reason to doubt the story, I am sure that it is only the tip of the iceberg and there are many things far worse to come out. Ghaddafi was a despot and a psychopath and I find very disturbing that certain elements on the left feel the need to whitewash him and rewrirte history. NO doubt BAC will be along soon to tell us again about the Great Man Made River and how the LIbyan people loved him.
I have no reason to doubt the story, I am sure that it is only the tip of the iceberg and there are many things far worse to come out. Ghaddafi was a despot and a psychopath and I find very disturbing that certain elements on the left feel the need to whitewash him and rewrirte history. NO doubt BAC will be along soon to tell us again about the Great Man Made River and how the LIbyan people loved him.

And.Conservatives bawled their eyes out when we aided the rebels....then they bawled their eyes out again when Obama decided to take a support role and let the coalition doe the heavy lifting....then of course, there was Benghazi....and they bawled again.

Now you are bawling about another ruthless dictator....Mubarek...who assassinated Anwar Sadat to get into power and may have had a hand in the first WTC bombing.....but because.things aren't peachy in a country that was ruled with an iron fist for so long....once again....Obama is the devil.

So....what's the deal there Aox? Obama do right by helping to rid Libya of Ghaddafi now?
This isn't the first time warmongers have used rape as a weapon of disinformation and as a tool for imperialism.

Libya: Clinton condemns rape as weapon of war

The US secretary of state has said she is troubled by reports that Libyan government forces are raping civilians.

Amnesty questions claim that Gaddafi ordered rape as weapon of war

Susan Rice’s Viagra Hoax: The New Incubator Babies

Our UN Ambassador's Shocking False Rape Claim

Libya ‘rape’ propaganda plunges to new depths of desperation

Rape in Libya: America’s Recent Wars Have All Been Accompanied by Memorable Falsehoods

LIES, WAR, AND EMPIRE: NATO’S “HUMANITARIAN IMPERIALISM” IN LIBYA’s-“humanitarian-imperialism”-in-libya/

Neither Susan Rice, nor Hillary Clinton EVER produced the slightest evidence of what they claimed.

They were democratic women using 'rape' as a weapon of war.

Now our resident warmonger comes along with yet another rape story .. but he won't tell you anything about this ... which are PROVEN and DOCUMENTED.

Mass Rapes of Black Women by Libyan Rebels

Revealed: How Libyan Rebels Rape Nigerian Women!

In Libyan camp, black Africans tell of rape, abuse by rebels

Why won't Aoxomoxoa tell you about these PROVEN abuses?

Because it doesn't fit the narrative he's trying to get others to swallow .. and he doesn't really care about raped women, children, and men in Libya.
Oh, sorry - Yes, if true the story is horrible. I'm sure Darla agrees. Who wouldn't? If it's true.

I got distracted by Darla's insightful comment that conservatives only seem to care about the abuse of women when it happens in muslim countries, not when it happens here in the US or in other non-muslim countries.

Surely you aren't implying that if a US President were going into schools and choosing women to be their sex slaves that we wouldn't raise an objection?
I think the issue is what constitutes "abuse". I don't know anyone that would support this behavior nor defend it from anyone.

Of course, I don't think the misproportioned shape of a Barbie doll constitutes abuse either. So I guess it depends on where you lie on the spectrum
Because it doesn't fit the narrative he's trying to get others to swallow .. and he doesn't really care about raped women, children, and men in Libya.

No. A lot of people don't seem to care about the rape of women in warfare. Otherwise it wouldn't happen so often.

Seriously, men? You go off to war and rape women and it's ok because they are on the other side?

Not addressed to any particular man on this board, but over and over and over, war after war after police action after incursion ... women get raped.

Don't hear about women raping men during war, now do we?

What IS it? It's all a big power trip; we know rape isn't about sex, it's about power over a woman (or a weaker man).

Sad. I don't care if it's christians, muslims, atheists, buddists - happens in every fight.
No. A lot of people don't seem to care about the rape of women in warfare. Otherwise it wouldn't happen so often.

Seriously, men? You go off to war and rape women and it's ok because they are on the other side?

Not addressed to any particular man on this board, but over and over and over, war after war after police action after incursion ... women get raped.

Don't hear about women raping men during war, now do we?

What IS it? It's all a big power trip; we know rape isn't about sex, it's about power over a woman (or a weaker man).

Sad. I don't care if it's christians, muslims, atheists, buddists - happens in every fight.

I could not agree with you more than I already do.

I also have a problem when it used used falsely to justify war and its real horrors .. and we seem to have a real penchant for doing just that.
No. A lot of people don't seem to care about the rape of women in warfare. Otherwise it wouldn't happen so often.

Seriously, men? You go off to war and rape women and it's ok because they are on the other side?

Not addressed to any particular man on this board, but over and over and over, war after war after police action after incursion ... women get raped.

Don't hear about women raping men during war, now do we?

What IS it? It's all a big power trip; we know rape isn't about sex, it's about power over a woman (or a weaker man).

Sad. I don't care if it's christians, muslims, atheists, buddists - happens in every fight.

Here is something for you to get your teeth into, a little known story from WW2.

[h=1]The GIs who raped France: We know about the mass rape of German women by Stalin's soldiers. Now a new book reveals American troops committed thousands of rapes on French women they were 'liberating'[/h]
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I could not agree with you more than I already do.

I also have a problem when it used used falsely to justify war and its real horrors .. and we seem to have a real penchant for doing just that.

You are the one that is always eulogising Ghaddafi, so go ahead and tell us why he was so good again!!
I have no reason to doubt the story, I am sure that it is only the tip of the iceberg and there are many things far worse to come out. Ghaddafi was a despot and a psychopath and I find very disturbing that certain elements on the left feel the need to whitewash him and rewrirte history. NO doubt BAC will be along soon to tell us again about the Great Man Made River and how the LIbyan people loved him.

Well, I am sure that there are Libyans who loved him. There are Cubans who love Castro. There were Russians who loved Stalin. It is actually an amazing phenomenon that people don't associate their suffering with the person inflicting their suffering.
Here is something for you to get your teeth into, a little known story from WW2.

The GIs who raped France: We know about the mass rape of German women by Stalin's soldiers. Now a new book reveals American troops committed thousands of rapes on French women they were 'liberating

Sad. But it doesn't surprise me. Which is also sad.
No. A lot of people don't seem to care about the rape of women in warfare. Otherwise it wouldn't happen so often.

Seriously, men? You go off to war and rape women and it's ok because they are on the other side?

What do you mean "you men"? Awful broad generalization for such a despicable action.

Not addressed to any particular man on this board, but over and over and over, war after war after police action after incursion ... women get raped.

While I am sure that there are those who will take these next comments as me "defending rape", I will make them anyway. Yes, rape has happened throughout the history of warfare. Remember, that war is about killing and breaking things and breaking your enemy. War is violent. In the animal kingdom one male vanquishes another male and takes command of not only territory by mating rights with the female. Consider it the prize of victory. Females are considered a high prize because they are the means of reproduction. Genetically we are programmed to pass on our DNA and it obviously makes sense to make the gene pool as wide as possible. One way to do that is through rape. In the case or war we must remember that there are violent emotions that are taking place that most people can't even fathom. Again, I am not defending it, just attempting to explain it. I repeat. I am not defending rape. I am merely attempting to explain rape in warfare.

Don't hear about women raping men during war, now do we?

Men are more likely to want to exert control over other people. Look to the animal kingdom for answers.

What IS it? It's all a big power trip; we know rape isn't about sex, it's about power over a woman (or a weaker man).

Sad. I don't care if it's christians, muslims, atheists, buddists - happens in every fight.

This should be interesting
If Gaddafi was guilty of kidnapping and raping his own citizens .. why did his people support him so overwhelmingly?

AND, how did this happen?

US was about to dive Gaddafi Human Rights Award
UN Report Offers Smoking Gun Proof of NATO and US Lies about Libya

Before NATO and the U.S. started bombing Libya, the United Nations was preparing to bestow an award on Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, and the Libyan Jamahiriya, for its achievements in the area of human rights. That’s right–the same man, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, that NATO and the United States have been telling us for months is a “brutal dictator,” was set to be given an award for his human rights record in Libya. How strange it is that the United Nations was set to bestow a human rights award on a “brutal dictator,” at the end of March.


Libyan Woman Have Vast Rights & Freedoms Under Gadaffi

For European bankers, it's a war for Libya's Gold. For oil corporations, it's a war for Cheap Crude (now threatening to destroy Libya's oil infrastructure, just like Iraq). But for Libya's women, it's a fierce, knock down battle over the Abaya- an Islamic style of dress that critics say deprives women of self-expression and identity.

Hillary Clinton and President Sarkozy might loath to admit it, but the desire to turn back the clock on women rights in Libya constitutes one of the chief goals for NATO Rebels on the Transitional Council.

For NATO Rebels-who are overwhelmingly pro-Islamist, regardless of NATO propaganda (see - it's a matter of restoring social obedience to Islamic doctrine. However the abaya is more than a symbol of virtue and womanly modesty. It would usher in a full conservative doctrine, impacting women's rights in marriage and divorce, the rights to delay childbirth to pursue education and employment-all the factors that determine a woman's status of independence.

That makes this one War Libya's women cannot afford to lose. For those of us who support Islamic modernity, there are good arguments that Gadhaffi would be grossly irresponsible to hand over power to a vacuum dominated by NATO Rebels. Given the savagery of their abuses against the Libyan people ( -and the Rebel's agenda to reinstate Shariah and retract women's rights, Gadhaffi has an obligation to stand strong and block them for the protection of the people.

The abaya carries so much weight in the battle for Islamic modernity that Gadhaffi pretty much banned Islamic dress from the first days of his government. Getting rid of the abaya was part of Gadhaffi's larger reform package supporting women's rights-one of the best and most advanced in the entire Arab world. The transformation of women's status has been so great that the Ayatollah Khomeini in Iran imposed a fatwa against Gadhaffi years ago, declaring his government blasphemous to Islamic traditions.


Surely you know what we do about 'our oil' under Arab lands .. surely you know how the MIC operates.
If Gaddafi was guilty of kidnapping and raping his own citizens .. why did his people support him so overwhelmingly?

AND, how did this happen?

US was about to dive Gaddafi Human Rights Award
UN Report Offers Smoking Gun Proof of NATO and US Lies about Libya

Before NATO and the U.S. started bombing Libya, the United Nations was preparing to bestow an award on Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, and the Libyan Jamahiriya, for its achievements in the area of human rights. That’s right–the same man, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, that NATO and the United States have been telling us for months is a “brutal dictator,” was set to be given an award for his human rights record in Libya. How strange it is that the United Nations was set to bestow a human rights award on a “brutal dictator,” at the end of March.


Libyan Woman Have Vast Rights & Freedoms Under Gadaffi

For European bankers, it's a war for Libya's Gold. For oil corporations, it's a war for Cheap Crude (now threatening to destroy Libya's oil infrastructure, just like Iraq). But for Libya's women, it's a fierce, knock down battle over the Abaya- an Islamic style of dress that critics say deprives women of self-expression and identity.

Hillary Clinton and President Sarkozy might loath to admit it, but the desire to turn back the clock on women rights in Libya constitutes one of the chief goals for NATO Rebels on the Transitional Council.

For NATO Rebels-who are overwhelmingly pro-Islamist, regardless of NATO propaganda (see - it's a matter of restoring social obedience to Islamic doctrine. However the abaya is more than a symbol of virtue and womanly modesty. It would usher in a full conservative doctrine, impacting women's rights in marriage and divorce, the rights to delay childbirth to pursue education and employment-all the factors that determine a woman's status of independence.

That makes this one War Libya's women cannot afford to lose. For those of us who support Islamic modernity, there are good arguments that Gadhaffi would be grossly irresponsible to hand over power to a vacuum dominated by NATO Rebels. Given the savagery of their abuses against the Libyan people ( -and the Rebel's agenda to reinstate Shariah and retract women's rights, Gadhaffi has an obligation to stand strong and block them for the protection of the people.

The abaya carries so much weight in the battle for Islamic modernity that Gadhaffi pretty much banned Islamic dress from the first days of his government. Getting rid of the abaya was part of Gadhaffi's larger reform package supporting women's rights-one of the best and most advanced in the entire Arab world. The transformation of women's status has been so great that the Ayatollah Khomeini in Iran imposed a fatwa against Gadhaffi years ago, declaring his government blasphemous to Islamic traditions.


Surely you know what we do about 'our oil' under Arab lands .. surely you know how the MIC operates.

No doubt the French woman journalist who interviewed the women that Ghaddafi had in his harem is just making it all up and is being paid by the CIA. I expect if you check she caused WT7 to collapse as well.