GA voter disenfranchisement law (for now) is motivating black people in droves

Republicans have been trying to disenfranchise black voters since the sixties and tried real hard in the last election, which resulted in A RECORD TURNOUT OF BLACK VOTERS. If they think gimmicks like denying water to people standing in line is going to keep us from voting, they’ve got another think coming. Time to kill Jim Crow in Georgia.
It does not matter how motivated blacks get, the Repubs are not going to allow them to vote.

How will they stop us? It’s going to take a lot more than what they’ve done or than they have ever done. Do they plan on shooting us down at the polls? That’s what it will take.
The GOP no longer makes any pretense of being anything other than a white supremacy party.

I don't believe in cancel culture and wokeness in matters of hurting people's feelings but no further aggrievement beyond that.
Republicans need to be blacklisted, however.

They tried to do it to Communist Party members in the 1950s when there was absolutely no legitimate reason to do so.
Everything a racist/seditionist Republican does is a perfectly valid and even necessary reason to do so.

We didn't need internment camps for Japanese Americans in the 1940s.
That's a disgrace, much like slavery but on a much smaller scale, with which we'll always have to live and from which we need to learn.
Not rounding up Republicans, on the hand, will prove to be absolutely catastrophic if we don't get to it immediately.
Republicans and trumpanzee mutants are a far more deadly disease than covid, and we should be just as committed to eradicating them.

Socialism and Democracy are both requisites for preserving the republic, but right now, it's social responsibility that's more important in the short term.
Eradicating seditionists, even if it means temporarily suspending democracy, is job 1 for the American government right now.
Allowing the infection of seditionist trumpanzee Republicans to stand will destroy both democracy and the republic permanently.
The GOP no longer makes any pretense of being anything other than a white supremacy party.

I don't believe in cancel culture and wokeness in matters of hurting people's feelings but no further aggrievement beyond that.
Republicans need to be blacklisted, however.

They tried to do it to Communist Party members in the 1950s when there was absolutely no legitimate reason to do so.
Everything a racist/seditionist Republican does is a perfectly valid and even necessary reason to do so.

We didn't need internment camps for Japanese Americans in the 1940s.
That's a disgrace, much like slavery but on a much smaller scale, with which we'll always have to live and from which we need to learn.
Not rounding up Republicans, on the hand, will prove to be absolutely catastrophic if we don't get to it immediately.
Republicans and trumpanzee mutants are a far more deadly disease than covid, and we should be just as committed to eradicating them.

Socialism and Democracy are both requisites for preserving the republic, but right now, it's social responsibility that's more important in the short term.
Eradicating seditionists, even if it means temporarily suspending democracy, is job 1 for the American government right now.
Allowing the infection of seditionist trumpanzee Republicans to stand will destroy both democracy and the republic permanently.

Personally, I appreciate that clarity. THE GOP HATES BLACK PEOPLE ... Thank you. As if we didn’t already know that, but thanks anyway for removing all doubt.

All of America now knows what we have always been telling them, and so does the entire world.

Thanks again.

We’ve endured slavery, Jim Crow, and lynchings by being creative and strategic. We’re going to use their own tools and throw them right back at them. We have to beat them at their own game.