Ga ends long lines for voting


Oh yeah

They did nothing about that voting problem

Standing in line for eight hours to vote is fine in predominately black areas in Ga

But no one can give them water and food

Or they go to prison

They should have just labeled the bill “THAT SHOULD KEEP THE BLACK VOTE “

In honor of the GOP memo that was exposed during the Rayguns term
So tell us right wings dog shit brains

Why does the Ga republicans not fox their obvious problem with not enough equipment for all the legal voters to vote in an organized and reasonable way?

Why did they make a law to make it a crime to help people stuck in 8 hour lines

This one element of the new laws proves these republicans belong in prison
The Republican Party will soon be dead for this

Not correct. They will just step up their efforts to pick the voters that want to vote. Cheaters are not cowed. They just cheat more. The law has to stop them.
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Their true intent is now laid bare to the entire world


in other words

Traitors to this nation
As I have stated for YEARS here on this site

The Republican Party has cheated in elections for decades

They hate the people and democracy

The USA courts show massive records of the Republican Party cheating Americans out of their rights to vote and live under self governing like the founders planned

They prefer the Russian system
Why has the Republican leadership in Ga NEVER corrected the problem of 8 hour lines in their state?

Because they CREATED Those long lines
Why does the Republican leadership in Ga not fix this problem

Why instead of fixing it they made it Harder for voters endure 8 hour lines?
Dear fucking republicans

How the fuck do you think this ends?

It will be the death of the Republican party
Hello evince,

Oh yeah

They did nothing about that voting problem

Standing in line for eight hours to vote is fine in predominately black areas in Ga

But no one can give them water and food

Or they go to prison

They should have just labeled the bill “THAT SHOULD KEEP THE BLACK VOTE “

In honor of the GOP memo that was exposed during the Rayguns term

We need to make a federal law that says States must provide enough voting resources so that nobody waits in line over an hour. If the wait is longer than that then they must provide rest rooms and refreshments. Let the States work out how to comply. If voters wait over an hour for more than one election then State voting laws/systems must come under the review of a House committee, have all plans approved by the House, or allow House managers to set up an independent board of State voters empowered and funded to provide more precincts in the next election to meet the one hour rule.
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Note not one Republican here is willing to face the facts that the republicans in Ga offered nothing in their bill to fix the problem of long ass voting lines in Ga?

There is no answer

Because those long lines are intentional

They LOVE to torture people who have the audacity to try and vote
Lies and avoiding facts is all the American right has left in their quiver

Utter total failures

Big time losers

Why didn’t the Ga republicans just fix the long lines instead of making it illegal to help voters get the chance to vote