Fukushima disaster; 10yrs on and millions of tonnes of radioactive rubble.


Satire for Sanity
Japan honours victims of 2011 earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster
Japan observes a minute of silence to commemorate the lives lost in the triple disaster of March 11, 2011.


Mariko Odawara places flowers to mourn the victims of the earthquake and tsunami that killed thousands and triggered the worst nuclear accident since Chernobyl, during its 10th anniversary, in Iwaki, Fukushima prefecture, Japan March 11, 2021

Japan has paid tribute to the nearly 20,000 victims of a powerful earthquake and tsunami that struck the country 10 years ago, destroying entire towns and triggering the world’s worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl.


People release dove-shaped balloons into the sky to mourn earthquake and tsunami victims in Natori, Miyagi prefecture on March 11, 2021

The government has spent about $300bn to rebuild the tsunami-devastated region, but areas around the Fukushima plant remain off-limits, worries about radiation levels linger and many who left have settled elsewhere. Decommissioning of the crippled plant will take decades and billions of dollars.

The Fukushima disaster in maps and charts
Ten years after Japan’s deadly earthquake and tsunami, we take a look at how the disaster unfolded.


People recover fairly quickly from earthquakes and tsunamis. Filthy nuclear ' technology ' ? Not for many lifetimes- if ever.

The sooner that all of the world's nuclear plant is decommissioned the better for Mankind as a whole. Fuck the profiteers.

Troll-free zone.
God, has it been 10 years already?

I hope that mankind doesn't build a single nuclear plant ever again, but we don't seem very good at remembering history.
People recover fairly quickly from earthquakes and tsunamis. Filthy nuclear ' technology ' ? Not for many lifetimes- if ever.

The sooner that all of the world's nuclear plant is decommissioned the better for Mankind as a whole. Fuck the profiteers.

Troll-free zone.

Fukishima is the gold standard response to any Deplorable who hollers that libtards should build nuke plants to address the climate crisis.
God, has it been 10 years already?

I hope that mankind doesn't build a single nuclear plant ever again, but we don't seem very good at remembering history.

I was in Belarus a few years ago, and in the southeast of the country, there are still warning signs about eating produce grown there because of ongoing radioactive toxicity in the soils of that region from the Chernobyl incident.

Chernobyl seems like it was about half a century ago.
I was in Belarus a few years ago, and in the southeast of the country, there are still warning signs about eating produce grown there because of ongoing radioactive toxicity in the soils of that region from the Chernobyl incident.

Chernobyl seems like it was about half a century ago.

Doesn't it? And Three Mile Island even longer.

Saw a documentary a while back about some of the older residents moving back into the forbidden zone around the destroyed plant, mostly babushkas. The wildlife has come back... even wolves. The thick forests and multitude of birds, fish, and mammals belies the steady tick-tick-tick of the unseen radiation. The area will be contaminated for another thousand years.
Fukishima is the gold standard response to any Deplorable who hollers that libtards should build nuke plants to address the climate crisis.

Barack Obama gives green light to new wave of nuclear reactors
This article is more than 11 years old
US president announces $8.3bn in loan guarantees for construction of first nuclear reactors in almost 30 years

Suzanne Goldenberg, US environment correspondent
Tue 16 Feb 2010 13.20 EST

Barack Obama pressed the start button on the first new construction of nuclear reactors in a generation today, announcing $8.3bn in loan guarantees for the company building two.

Obama, in a visit to a job training centre in Maryland, said the loan guarantees to the energy giant, Southern Company, would help launch the first wave of construction of new reactors in nearly 30 years as well as advance his energy and climate agenda.

"Even though we have not broken ground on a new nuclear plant in nearly 30 years, nuclear energy remains our largest source of fuel that produces no carbon emissions," he said. "To meet our growing energy needs and prevent the worst consequences of climate change, we'll need to increase our supply of nuclear power. It's that simple."

The loans would commit the US government to repaying Southern's loans if the company defaults. The guarantees cover some 70% of the estimated $8.8bn cost of building the two new reactors at the company's Vogtle plant, which is east of Atlanta.

White House officials said today's announcement reinforced Obama's pledge in his state of the union address last month to expand America's use of nuclear energy and to open up offshore drilling.

Obama has also asked Congress in his budget request to triple loan guarantees for the nuclear industry to $54bn from the current $18.5bn.'


Doesn't it? And Three Mile Island even longer.

Saw a documentary a while back about some of the older residents moving back into the forbidden zone around the destroyed plant, mostly babushkas. The wildlife has come back... even wolves. The thick forests and multitude of birds, fish, and mammals belies the steady tick-tick-tick of the unseen radiation. The area will be contaminated for another thousand years.
for sure

The ghost city of Pripyat is truly erie, and it is the quintessential metaphor for the risks associated with nuclear energy.

There is a hidden health crisis in Belarus, which took the major hit from the fallout. The cancer rates and deformities post-disaster are generally swept under the rug by the Lukashenko regime.
for sure

The ghost city of Pripyat is truly erie, and it is the quintessential metaphor for the risks associated with nuclear energy.

There is a hidden health crisis in Belarus, which took the major hit from the fallout. The cancer rates and deformities post-disaster are generally swept under the rug by the Lukashenko regime.

You have relatives there? Are they okay?
You have relatives there? Are they okay?
kind of you to ask.
The radioactive fallout largely bypassed my father's village, and as far as I know there has been no inordinate increase in cases of cancer among my relatives and acquaintances in that village.
Barack Obama gives green light to new wave of nuclear reactors
This article is more than 11 years old
US president announces $8.3bn in loan guarantees for construction of first nuclear reactors in almost 30 years

Suzanne Goldenberg, US environment correspondent
Tue 16 Feb 2010 13.20 EST

Barack Obama pressed the start button on the first new construction of nuclear reactors in a generation today, announcing $8.3bn in loan guarantees for the company building two.

Obama, in a visit to a job training centre in Maryland, said the loan guarantees to the energy giant, Southern Company, would help launch the first wave of construction of new reactors in nearly 30 years as well as advance his energy and climate agenda.

"Even though we have not broken ground on a new nuclear plant in nearly 30 years, nuclear energy remains our largest source of fuel that produces no carbon emissions," he said. "To meet our growing energy needs and prevent the worst consequences of climate change, we'll need to increase our supply of nuclear power. It's that simple."

The loans would commit the US government to repaying Southern's loans if the company defaults. The guarantees cover some 70% of the estimated $8.8bn cost of building the two new reactors at the company's Vogtle plant, which is east of Atlanta.

White House officials said today's announcement reinforced Obama's pledge in his state of the union address last month to expand America's use of nuclear energy and to open up offshore drilling.

Obama has also asked Congress in his budget request to triple loan guarantees for the nuclear industry to $54bn from the current $18.5bn.'



List the nuclear power plants that were built during the Obama presidency.
Al Gorians are not saving the planet. You're just a bunch of rich preening white libs jumping on the latest virtue signaling leftwing fad.
There was nothing wrong with that energy, only where humans built it.

Nuclear energy is very safe.

Ever heard of our nuclear carriers or subs having a meltdown?

Of course not because they were built properly and meticulously cared for.

It's like the guy who builds his house next to a volcano and wonders why he has lava flowing through his bedroom.

And even if they do meltdown they have no impact on climate change just the living things in the area.

So don't go building them on fault lines or in the path of tidal waves.

The simple fact is that if we hadn't been using nuclear energy for all these years that the climate would be unlivable today.

I read that scientists give us eight years again before the climate can't be fixed so honestly switching to complete nuclear energy is the only option.

It's funny though how the climate all of a sudden isn't that big of a concern if the alternative is nuclear energy.

It just shows what a bunch crap liberals are pushing.

If the climate was actually in danger they would be demanding we switch to nuclear but they are choosing to let the whole planet die because they are worried we might have some fish that glow in the dark?

That is the logic they want people to believe lol.
People recover fairly quickly from earthquakes and tsunamis. Filthy nuclear ' technology ' ? Not for many lifetimes- if ever.

The sooner that all of the world's nuclear plant is decommissioned the better for Mankind as a whole. Fuck the profiteers.

Troll-free zone.

Pelosi's white lib "CONGRESS upped the U.S. Department of Energy’s nuclear fusion budget from US $564 million to $671 million for fiscal year 2020. '

Pelosi's white lib "CONGRESS upped the U.S. Department of Energy’s nuclear fusion budget from US $564 million to $671 million for fiscal year 2020. '


The entire context of what we were talking about concerned whether or not we should build new nuclear plants:
I hope that mankind doesn't build a single nuclear plant ever again, but we don't seem very good at remembering history.

Pigdog you are moving the goal posts by invoking upgrades to existing nuclear plants, and trying to shoehorn that into the conversation.

In short, you are responding to what you wish we wrote, instead of what we actually wrote. That is bad message board form.
The entire context of what we were talking about concerned whether or not we should build new nuclear plants:

Pigdog you are moving the goal posts by invoking upgrades to existing nuclear plants, and trying to shoehorn that into the conversation.

In short, you are responding to what you wish we wrote, instead of what we actually wrote. That is bad message board form.

"Obama Commits $8B in Loan Guarantees to Vogtle Expansion—With Conditions
President Barack Obama on Tuesday offered to conditionally guarantee $8.33 billion in loans for Southern Co.’s project to build two AP1000 nuclear reactors at the Alvin W. Vogtle Electric Generating Plant in Burke, Ga. The pledge marks the first federal nuclear loan guarantee, and it could boost construction of the first U.S. nuclear plant in more than 30 years."


So, what now? :dunno: