Fukishima Follies...the saga continues.


Shaken, not stirred!
Japan's Fukushima operator acknowledges contaminated water flowing into sea

(Reuters) - The operator of Japan's stricken Fukushima nuclear power plant said on Monday that contaminated ground water had likely been flowing into the sea, acknowledging such a leakage for the first time.

Tokyo Electric Power Co., or Tepco, made the announcement a day after Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's pro-nuclear Liberal Democratic Party and its junior coalition partner scored a decisive victory in elections to the upper house, cementing his grip on power.

The head of Japan's new Nuclear Regulation Authority, created since the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami wrecked Fukushima, said this month he believed contamination of the sea had been continuing since the accident.

But Tepco had previously failed to confirm the ground water leakage more than two years after the worst nuclear accident since Chernobyl in 1986.

And notice the SILENCE from all the pro-nuke wonks. Like I said, until it's in their backyard, it's all academic.

You are confusing silence with indifference, 20,000 people died on that day but all you care about are the nuclear plants where only one has died and that was from a heart attack. All the media ever do is report that the levels are higher than normal which panders to the scientifically illiterate who eat that shit up. Here is a chart that gives an objective view on radiation levels. I wonder if you knew that radiation levels fall with the square of the distance from the source?

If you could answer without referring to the chronology of the posts that would be nice.


Click to get larger version: http://www.rchoetzlein.com/theory/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/fukushima7.jpg
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You are confusing silence with indifference, 20,000 people died on that day but all you care about are the nuclear plants where only one has died and that was from a heart attack. All the media ever do is report that the levels are higher than normal which panders to the scientifically illiterate who eat that shit up. Here is a chart that gives an objective view on radiation levels. I wonder if you knew that radiation levels fall with the square of the distance from the source?

If you could answer without referring to the chronology of the posts that would be nice.


Click to get larger version: http://www.rchoetzlein.com/theory/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/fukushima7.jpg

Thanks for proving my point.......all you nuke wonks do is try and change the subject by making false accusations against those with FACT BASED CRITICISMS of nuke power plants. Then in typical fashion, you just shower us with the SOS about radiation levels NOT being toxic or that dramatic....while leaving out the FACT that LONG TERM & cumulative effects have YET to be determined.

Like I said before, man....why don't you take yourself, family and relatives over to the areas talked about and swim in the waters, eat the fish & food and breath the air for about a year or so. then in 20 years when you all start developing cancers, you can go into denial as to the cause.
Taichi, I know that you live in New York so please don't go near Grand Central Station.


Why aren't you campaigning for it to be pulled down and made safe? Radon has 39 different isotopes and every one of them is radioactive.
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Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Of course, YOU only look at information that soothes your psychi....I like to see the WHOLE truth:



Are you being serious? You doubt both the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) and Nature yet believe Huff Post and a blog!!

Typical bluff and bluster from a nuke wonk.....because it's the CONTENT of the the links I provided who sources are JUST AS VALID AS YOURS.

Like I said, you and your source IGNORE FACTS REGARDING LONG TERM & cumulative effects in the seafood and drinking water. There are other facts that answer questions you don't ask, but why should I waste time on a closed mind? I see YOU aren't rushing willy nilly to eat the seafood from that area, are ya now?
Taichi, I know that you live in New York so please don't go near Grand Central Station.


Why aren't you campaigning for it to be pulled down and made safe? Radon has 39 different isotopes and every one of them is radioactive.

What type of radiation is GCS producing? Why are such a propagandist for an industry that is more about the bottom line than public safety?
What type of radiation is GCS producing? Why are such a propagandist for an industry that is more about the bottom line than public safety?

The various isotopes of radon produce alpha and beta particles, as does the uranium in the granite. As it is a gas it can cause lung cancer. In fact it is the second biggest cause after cigarettes.

I am just trying to put things into perspective, there is an enormous amount of hysteria and ignorance surrounding radiation and its effects. I saw a TV programme recently where a man is living near Fukushima as he refused to leave, he seems perfectly well as do his animals he stayed behind to take care of, he even has his own Facebook page. According to the popular imagination he ought to be glowing in the dark and on death's door by now.



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The various isotopes of radon produce alpha and beta particles, as does the uranium in the granite. As it is a gas it can cause lung cancer. In fact it is the second biggest cause after cigarettes.

That's a nice recitation...WITH NO SPECIFICS OR DOCUMENTATION, because if what you say is true, then the LONG TIME staff workers at GCS would show a history of cancers. You and I know god damned well that long term exposure to artificially induced radiation levels will have a detrimental effect on human physiology. Clearly, that is NOT the case here.,

I am just trying to put things into perspective, there is an enormous amount of hysteria and ignorance surrounding radiation and its effects. I saw a TV programme recently where a man is living near Fukushima as he refused to leave, he seems perfectly well as do his animals he stayed behind to take care of, he even has his own Facebook page. According to the popular imagination he ought to be glowing in the dark and on death's door by now.

I posted that story.....and there is always one dumb SOB trying to skate uphill. That his live stock is banned from public consumption should tip him off, but hey...if he wants to risk his life down the line that's his business...DON'T make that decision for everyone else.




I've done this dance...YOU just ignore my links and parrot on.