Frozen windmills show the need for fossil fuels and nuclear power


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President Biden and his appointees frequently talk about a clean energy future in which carbon-emitting fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas are all replaced by windmills and rainbows. But that future is a lot colder and darker than they admit.

Four million Texans found themselves without power this past week. Frozen windmills are not exclusively to blame, as some have suggested, but Texans are nevertheless getting a small taste of what it is like to live with unreliable power. For some of them, it is an unpleasant reminder of what it was like before they got out of California.

Both Texas’s windmills and its gas pipelines can be winterized for the future, but no one can make the wind blow harder at times of peak demand.

In California, where the adoption of renewable energy has been a more consciously ideological choice, consumers pay between 60% and 100% more for their electricity than the national average. But worse than the cost is what consumers get in exchange for paying more. California has the nation’s least reliable electrical grid, with more than twice as many outages as any other state, including Texas and New York, between 2009 and 2018. Last September, one of the state’s utility companies was reduced to begging customers to set their air conditioning to 78 degrees or higher and turn off all large appliances. Rolling blackouts are simply an accepted part of life there, even though it’s 2021.
Or, it could just show that the technology for renewables needs improving.

I don't really get why conservatives are so anti-renewable. Energy should be a non-partisan issue. I think they only oppose it because they see it as a "lefty" thing.
President Biden and his appointees frequently talk about a clean energy future in which carbon-emitting fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas are all replaced by windmills and rainbows. But that future is a lot colder and darker than they admit.

Four million Texans found themselves without power this past week. Frozen windmills are not exclusively to blame, as some have suggested, but Texans are nevertheless getting a small taste of what it is like to live with unreliable power. For some of them, it is an unpleasant reminder of what it was like before they got out of California.

Both Texas’s windmills and its gas pipelines can be winterized for the future, but no one can make the wind blow harder at times of peak demand.

In California, where the adoption of renewable energy has been a more consciously ideological choice, consumers pay between 60% and 100% more for their electricity than the national average. But worse than the cost is what consumers get in exchange for paying more. California has the nation’s least reliable electrical grid, with more than twice as many outages as any other state, including Texas and New York, between 2009 and 2018. Last September, one of the state’s utility companies was reduced to begging customers to set their air conditioning to 78 degrees or higher and turn off all large appliances. Rolling blackouts are simply an accepted part of life there, even though it’s 2021.

Again a demonstration of the ignorance of the low IQ right winger. Natural gas pipelines froze up, cooling lines for nuclear reactors froze, they could not get the coal out of the mines, and yet the fool wants to blame windmills which only produce about 12% of the electrical power.
Wind can be made useable in cold weather. It is used in Sweden and cold countries. Texas did not winterize them to make them resistant to cold weather. That logic is saying fossil fuels are not useful in the cold. It failed 100 percent in Texas.
You dumb-dumb. No, they need to stop being so lax on taxes and get some proper equipment and fix in on that infrastructure. Our windmills have no trouble in the north since we didn't rest on overconfidence that we won't ever have to worry about this or that happening. The natural gas systems failed even more than the windmills, so quit kidding yourself. Elsewhere they even had to stop production on the Ford line because of the strain on natural gas resources for heating homes. It's time we pay our taxes and fix our infrastructures and get proper equipment. Deicing systems need to be on all windmills. Let's see who you'll blame when it's bridges that fail next.

I'll leave you with sound advice about what you want. Doing the same thing many times over and expecting different results is a product of insanity. You are by design, insane for what you want.
Or, it could just show that the technology for renewables needs improving.

I don't really get why conservatives are so anti-renewable. Energy should be a non-partisan issue. I think they only oppose it because they see it as a "lefty" thing.

texas leads the country in USE OF RENEWABLE ENERGY...and not because of AOC or biden or the non-existent green deal that is not even in effect. we do because energy providers MAKE MORE DOUGH USING IT....we have lots of wide open spaces, and when the republicans are in state, a lot of hot air blowing. it is funny the turbines having some shutdown due to extreme cold and ice means they are too unreliable to use, but more of this shutdown in texas was due to fossil fuel energy being shut down or reduced due to the same thing, and you are okay with that!!