FRIEND: Navy Yard Shooter Liberal, Supported Obama


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Here we have a Black crackpot thug from Brooklyn New York, not Texas, who supports Obama, what else is new. There was no AR-15 rifle as first reported by the gun grabbing Liberal Washinton DC Police Department. The Lib spin machine is now blaming everyone and everything else for Aaron Alexis's thug behavior. They blame 911 after effects, that he was underpaid, that he had mental problems, that he had a security clearance when he was a certified dingbat, etc etc. This is done to appease the already embarassed Obama, because if Barrack claimed Trayvon Martin as a Son, then he will have to claim Aaron also, to be politically correct.........Alexis's friend: "Mike Ritrovato described himself as conservative and Alexis is "more of a liberal type" who supported Barack Obama" Alexis-as-liberal-Obama-fan
This thread in nothing but bullshit.
Be truthful here, how many times have you read the Communist Manifesto? I have read it maybe ten times, and that is why I am considered a Liberal wrecking machine, I know how you think, I know what you are going to do before you do it, and you Libs know cool is that?
Be truthful here, how many times have you read the Communist Manifesto? I have read it maybe ten times, and that is why I am considered a Liberal wrecking machine, I know how you think, I know what you are going to do before you do it, and you Libs know cool is that?

Then you'd know Marx opposed Liberalism....
Then you'd know Marx opposed Liberalism....
Thanks for the reply, by asking me that question, you have admitted that you have read the Commie Manifesto, therefore you are a Leftist, which I have always suspected anyway. I have admitted reading it, because I did a Term Paper on Communism, and everyone from the old Board knows that, but also naturally everyone knows that I am not a Leftist. The fact is that people who read it are Leftists, or they would not read it? No one that I know has read the Commie Manifesto, that is until you came along and basically admitted it here, so I congratulate your good shooter, this one ran out of ammo, no pun intended.
Thanks for the reply, by asking me that question, you have admitted that you have read the Commie Manifesto, therefore you are a Leftist, which I have always suspected anyway. I have admitted reading it, because I did a Term Paper on Communism, and everyone from the old Board knows that, but also naturally everyone knows that I am not a Leftist. The fact is that people who read it are Leftists, or they would not read it? No one that I know has read the Commie Manifesto, that is until you came along and basically admitted it here, so I congratulate your good shooter, this one ran out of ammo, no pun intended.

Yes, reading a book is the same as agreeing with it. Of course you must have failed your report on Communism because only the most digestible bites are presented there. Marx's REAL work was Das Kapital (something you probably never even heard of). And again, I really think you have a hard understaning (among everything else) just who exactly you're talking to here.
Yes, reading a book is the same as agreeing with it. Of course you must have failed your report on Communism because only the most digestible bites are presented there. Marx's REAL work was Das Kapital (something you probably never even heard of). And again, I really think you have a hard understaning (among everything else) just who exactly you're talking to here.
I do not know all your Mod nicknames on this Forum. This one, "Mega Milk", seems to be a new one to me, but tell me who you are so I know? If you want a yes man, I not your guy, afterall you asked me the question. If you do not want me to post on here anymore, just say it and I won't?
I do not know all your Mod nicknames on this Forum. This one, "Mega Milk", seems to be a new one to me, but tell me who you are so I know? If you want a yes man, I not your guy, afterall you asked me the question. If you do not want me to post on here anymore, just say it and I won't?

You'd probably remember my name as Attila the Hun, but I've gone through a few different names since. As for being a mod, that has nothing to do with anything here, so relax.
Here we have a Black crackpot thug from Brooklyn New York, not Texas, who supports Obama, what else is new. There was no AR-15 rifle as first reported by the gun grabbing Liberal Washinton DC Police Department. The Lib spin machine is now blaming everyone and everything else for Aaron Alexis's thug behavior.

Sounds like he had a psychotic break. He was in a hotel room a week ago and the manager called police and he told them about voices and microwave signals sending him messages. The police even notified the navy.

Someone very close to me had a psychotic snap, in his case it was early adulthood schizophrenia. He thought he was an Ark Angel, among other things. These things are weird, scary and unpredictable. When my relative snapped my husband was ready to take us and our newborn to a motel.

But carry on with your hateful partisan trolling. That is what most right-wingers on here do.
Be truthful here, how many times have you read the Communist Manifesto? I have read it maybe ten times, and that is why I am considered a Liberal wrecking machine, I know how you think, I know what you are going to do before you do it, and you Libs know cool is that?

So what? Liberals are not Communist and do not follow the communist manifesto.
Wow! Now I am impressed. A whole term paper.
In your previous post reply, you were trying to make excuses for the DC thug Shooter, while in this one, you insult me, the Lib Truth Detector because I just state the facts and Libs cannot handle the truth without attacking the messinger as they say.
Maybe instead of attacking me, you might come out with some constructive ideas and I have a suggestion. They already have suicide prevention call numbers, maybe they need a number where someone who is desperate might call and get help, not get arrested. I believe that Christopher Dorner, that rogue Cop who killed those people near me would have used that number. He tried to file his complaints against the Police Department, where naturally nothing happened, and that made him lose it, just like Aaron did.

Also, the Governemets, State and Federal need to put all cell phone numbers on a list designated by area, where they can immediately warn people in certain areas of anything that they might need to know, like a coming tsunami, tornado, crime spree, floods, kidnapping etc etc. They could use Text messages, which seem to get though when calls don't because they keep pinging. They would keep repeating the Text message warning every minute or so until someone acknowleged that they received it.....there are two good ideas for you people to help promote, instead of bashing posters on here....