Fox Pushes Dishonest Claims To Defend GOP's Food Stamp Cuts


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They practically throw assistance at you in the military. Its hard not to get some. You'd have to be young and single or pretty dumb to miss these things.
My brother spent a lot of years in and around the military. The only things thrown at him were a few hand grenades and denials for improved equipment from a very rightwing congress. The rightwingnut congress would rather Halliburton spend $2 million on a 2 hole latrine for a population that would prefer to shit in the sand and cover it up like a cat. Who'd a guessed it?


To say Fox is pushing anything is an outright lie....

Fox is no more responsible for what Stephen Moore says as a guest then they would be

responsible if they had Robert Reich or Al Sharpton on as guests....Fox don't give 'em a script.....

So, when you start with a strawman lie that obvious, I just assume the rest of the post is bullshit too and do to the next thread.....
My brother spent a lot of years in and around the military. The only things thrown at him were a few hand grenades and denials for improved equipment from a very rightwing congress. The rightwingnut congress would rather Halliburton spend $2 million on a 2 hole latrine for a population that would prefer to shit in the sand and cover it up like a cat. Who'd a guessed it?


Very witty, Petunia....even mildly funny.....

What kind of 'improved equipment' was your bro after,......a sharper potato peeler maybe, or a new can opener...

You must be the village idiot too by the looks of it.

Dionaea is a vet and probably knows a bit more about it than you....

Very witty, Petunia....even mildly funny.....

What kind of 'improved equipment' was your bro after,......a sharper potato peeler maybe, or a new can opener...

You must be the village idiot too by the looks of it.

Dionaea is a vet and probably knows a bit more about it than you....

Did you forget the body armor issue back in 2004?

Soldiers in Iraq still buying their own body armor
The Associated Press

Soldiers headed for Iraq are still buying their own body armor — and in many cases, their families are buying it for them — despite assurances from the military that the gear will be in hand before they're in harm's way.

Body armor distributors have received steady inquiries from soldiers and families about purchasing the gear, which can cost several thousand dollars. Though the military has advised them not to rely on third-party suppliers, many soldiers say they want it before they deploy.

Last October, it was reported that nearly one-quarter of American troops serving in Iraq did not have ceramic plated body armor, which can stop bullets fired from assault rifles and shrapnel.
Well, to start with, better armor for his vehicles, body armor, a fire-arm less likely to jam in sandy and/or dusty conditions, non-contract security for his base and outposts, more hot meals and less MRE's. The list goes on and on. I've spent a good amount of time in and around the military myself so please don't diminish yourself by assuming I might be ignorant or unaware of what the military and their contractors are all about. I only used my brother as an example because he has had plenty of things thrown at him that were designed to kill him, not help him. I've not experienced that and I've not experienced the military or the government throwing anything my way beyond my basic pay and food allowances. And I resent anyone that might imply that the military or the government is "throwing benefits" to anyone that isn't fully eligible for them. Capiche'?

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Maybe you need to better understand the purposes behind the OP, tekky. Ken is demonstrating the callousness of the repubs in denying needed assistance in THE MILITARY as well as for others in desperate need.

Right. The military will not let their boys starve.

This 'chillins and oldjies on welfare' stuff is misleading. Of course there are some vulnerable recipients. That's the apparent purpose of the system. But, the real question is not whether they receive it, is it? Its about how they will fare without it. It is about whether or not another program can replace this one, or if this program is or isn't an inefficient use of taxpayer money. Its a basic emotional appeal.
Pay raises for the military and other federal employees could also be pushed to 10% or 20% or to the actual 34% that is estimated by the CBO that federal employees, including military, lag behind their civilian counterparts. Why do you suggest only 1.8% as any goal set by anyone? No matter what the President is suggesting, it has to be approved by congress and congress is so constipated right now that I doubt seriously any effort by them will be productive.

Right. The military will not let their boys starve.

This 'chillins and oldjies on welfare' stuff is misleading. Of course there are some vulnerable recipients. That's the apparent purpose of the system. But, the real question is not whether they receive it, is it? Its about how they will fare without it. It is about whether or not another program can replace this one, or if this program is or isn't an inefficient use of taxpayer money. Its a basic emotional appeal.

The troops by themselves are NEVER eligible for food stamps or any other public assistance. But, their families are often eligible simply based on their household incomes. It's about time the American people stop embracing themselves by wrapping up in a US flag and wake up by compensating our troops and other public servants adequately and fairly.


The Obama administration’s proposed defense budget calls for military families and retirees to pay sharply more for their healthcare, while leaving unionized civilian defense workers’ benefits untouched. The proposal is causing a major rift within the Pentagon, according to U.S. officials. Several congressional aides suggested the move is designed to increase the enrollment in Obamacare’s state-run insurance exchanges.

The disparity in treatment between civilian and uniformed personnel is causing a backlash within the military that could undermine recruitment and retention.

The proposed increases in health care payments by service members, which must be approved by Congress, are part of the Pentagon’s $487 billion cut in spending. It seeks to save $1.8 billion from the Tricare medical system in the fiscal 2013 budget, and $12.9 billion by 2017.
Your source, Powerful Conservative Voices, and the opinions stated therein wouldn't be agenda driven or partisan, could they?


I'll note this source credibility concern of yours anytime you post something from: CBS, NBC, ABC, PBS, NPR, the New York Times, the Washington Post, MSNBC, CNN, the Huffington Post, ad infinitum....
I'll note this source credibility concern of yours anytime you post something from: CBS, NBC, ABC, PBS, NPR, the New York Times, the Washington Post, MSNBC, CNN, the Huffington Post, ad infinitum....

Your idiotic source plainly states their purposes and intentions on it's very front page. They are biased and they like it that way. Your immature concerns with the credibility of your aforementioned entities is telling only about you. Have you no shame?

Your idiotic source plainly states their purposes and intentions on it's very front page. They are biased and they like it that way. Your immature concerns with the credibility of your aforementioned entities is telling only about you. Have you no shame?


To the best of my knowledge, they've never run a Microsoft Word document from 1970 as authentic to try and sway a presidential election.

Can all of your sources say the same?

Have you no shame?