Fox News Ratings Slump In Post Trump Failure. CNN Now Number One...

Fox News suffers ratings slump while staffers fret about post-Trump future

""We are lost," a Fox News insider remarked to me recently, and there are lots of data points to back up the assertion.

Nielsen numbers for the month of January were released on Tuesday, and Fox ranked third in the three-horse cable news race for the first time since 2001. Furthermore, CNN was the No. 1 channel across all of cable."

This one will leave a mark. For years we've heard about the Fox News ratings juggernaut. That ratings news was reported breathlessly by the far right with scorn and derision for the 'liberal media' that simply couldn't compete with the 'real' news being presented by Fox. Now the worm has turned, and this is just another in a long line of losses for the cult of personality.
That's a pretty good weather report. We certainly know which way the wind is blowing. Semi sane Republicans are adrift
and looking for safe harbor from Fox insanity.
I don't know why people tolerate commercial news programming.

I don't like commercials.

I don't like having somebody wasting my time trying to sell me something I don't want to buy.

Seems like a no-brainer that PBS Newshour is the best news show.

My preference is PBS Newshour.

And it's online!

Full episodes any time you want to watch.

It's great - and no commercials.
Fox News suffers ratings slump while staffers fret about post-Trump future

""We are lost," a Fox News insider remarked to me recently, and there are lots of data points to back up the assertion.

Nielsen numbers for the month of January were released on Tuesday, and Fox ranked third in the three-horse cable news race for the first time since 2001. Furthermore, CNN was the No. 1 channel across all of cable."

I always assumed the average demographic for the Fox viewing audience was about 80 years old and grossly overweight. Possibly they are dying off and robbing Fox of their core audience?
I don't know why people tolerate commercial news programming.

I don't like commercials.

I don't like having somebody wasting my time trying to sell me something I don't want to buy.

Seems like a no-brainer that PBS Newshour is the best news show.

My preference is PBS Newshour.

And it's online!

Full episodes any time you want to watch.

It's great - and no commercials.

Try political gabfest podcast!
Fox News suffers ratings slump while staffers fret about post-Trump future

""We are lost," a Fox News insider remarked to me recently, and there are lots of data points to back up the assertion.

Nielsen numbers for the month of January were released on Tuesday, and Fox ranked third in the three-horse cable news race for the first time since 2001. Furthermore, CNN was the No. 1 channel across all of cable."

Fox News is responsible for propagating the divisive disinformation and demagoguery that has caused the deep polarization in this country, if people start to turn away from Fox News and go to more reliable news services, that should help greatly in repairing the damage done.
Hello Trumpet,

Fox News is responsible for propagating the divisive disinformation and demagoguery that has caused the deep polarization in this country, if people start to turn away from Fox News and go to more reliable news services, that should help greatly in repairing the damage done.

Maybe we can now begin to reduce the bitter political polarization which has for so long prevented meaningful dialog.

More American unity!
Fox News suffers ratings slump while staffers fret about post-Trump future

""We are lost," a Fox News insider remarked to me recently, and there are lots of data points to back up the assertion.

Nielsen numbers for the month of January were released on Tuesday, and Fox ranked third in the three-horse cable news race for the first time since 2001. Furthermore, CNN was the No. 1 channel across all of cable."

trump has done some interesting long term damage to FoxNews.
Hello Walt,

trump has done some interesting long term damage to FoxNews.

Fox went for the easy money, the fast buck. It must have almost seemed too good to be true for them.

They should have known there is no longevity in that kind of thing.
Fuck Fox for sure but none of the MSM is actually doing journalism. They do the bidding of the corporations.

give it a rest, communist. good god. corporations are made of people, benefit their workers, benefit this country. you judge all business and rich guys by a few bad apples, just as stupid as repubs judging blacks and latinos and muslims by a few bad apples. grow the hell up.
This one will leave a mark. For years we've heard about the Fox News ratings juggernaut. That ratings news was reported breathlessly by the far right with scorn and derision for the 'liberal media' that simply couldn't compete with the 'real' news being presented by Fox. Now the worm has turned, and this is just another in a long line of losses for the cult of personality.

There was a reason for that, FOX never had competition for decades, teabaggers drug of choice, now there is, even bigger liars/conspiracy nuts are in the hunt now.

The Huckster, Rannity, the Skeleton and LOUnatic Dobbs will have to "up" their game, to keep up with even more nut jobs in the game.
I watch Tucker most nights, and man he has been on fire, but I dont watch anything else on FoxNews, or anywhere else.