Former Texas cop indicted on manslaughter after firing 41 shots at suspect.....?

Texas is finally doing something right, getting this killer with a badge off the street! I hope they convict his ass too!
You got to start convicting and putting these rogue cops in prison!

A 13 year-old boy playing with a toy rifle was shot and killed by two police officers. They couldn't have shot him in the leg? Two officers opened fire on him. Now let's get those officers a medal of some kind.
A 13 year-old boy playing with a toy rifle was shot and killed by two police officers. They couldn't have shot him in the leg? Two officers opened fire on him. Now let's get those officers a medal of some kind.

Most States have laws that make it illegal to shoot someone, with the intent to wound or maim.
A 13 year-old boy playing with a toy rifle was shot and killed by two police officers. They couldn't have shot him in the leg? Two officers opened fire on him. Now let's get those officers a medal of some kind.
Cops aren't trained to shoot to wound, they are not trained to shoot to kill. They are trained to shoot to STOP someone from endangering them(the cops)or innocent bystanders. They are trained to aim for center body mass because that is the biggest target area. It also has a large concentration of vital organs, but that's just a coincidence. That being said, even if it's adjudicated to be a good shoot, I'd be willing to bet those cops won't be able to return to duty.
A 13 year-old boy playing with a toy rifle was shot and killed by two police officers. They couldn't have shot him in the leg? Two officers opened fire on him. Now let's get those officers a medal of some kind.

Yes, shoot someone in the leg and hit a vital artery where the kid wouls still have died but in a much slower and more painful way. How about instead we just mandate the death penalty for cops who act improperly?
41 shots and only hit the suspect 3 times. love that expert training that some of you fucktards like to say is superior to anything a lowlife civilian would ever be capable of doing.
But it is ok to kill them, well that makes sense.

The reasoning behind laws of that type, for civilians at least, is because you can only use deadly force to stop a lethal threat or gross bodily harm. If you were not in grave danger, then you had no need to draw your weapon at all...if you WERE in grave danger, then you should have shot to STOP the threat. And that is generally considered the chest area because it's the biggest, moving the least, and has alot of vital areas.

For police, COM shots are again...the best chance of stopping someone. Shooting knees, etc very difficult on a moving target and more chance of missing.