Former Homeland Security Head To Shovel Millions To California Illegal Criminals.....

philly rabbit

Verified User
.... for free education and counseling. Apparently if you're an illegal criminal in California and you're having any problems getting funds for college from the fed, one of our country's security watchdogs who was ever vigilant guarding our borders and maintaining our safety will lend you a helping hand and all you have to do is ask her AFTER you've identified yourself as one of those people she was guarding us against.

Isn't it great knowing that although she's switched jobs she's still on the job?
Someone stole your dignity, teabagger

What does a personal insult have to do with my statement?

Insult me again over this statement:

Are you familiar with the term conquest?

If you are then tell me why white European Anglos get slammed all the time over the Indians while the Spanish get a pass.
What does a personal insult have to do with my statement?

Insult me again over this statement:

Are you familiar with the term conquest?

If you are then tell me why white European Anglos get slammed all the time over the Indians while the Spanish get a pass.
I don't do 50 klan questions
.... for free education and counseling. Apparently if you're an illegal criminal in California and you're having any problems getting funds for college from the fed, one of our country's security watchdogs who was ever vigilant guarding our borders and maintaining our safety will lend you a helping hand and all you have to do is ask her AFTER you've identified yourself as one of those people she was guarding us against.

Isn't it great knowing that although she's switched jobs she's still on the job?

gulp the tar you racist dino
Besides the irony of a former homeland security head giving free money to illegal criminals, why does the PC crowd always give the Spanish a pass when it comes to exterminating the Indians of south, central, and southwestern North America which they did exterminate by the hundreds of thousands destroying cities that rivaled those in Europe at the time which were built by a people who were far more advanced in terms of western comparisons than their North American Indian counterparts?

Why is it always the British Anglos who get slammed all the time and not the Spanish also?

Clue: Who established the United States of America?
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Besides the irony of a former homeland security head giving free money to illegal criminals, why does the PC crowd always give the Spanish a pass when it comes to exterminating the Indians of south, central, and southwestern North America which they did exterminate by the hundreds of thousands destroying cities that rivaled those in Europe at the time which were built by a people who were far more advanced in terms of western comparisons than their North American Indian counterparts?

Why is it always the British Anglos who get slammed all the time and not the Spanish also?

Clue: Who established the United States of America?
British Anglos have crooked teeth and marry their cousins, for starts
.... for free education and counseling. Apparently if you're an illegal criminal in California and you're having any problems getting funds for college from the fed, one of our country's security watchdogs who was ever vigilant guarding our borders and maintaining our safety will lend you a helping hand and all you have to do is ask her AFTER you've identified yourself as one of those people she was guarding us against.

Isn't it great knowing that although she's switched jobs she's still on the job?

I guess the DREAM Act slipped right by you.
British Anglos have crooked teeth and marry their cousins, for starts

Why don't you go screw yourself, you drugged out disgrace. Put the roach clip down and finally begin a serious search for your real father and never mind me.

Dude .. where's my car? .. you pathetic excuse for a man hippy afterbirth.

Have a nice day.
The only klansman are uneducated conservative white trash!
Hillbilly much

Isn't it nice to know that a failure and a coward in life such as yourself can get away with calling a white person the equivalent of a nig*er?

Please stop wasting the earth's valuable oxygen.