Former Black RNC Chair urges Trump supporters to leave GOP

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
This week, former chair of the Republican National Committee Michael Steele has made it clear that he would have no problem with vocal Trump supporters leaving the GOP altogether to organize an entirely new political party.

And so you have 46 percent of the folks saying that they will follow Trump. I’m like, ‘OK, there’s the door. Y’all go do your thing and we’ll just pick up the pieces on this side and keep moving’ and that’s the battle,” he continued, referencing a USA Today/Suffolk University poll published on Sunday. It showed that 46 percent of Republicans admitted they would gladly abandon the GOP to follow the twice impeached former president if he decides to create a new political party.
This week, former chair of the Republican National Committee Michael Steele has made it clear that he would have no problem with vocal Trump supporters leaving the GOP altogether to organize an entirely new political party.

And so you have 46 percent of the folks saying that they will follow Trump. I’m like, ‘OK, there’s the door. Y’all go do your thing and we’ll just pick up the pieces on this side and keep moving’ and that’s the battle,” he continued, referencing a USA Today/Suffolk University poll published on Sunday. It showed that 46 percent of Republicans admitted they would gladly abandon the GOP to follow the twice impeached former president if he decides to create a new political party.

The Never Trump Legacy Republican Fucks are leaving.
This week, former chair of the Republican National Committee Michael Steele has made it clear that he would have no problem with vocal Trump supporters leaving the GOP altogether to organize an entirely new political party.

And so you have 46 percent of the folks saying that they will follow Trump. I’m like, ‘OK, there’s the door. Y’all go do your thing and we’ll just pick up the pieces on this side and keep moving’ and that’s the battle,” he continued, referencing a USA Today/Suffolk University poll published on Sunday. It showed that 46 percent of Republicans admitted they would gladly abandon the GOP to follow the twice impeached former president if he decides to create a new political party.

Back when he said that I believed the plan is to overtake the gop & believed he may have had enough support to do so but after his lackluster performance that is unlikely unless he can get back in the game & w/out his twitter account that seems unlikely..

desantis got almost half the votes trump did, 22% & 55%-so of the well vetted sheep invited to this love fest barely half want him to run again-be their president..

Very, very poor showing for the usurper........

Simply stealing the gop would give him everything he wants, in all the states etc etc etc.

He does not want to climb that mountain again were he failed on his first attempt to be president in the old Perot party..

The dems & repub have built huge barriers to any other parties getting on the ballots & in some states almost impossible-intentionally..