Forensic expert: Trayvon Martin shot leaning over George Zimmerman


Hail Voltaire
The medical and scientific evidence shows that Trayvon Martin was leaning over George Zimmerman when the neighborhood watch volunteer fired the fatal shot into the unarmed teenager’s chest, a forensic pathologist testified Tuesday.

Dr. Vincent Di Maio, an expert testifying for the defense, gave a version of events that was consistent with the defense’s theory of the deadly confrontation between Zimmerman, 29, and Martin, 17, on Feb. 26, 2012, in Sanford, Fla.

Zimmerman, charged with second-degree murder, maintains he shot Martin in self-defense after the teenager attacked him.,0,6005164.story

Not that this will change any minds. Many of you don't actually care about the truth - all you want is blood.
The medical and scientific evidence shows that Trayvon Martin was leaning over George Zimmerman when the neighborhood watch volunteer fired the fatal shot into the unarmed teenager’s chest, a forensic pathologist testified Tuesday.

Dr. Vincent Di Maio, an expert testifying for the defense, gave a version of events that was consistent with the defense’s theory of the deadly confrontation between Zimmerman, 29, and Martin, 17, on Feb. 26, 2012, in Sanford, Fla.

Zimmerman, charged with second-degree murder, maintains he shot Martin in self-defense after the teenager attacked him.,0,6005164.story

Not that this will change any minds. Many of you don't actually care about the truth - all you want is blood.

No, it still doesn't justify the shooting.
and that is what all this comes down to. People that don't believe one has a right to self defense when they are getting the shit beat out of them.

He had a gun, would you fear or our life when you knew you had a gun on your person?

Didn't Trayvon have a right to protect himself? He didn't know Zimmerman from Adm and Zimmerman was stalking him.

You don't bring a gun to a fist fight.

Facts don't match Zimmerman's story, no blood on Trayvon's hands, how can you cover a persons mouth, who has a bloody nose and not get blood on your hands.

The fact was he was following Trayvon, with a gun on his person.

It is why following his case, I would vote for manslaughter.
Watching that old coot twitch under cross examination was a hoot. He had one eyebrow in Cocoa and another in Tampa.
He had a gun, would you fear or our life when you knew you had a gun on your person?

Didn't Trayvon have a right to protect himself? He didn't know Zimmerman from Adm and Zimmerman was stalking him.

You don't bring a gun to a fist fight.

Facts don't match Zimmerman's story, no blood on Trayvon's hands, how can you cover a persons mouth, who has a bloody nose and not get blood on your hands.

The fact was he was following Trayvon, with a gun on his person.

It is why following his case, I would vote for manslaughter.

I would only fear for my life if I was afraid to use the gun...

Stalking ?...unproven...and why do you need to "protect" yourself from stalking ?

You don't bring your fists to a gunfight...

He had a gun ? So what ? it against the law to follow someone because you have a gun...? Following is not stalking...Stalking is to pursue by tracking stealthily.
There was nothing stealthy about Zimmermann, he was on the phone with the police....

Acquittal...its a lock.
and that is what all this comes down to. People that don't believe one has a right to self defense when they are getting the shit beat out of them.

Insignificant injuries

He did nt get the shit beat out of him.

Grind, when and how did he cock the gun? Did he already have it cocked when he pursued Trayvon?

I don't know about hand guns, I don't know how he would be able to cock the gun while Trayvon was on top of him doing all the things he claimed Trayvon was doing.

I haven't seen a reenactment of the struggle.
Insignificant injuries

He did nt get the shit beat out of him.

Grind, when and how did he cock the gun? Did he already have it cocked when he pursued Trayvon?

I don't know about hand guns, I don't know how he would be able to cock the gun while Trayvon was on top of him doing all the things he claimed Trayvon was doing.

I haven't seen a reenactment of the struggle.

Head bashed into concrete several times....broken nose and other evidence of getting hit on sides of head....he was being beaten, thats undeniable...

The gun 'cocks' by pulling the trigger....

Eyewitness that Martin was on Zimmerman and several people to claim it was Z's voice calling for help just like he reported to cops IMMEDIATELY at the scene...
He had a gun, would you fear or our life when you knew you had a gun on your person?

you do realize that's what guns are for, right? They are for shooting those that are a threat to your life. Merely possessing a gun doesn't automatically grant you this invincibility bubble around yourself. To feel safe with a gun during an attack, you have to actually you know, use it. Otherwise it's just a hunk of metal.

Didn't Trayvon have a right to protect himself? He didn't know Zimmerman from Adm and Zimmerman was stalking him.

Protect himself from what? Sorry but there is zero evidence that zimmerman did anything wrong or illegal. You do not get to hit someone for following you. PERIOD. I find it asinine that someone getting out of a car is apparently in some peoples minds more responsible than the person that actually initiated a fight, used violence, and when told by one witness to stop, ignored that person and persisted in their beating.

You don't bring a gun to a fist fight.

There was no fist fight until trayvon started it. Carrying a weapon is a constitutional right, he is neither morally or legally culpable for carrying. If it were your way, anyone that carried a weapon would be responsible when someone else starts a fight with them.

Facts don't match Zimmerman's story

Every fact matches zimmerman story. Nearly every witness has corroborated his story or at the very least couldn't disprove it. For him to be guilty, zimmerman would have to be a criminal mastermind. He would have to give details and testimony before knowing that people were calling in, before he knew that there would be recordings of the altercation, he would have to lie about his head getting bashed, about trayvon being on top of him and fighting him MMA style, he apparently just lucked out that his description of how he shot trayvon is what the ME has testified to, he apparently also has lucked out that the states own medical witnesses say that the situation is not inconsistent with zimmermans story. Please tell me, how you can make up a lie and have EVERYTHING sync up or not be discounted?

no blood on Trayvon's hands,

when you hit someone they might not instantly bleed. the back of zimmermans head was bloody, and so was his nose. Hitting someone in the face isn't necessarily going to procure instant blood all over your hands. Even more to do with the hands, the ME testified today that after death your blood pressure goes down which prevents bruising on trayvons hands. You also have the rain out there that night.

There have been many witnesses that have testified trayvon was punching zimmerman. Or that he was on top of zimmerman. I guess you think he was just sitting pleasantly on top of zimmerman doing nothing? It was obvious he was punching zimmerman and attacking him and slamming his head.

There was also no blood on zimmermans hands either that I am aware of. So i guess his nose just conveniently imploded by itself?

how can you cover a persons mouth, who has a bloody nose and not get blood on your hands.

you assume he covered his mouth while it was bloody. A statement that O'Mara shot down in two seconds in re-direct today. Especially when zimmerman is lying on his back, a lot of the blood will go back into his throat. There is no evidence, nor was it stipulated by the defense trayvon covered zimmermans nose when it was bloody, only at some point in the alteracation.

The fact was he was following Trayvon, with a gun on his person.

and that is what all this comes down to. People that don't believe one has a right to self defense when they are getting the shit beat out of them.
Conversely some people believe that provoking a confrontation that costs someone their life, even if there was no fore thought or malice by the person doing the killing is still a crime, if not murder.

Self defense is not a reasonable defense for manslaughter Grind. It is for murder but not manslaughter.

From what I've seen so far, and based on the facts, the prosecution has a fairly strong case for a manslaughter conviction and pretty weak case for murder and if they persue a manslaughter conviction. I'd also say that at this time they could make a good argument for voluntary manslaughter and they have an excellent case for involuntary manslaughter.
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No, it still doesn't justify the shooting.

I'd think GZ would have a least a little blood spatter on his clothing but that doesn't seem to be the case.

He had a gun, would you fear or our life when you knew you had a gun on your person?

Didn't Trayvon have a right to protect himself? He didn't know Zimmerman from Adm and Zimmerman was stalking him.

You don't bring a gun to a fist fight.

Facts don't match Zimmerman's story, no blood on Trayvon's hands, how can you cover a persons mouth, who has a bloody nose and not get blood on your hands.

The fact was he was following Trayvon, with a gun on his person.

It is why following his case, I would vote for manslaughter.

I agree, and hope the prosecution didn't wreck their case by going for 2nd degree.
Insignificant injuries

According to the States witness, but the ME testified today that just because you don't see outward injuries, internally you can still have a "stunning" effect and feel immense pain. To claim self defense, it's about the reasonable fear of death or grave bodily injury. The world renowned ME testified to that today that you can have injuries that may not look bad but could present a great risk, and injuries that look awful but are meaningless.

Listen to the States witness carter (i think that's his name). He said it wouldn't be advisable to wait until you are dead before defending yourself. I agree.

He did nt get the shit beat out of him.

The world renowned ME today disagreed, he said it's very reasonable and likely that someone in that position could have internal injuries and stunning in the brain.

Grind, when and how did he cock the gun? Did he already have it cocked when he pursued Trayvon?

I dont know how guns work so I can't really answer this. If it needed to be cocked I doubt it takes very long. Maybe I am mistaken.
I would only fear for my life if I was afraid to use the gun...

Stalking ?...unproven...and why do you need to "protect" yourself from stalking ?

You don't bring your fists to a gunfight...

He had a gun ? So what ? it against the law to follow someone because you have a gun...? Following is not stalking...Stalking is to pursue by tracking stealthily.
There was nothing stealthy about Zimmermann, he was on the phone with the police....

Acquittal...its a lock.

Did TM have the right to confront his follower, yes or no?
I'd think GZ would have a least a little blood spatter on his clothing but that doesn't seem to be the case.


he did have blood on his clothing, and it was testified to in this trial. Showing a random picture just shows you haven't been following this case very much.
Conversely some people believe that provoking a confrontation that costs someone their life, even if there was no fore thought or malice by the person doing the killing is still a crime, if not murder.

Self defense is not a reasonable defense for manslaughter Grind. From what I've seen so far, and based on the facts, the prosecution has a fairly strong case for a manslaughter conviction and pretty weak case for murder and if they persue a manslaughter conviction, well then self defense is not a reasonable defense.

People may think what they want.....even starting a fist fight does not mean you can't defend your life...

Manslaughter is a possibility....juries can be strange at times....murder 2 should be out of the question, of course I was totally wrong about OJ too....

Got away with double murder 1 because of race......
you guys need to basically just deny a shit load of evidence to even come close to believing team travyvons side of the story. Everything zimmerman has said is consistent and matches up with expert testimony. There is not a single thing in the past 3 weeks involving the altercation that has been definitively disproven. Not one thing.
you guys need to basically just deny a shit load of evidence to even come close to believing team travyvons side of the story. Everything zimmerman has said is consistent and matches up with expert testimony. There is not a single thing in the past 3 weeks involving the altercation that has been definitively disproven. Not one thing.

Everything zimmerman has said is consistent and matches up not only with expert testimony, but also with physical evidence.
I would really like the opportunity to be free of an idiot for 3 months, so any mouth breather that honestly thinks he has a shot at a 2nd degree conviction can make a ban bet with me. It's so on.

Manslaughter is basically the same peremeters of the 2nd degree minus the hatred ill will and spite. I don't think the State has done it's job at eliminating reasonable doubt. You basically need a rouge jury to get that conviction, nevertheless, I give that a 10-18% chance of happening, mostly based on the feels of the jurors, but I think that is unlikely as well. Still possible and enough of a chance to make verdict day exciting though.