For those bashing a great American Patriot in Rush Limbaugh!

He was a divisive racist. He worked to ensure Americans hated each other and spewed lies and racism.

He damaged this country.

Those defending him are selfish and do not trust their fellow American. Smart people can disagree and love this country. Rush denied that.

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He was a divisive racist. He worked to ensure Americans hated each other and spewed lies and racism.

He damaged this country.

Those defending him are selfish and do not trust their fellow American. Smart people can disagree and love this country. Rush denied that.

silly butthurt lib'ruls were ensured to hate him and lie about him.....
Never heard the windbag speak. I have no idea what brand of Snake Oil he was selling to the Rubes.
He was a divisive racist. He worked to ensure Americans hated each other and spewed lies and racism.

He damaged this country.

Those defending him are selfish and do not trust their fellow American. Smart people can disagree and love this country. Rush denied that.

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He knew liberal traitors and exposed them, people like you!
I wonder if his corpse is already getting that sunken in leathery shine? :thinking:

I bet a pair of Limbaugh skin shoes would fetch a hefty price at auction.
All Rush supporters are racist assholes.

He as much or more than anyone else, grew the hate and lie machine in politics which has consumed the country and morphed Republicans into fact free cult.
Why would I respect him in death? He never respected 60% of America in life.
He as much or more than anyone else, grew the hate and lie machine in politics which has consumed the country and morphed Republicans into fact free cult.
Why would I respect him in death? He never respected 60% of America in life.

Rush made racism a theme of his show from the beginning.
Rush made racism a theme of his show from the beginning.

Yes, there were political commentators who were brash and opinionated such as Mort Saul and PJ O'Roarke who predated him.
But he took it to a whole other level injecting bigotry and sexism and below belt ad hom attacks and conspiracy theory into
his constant daily narrative. Something about a white male arrogant asshole gives rightards the southern vapors like they are bitches (dogs) in heat.
Can 2 intelligent people love this country but have different conclusions regarding politics?

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Yes, that is unless one of them loves a degenerate incompetent narcissistic criminal traitor former Potus more than the country.