Florida Gov. DeSantis declares a state of emergency for Tampa-area water waste issue

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
shit hole state collapsing

"We're talking about the potential of about [480] million gallons, within a matter of seconds and minutes, leaving that retention pool and going around the surrounding area," said Scott Hopes, the Manatee County Administrator.

Those two ponds hold "waste that would be less conducive to life on land and...life in the sea," Hopes said, without elaborating on the specific waste material.

shit hole state collapsing

"We're talking about the potential of about [480] million gallons, within a matter of seconds and minutes, leaving that retention pool and going around the surrounding area," said Scott Hopes, the Manatee County Administrator.

Those two ponds hold "waste that would be less conducive to life on land and...life in the sea," Hopes said, without elaborating on the specific waste material.


I sure hope he can do something before any rich guys or big businesses lose any money or become liable for civil action!!
but wait there's more!!!! they don't need no stinking infrastructure improvements

Less than a day after Manatee County issued an emergency evacuation order for nearby residents of the troubled Piney Point industrial site, public safety officials have announced new and immediate evacuations around the phosphate mine, declaring the collapse of the gypsum stack is “imminent.”

Sen. Rick Scott also announced that he his monitoring the situation, “and will work to secure any federal assistance deemed necessary

A gypsum stack is essentially a large pile of mining waste that have large lagoons on top containing millions of gallons of wastewater contaminated with heavy metals.
